The number of poor people in the world is an obstacle for sustainable development. Because it makes it difficult for the community to achieve its benefit. Eradicating poverty for people in the world who are unable to meet basic needs in life such as food, health, education, access to clean water and sanitation. at least half of the poor population. Provide social protection for all communities so that by 2030 achieve the desired results.

Universities can show how to help this problem of poverty. As a forum for economic creation, universities have a direct role in reducing poverty in the vicinity, such as providing education for those with poor backgrounds to complete the next poverty mission. 

Students receiving financial aid

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students in all years and of all programmes that lead to a degree, certificate, institutional credit or other qualification.

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of low-income students who received significant financial aid because of poverty. The number should refer to the year 2019.

Number of student
Number of low income students receiving financial aid

University anti-poverty programmes

Padjadjaran University has a program of caring for underprivileged students with an admission program for underprivileged students using the educational aid scholarship scheme contained in the Rector’s Decree. Also facilitated by the KIP & Bidikmisi Program.



1. Regulation of the Chancellor Number 27 of 2016 concerning Student Scholarships


Scholarships for underprivileged students are given to students who experience inadequate economic conditions to finance their education but have high academic achievements in the category of having a certificate of incapacity, are not recipients of bidikmisi scholarships and will be evaluated every semester.

(Regulation of the Chancellor Number 27 of 2016 concerning Student Scholarships)


2. Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship Program (ADik)


Building the nation through expanding access to higher education by providing scholarships for local men 3T (ADik 3T), Scholarships for sons of Papua & West Papua (ADik Papua & West Papua), Scholarships for sons of Papua who have participated in the ADEM (Secondary Education Affirmation) program and scholarships for children of Indonesian migrant workers (ADik ADEM & TKI) and scholarships for sons of Papua & West Papua who register independently (ADik Mandiri)

( Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship Program (ADik) )


3. Bidikmisi


Padjadjaran University opens the opportunity for anyone to follow the independent selection path. Including prospective students who come from underprivileged families. In addition, the self-selection pathway opens up opportunities for persons with disabilities and equivalent high school graduates in remote areas to register. Unpad is not afraid or feels burdened by the possibility of the increasing number of candidates from underprivileged groups in the self-selection registration. Selection will still be based on the ability of academic scores.

( Bidikmisi Scholarship for Underprivileged Students )

Padjadjaran University has a program of caring for students who excel but have poor economic conditions. So that it makes students who are unable to continue to carry out their studies.



1. Regulation of the Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran – Monitoring & Evaluation


The function of monitoring is the right target, the right amount, and on time. Students who are designated as scholarship recipients have complied with the criteria and scholarship funds have been distributed to recipient students according to the provisions. The number of scholarship funds and the number of scholarship recipients are following the quota that has been set. Finally, the stages of the selection process, determination, approval, and distribution of funds according to the planned schedule. In addition, the function of evaluation is to determine whether students are eligible to receive scholarships. An analysis is carried out between scholarship applicants and the quota set, if the number of registrants is more than the quota, the registrant will be directed to apply for another scholarship. However, if the number of applicants is lower than the quota, efforts are made to maximize the dissemination of scholarship information through Unpad’s official media.

( PRegulation of the Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran – Monitoring & Evaluation )


2. Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient of Padjadjaran University Graduates S1 with High GPA


Yusup Maulana, mosque takmir Unpad Campus became one of the best graduates with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.52. His parents didn’t approve of him continuing his education to college because of limited funds, Yusup with his teacher tried to register for the Bidikmisi assistance program. Yusuf was accepted at the Faculty of Arabic Literature. Currently, Yusup is planning a Masters’s education through a Doctoral Masters Education scholarship for Superior Graduates (PMDSU) Unpad.

( Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient of Padjadjaran University Graduates S1 with High GPA )


3. 10 Unpad Students Receive Tahfidz Students Student Scholarships


Scholarship Program for Tahfidz Students, a collaboration program between Unpad and the Indonesian Zakat Initiative (IZI) and PT. Permata Syariah Bank provides the best service for students. Unpad’s commitment to avoiding students who are constrained by costs in learning to improve welfare and is expected to build the achievements of the scholarship beneficiaries. With this, it is hoped that this program will build the quality of human resources as a whole, increasing the intellectual and spiritual value of the beneficiaries.

( 10 Unpad Students Receive Tahfidz Students Student Scholarships )

Padjadjaran University guarantees the implementation of quality education for every student who excels or whose economic conditions are not able to improve students and ensures that there is no termination of study due to cost problems.



1. Unpad provides scholarships so that student lectures are not disturbed by cost constraints


Unpad guarantees the implementation of quality education for students who excel or who have economic incapacity for the welfare of students and there are no students who do not continue their studies due to financial constraints. Education cost support is provided to students to participate in higher education based on the main consideration of academic potential achievement and other activities that support the achievement of IKK (Activity Performance Indicators)

( Unpad provides scholarships so that student lectures are not disturbed by cost constraints


2. Underprivileged Student Scholarship


PLN Peduli understands that IKA Unpad Peduli (Unpad Alumni Association) Bandung provides scholarships to 16 Unpad students from various majors. Assistance in supporting government programs to improve superior Human Resources for Advanced Indonesia. The PLN Peduli Scholarship Program helps ease the burden of education for underprivileged students, thereby reducing the number of students dropping out of the study and providing wider opportunities for Indonesian children to study.

