Urban growth and population living in urban areas in recent decades has continued to increase. According to the United Nation in 2018 as many as 55% of the world’s population live in urban areas, and the trend continues to increase and is projected to be 68% in 2050. According to the World bank (2020) 80% of GDP is also generated in urban areas, so with the increase in population in urban areas, planning Urban growth plays an important role in realizing sustainable development.

Urban growth and the population in it will have an impact on increasing energy consumption, the need for energy supply, water, infrastructure, settlements, transportation and spatial planning for the comfort and security of settlements as well as the potential for pollution that will be caused.

In Indonesia itself, countries and cities that are still growing and growing require good preparation for urban growth, anticipating the provision of clean land and water and guarding against air pollution. The big challenge is spatial planning so that the use of space in urban areas is not only comfortable and safe, but also access to basic services and balance the use of space. Poor management and planning of urban growth has the potential to contribute to the production of solid and liquid waste, air pollution and the emergence of slums.

Support of arts and heritage

1)Open House Unpad (OHU)

Unpad Openhouse 2020 is an event organized by Padjadjaran University to provide information and socialization and promotion of SNMPTN and SBMTPN as well as introduction of applied undergraduate and undergraduate study programs, centers of excellence, international programs, and student activity units held at Bale Santika

Open House Unpad 2020

Open House Unpad 2019

2)Rule of Public Access at Unpad

Not only their lecturers and students, but Unpad allows people who have agenda to access  Unpad. There is a Rule of Chancelor of Padjadjaran University Number 45 the year 2016 about Technical Guideline of discipline, security, safety of the campus environment. Public such as researchers, drivers, legal merchants, and others that enter the campus area must follow the guidelines.  

Rule of Rector of Padjadjaran University number 45 the year 2016

In 2020, Unpad conducted open house for public so that they can know about Unpad.  One of the events was “kukurilingan ka Unpad” that means people were facilitated to go around Unpad. 

1)Public access to Unpad library

Unpad provides public access to libraries including books and publications. Public access to libraries and collections can also take research inquiries or reader privileges into consideration. If members of the public can gain access after applying for reader privileges, without unreasonable requirements, then this can be regarded as public access

Unpad opens for the public to access books at the library. People can enter the library and read the books by bringing a letter from the university or institution. 

Library Rule 

2)Access to publication collections

In terms of publication collection from scientific works of students and lecturers, both research results and scientific writings in the form of the results of library studies, Public can access through Unpad Journal Website  

1)Photograph exhibition from Spektrum Unpad at Bandung Creative Hub 

Unpad provides public access to museums, exhibition spaces or galleries, or works of art and artefacts

Spektrum Unpad, one of the student organizations that has a concern about the art of photographs conducted exhibition spaces Pameran Senin Kelima with the theme “Signature” at Bandung Creative Hub. This event was held from 28 September to 2 October 2019. This exhibition open for the public involved 18 art from Spektrum members. 

The Spektrum Exhibition 

Poster of information

1) Public can access Unpad green spaces

The public can enter the Unpad green spaces such as Arboretum Unpad and Cekdam Unpad by following the rule such as keeping the environment clean, no harm to plants. It is forbidden to cut trees, etc.  The arboretum is sometimes called a botanical garden or an artificial forest intended for conservation and research. Unpad Arboretum which occupies an area of ​​12.5 hectares has a variety of ecosystems that are used as habitats or living places for various kinds of plants and animals. At least the Unpad arboretum has 174 types of ornamental plants, 21 identity plants, 55 medicinal plants, 78 rare plants, and 68 fruit plan 

Arboretum Unpad 

Rule of Rector Number 45 Year 2016 (Page 32)

Video of Arboretum Unpad

Unpad contributes to local arts, in terms of the number of annual public performances of university choirs, theatre groups, orchestras, etc… either ad-hoc or part of an ongoing program 


1)Performance of University Choirs 

Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (Unpad Choirs) is one of the Student Activity Units (UKM) which has an important role in protocol and ceremonial activities within the University of Padjadjaran. Unpad involved this student unit in some public performances in 2019 such as the 23rd Annual Concert of PSM Unpad entitled “Lux Cantio: The New Journey of A Luminous Melody”. This concert was held in two cities, Bandung and Yogyakarta.   It was held in the building Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, at Unpad Dipatiukur, in Bandung. The concert, held on 27 November 2019, attracted audiences from various circles including family, friends, and also the singers’ relatives.  Then, the concert was also held in Yogyakarta on 1 December 2019, at Syantikara Youth Center. Holding a concert in Yogyakarta is a new thing that Unpad Choir has never done before.

University Choirs 

2) Performance of Theatre groups

Unpad has The Theater and Film Literature Center (GSSTF), a Student Activity Unit (UKM) that facilitates student extracurricular activities in the arts, especially literature, theater, and film at Padjadjaran University. In 2019, there was a Parade GSSTF Unpad 2019 open for public in Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House. 

Parade GSSTF Unpad 2019

3) Performance of Orchestras 

Unpad has Padjadjaran Ensemble Community (PEC),  a Student Activity Unit of Universitas Padjadjaran that accommodates the interests and talents of Unpad students in the field of music. In 2019, PEC performed in some annual public performances such as Bandung Music Festival (23 February 2019), Unpad Award (3 November 2019), and others. 

Padjadjaran Ensemble Community (PEC)

Unpad has Center for Digitization and Development of Sundanese Culture

Unpad delivers projects to record and preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge. 

To record intangible culture, In 2019 Unpad launched Center for Digitization and Development of Sundanese Culture Unpad, an institution that specifically conducts an inventory of the written, audio, and visual cultural wealth of the Sundanese people. Based on the search results, it is recorded that approximately 100 types of Sundanese language media have been published in West Java. There is also a foreign language media that explores Sundanese culture. In addition, tens of thousands of books in Sundanese or about Sundanese, thousands of archived images, sound recordings, and important documents have been circulated and become private collections. 

Digitization efforts are carried out by scanning and converters. Various print media works have been scanned into digital format. Likewise, sound recordings from tapes and vinyl records are converted simply so that they become digital format. All this digital data is stored in one data center and then the public can access them.  

Unpad has a Center for Digitalization and Development of Sundanese Culture

Video of Center for Digitization and Development of Sundanese Culture Unpad

Expenditure on arts and heritage

University expenditure
University expenditure on arts and heritage

Sustainable practices target

Cycling target from i-Go

Unpad has i-Go, Cycling community in Unpad. The Chief of i-Go, Dr. Setiawan, has a target to realize Cycling month held from 2-31 March 2020. During Cycling month, the commuter can bike with a distance of 