( Underprivileged Student Scholarship )


3. Unpad Bidikmisi Students Get Internet Quota Assistance


Padjadjaran University (Unpad) provides internet quota assistance to Bidikmisi students and scholarship recipients for the Higher Education Affirmation Program (Adik). This assistance is to support online learning activities during the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic. Based on the results of monitoring, during the online learning period that Unpad is currently implementing, the student groups receiving Bidikmisi and Adik are among the groups most in need of internet quota assistance. It is hoped that the beneficiaries can optimize the internet quota assistance to support smooth learning. In addition, he hopes that this assistance can also target other Unpad students as a whole.

( Unpad Bidikmisi Students Get Internet Quota Assistance )

Padjadjaran University has a program that pays attention to students who have low household incomes by providing scholarships to complete their studies in various universities contained in the Unpad Chancellor’s Regulation.



1. Scholarships for students with low household income


Padjadjaran University provides opportunities for students to continue their studies. Students who receive scholarships are outstanding students who have low household incomes so that it is constrained to complete their studies. Padjadjaran University helps these students by providing scholarships so that they can complete their studies without a hitch.

( Scholarships for students with low household income


2. IKA Padjadjaran University provides scholarships


The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Law (IKA FH) Unpad together with BTN to create a scholarship program for Unpad students that is realized economically. The effects of this Covid-19 affect the economy of many people who operate. This condition also affects the world of education. One of them, many students who have difficulty paying tuition fees. Therefore, they are interested in collaborating with Unpad Faculty of Law, Unpad Faculty of Law BRM, and the State Savings Bank to provide scholarships. With the assistance in the form of this scholarship, it is hoped that it can provide relief to all students who are economically and indirectly causing their education to be interrupted.

( IKA Padjadjaran University provides scholarships )

Support for low-income or lower-middle-income students to support poor students by providing free education



1. Bidikmisi Help Fifi Pianti Realize Her Dream of Studying in Medicine


Fifi is almost pessimistic about being able to achieve her goals because her family’s economic condition is not able to afford to pay for her college education. Knowing that there was a Bidikmisi program from the government, Fifi’s spirit rose again to pursue her goals. Fifi then enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine Unpad through the National Selection to Enter State Universities. Now, Fifi feels very grateful to be a student of Unpad Medical Faculty and one of the recipients of Bidikmisi.

( Bidikmisi Help Fifi Pianti Realize Her Dream of Studying in Medicine )


2. Bidikmisi program for underprivileged students


Padjadjaran University runs a bidikmisi scholarship program for underprivileged students, in other words, these students can run lectures at Padjadjaran University for free in order to reduce the poverty factor due to not having the money to carry out studies in college.

( Bidikmisi program for underprivileged students )


3. Scholarships for students who have difficulty paying high UKT


Providing scholarships to students who experience economic difficulties to continue to pay high UKT to complete their studies to completion is situational and will be evaluated every semester.

( Scholarships for students who have difficulty paying high UKT )

Community anti-poverty programmes

Padjadjaran University holds a program to be able to develop a sustainable business through education or relevant resources.

1. Obtaining funding to develop creative ideas

Padjadjaran University was selected as one of the social sector startups that received acceleration guidance and funding through the Hyundai Startup Challenge program. It aims to find and nurture young social entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and creative solutions to education, employment and environmental problems. BBS itself is an innovative business model that collaborates to empower youth and local communities in strengthening the social economy, environment, and technology.

( Obtaining funding to develop creative ideas )

2. StartUp IT

Padjadjaran University has a special portal related to startups. Be it the latest creation, development, seminar and more. This supports the innovation and corporate spirit of Padjadjaran University. Acceleration of Innovation is a Grant Program that is given to motivate Lecturers, Students and Education Personnel to innovate and be creative.

( StartUp IT )

3. Entrepreneurship in Academics

Growing Indonesia A Triangular Approach is an activity that has an impact on entrepreneurship in the academic sphere. Incubation facilities to develop business ideas through a triangular approach include university-business collaboration, entrepreneur curriculum and enterprise formation. The product that has been successfully created is Halo Apoteker Indonesia (HAI) which provides information about pharmacy that is interesting and easy to understand by the wider community.

( Entrepreneurship in Academics )

Padjadjaran University provides assistance to local communities that support the start of sustainable businesses through education or relevant resources such as mentoring programs, training, access to university facilities.

1. Buy Unpad Products at Buy Unpad’s

With the covid-19, the Oorange Business Incubator Center together with the Covid-19 Task Force of Universitas Padjadjaran invites the entire community of Universitas Padjadjaran to buy products in the #BuyUnpads program. A program is a form of concern from Unpad for the economy of the entire community. This is to help businesses from Unpad to Unpad so that people affected by COVID-19 are helped from an economic perspective.

( Buy Unpad Products at Buy Unpad’s )

2. Unpad Buy Program Product Catalog

The Business Incubator Center carries out the incubation program. Business Incubator is an institution engaged in incubating new businesses (tenants) on a small scale. The incubation process is carried out through various integrated developments which may include the provision of places, work/offices, office facilities, training assistance, guidance and consultation, research and technology development, capital assistance and the creation of business networks.

( Unpad Buy Program Product Catalog )

Universitas Padjadjaran follows programs for access to services such as organizing training or programs to improve access to basic services for all.

1. Unpad Education Personnel Participate in the Third Wave of Excellent Service Training

The educational staff at Padjadjaran University participated in the Batch III Excellent Service Training facilitated by PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk. Head of Regional Operations Development (KPOW) BCA Regional Office I Agus Bintoro Wibowo expressed his gratitude to the Unpad participants who are state universities as printers of the nation’s next generation who have consistently participated in excellent service training.

( Unpad Education Personnel Participate in the Third Wave of Excellent Service Training )

2.Unpad Holds Small-Scale Fire Management Training

Padjadjaran University through the Center for Safety, Security, and Environmental Order (K3L) held a “Small-Scale Fire Handling Training”. This training was attended by a number of education staff, K3L staff, and security personnel at the Unpad campus. This training is important to be held as a preventive effort when a fire incident occurs on the Unpad campus. Therefore, the people of Unpad are at least equipped with technical skills in dealing with small-scale fire incidents.

( Unpad Holds Small-Scale Fire Management Training )

3. Counseling Guidance Faculty of Cultural Sciences held “PUBLIC LISTENING”, questions and answers about Mental Health and Self-Management

Mental health is a serious problem in the campus environment in Indonesia. Not a few students who experience mental health problems that lead to suicide. To deal with this, conditions are needed where a student can develop physically, mentally, spiritually and socially so that the student can realize his own abilities, overcome pressure, and be able to do the best for his life. Therefore, knowledge about mental health problems is very necessary, especially for millennials who tend to be hit by higher stress. The objectives of organizing this event are: Participants are able to recognize and analyze their own mental health, Participants can understand the symptoms and causes of depression and are able to overcome them, and Participants can manage themselves well, and avoid the risk of mental health disorders.

( Counseling Guidance Faculty of Cultural Sciences held “PUBLIC LISTENING”, questions and answers about Mental Health and Self-Management )

Universitas Padjadjaran participates in policy making at the local, regional, national and/or global levels to implement poverty alleviation programs and policies in all its dimensions.

1. Single Tuition Adjustment Policy for Financially Constrained Students

In the Appendix to the Regulation of the Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran Number 46 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Education at the University of Padjadjaran Article General Guidelines for the Implementation of Education at the University of Padjadjaran, the following adjustments are added: 
A UKT is adjusted for students whose families experience financial constraints due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

( Single Tuition Adjustment Policy for Financially Constrained Students )

2. Unpad Professor Explains Indonesia’s Economic Recovery Strategy from Recession Abyss

Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Arief Anshori Yusuf, PhD, said that the main thing for Indonesia’s economic recovery from the brink of recession is to resolve the Covid-19 pandemic first. This is because the recession that occurred in Indonesia was caused by the pandemic. In dealing with Covid-19, the government relies heavily on the results of the effectiveness of the Phase III clinical trial of the Covid-19 vaccine carried out by a team from Unpad. Because, vaccines are one of the efforts to deal with Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. In addition to optimizing the handling of the pandemic, Prof. Arief also recommended optimizing the economic stimulus with a focus on social protection. Many studies state that social assistance provided by the government during the pandemic is considered more effective in stimulating the economy.

( Unpad Professor Explains Indonesia’s Economic Recovery Strategy from Recession Abyss )

3. The Economy Weakens Due to the Coronavirus, These are the Recommendations Offered by the Unpad Accounting Study Center

The government’s social restriction and regional quarantine policies in the midst of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic emergency have reduced activities in various sectors, such as industry, services, finance, to public services. This also has a major impact on the country’s economy both macro and micro. This decline in growth was partly due to the economic slowdown which had an impact on the decline in state revenues. On a macro level, the impact of the pandemic can be seen from the depreciation of the rupiah, the decline in the stock price index in the capital market, to the emergence of liquidity problems that threaten economic stability. Responding to this problem, Unpad CAS itself delivered nine recommendations as an alternative solution for handling the economic impact by the government. This recommendation refers to various legal frameworks that have been made by the government.

1. Rearrangement of spending priority scale

2. Shopping reallocation

3. Utilization of Excess Budget Balance (SAL)

4. Determination of central and regional tax relaxation policies

5. Alignment of the implementation of the legal umbrella and intensive communication with various parties

6. Encouraging the involvement of auditing, supervisory and law enforcement agencies, namely the BPK, BPKP, Inspectorate, and KPK in guarding funds for handling Covid-19

7. Acceleration of central government transfers to local governments

8. Adjustment of the utilization of State Equity Participation in BUMN

9. Massive fundraising for donations from the business world and the public

( The Economy Weakens Due to the Coronavirus, These are the Recommendations Offered by the Unpad Accounting Study Center )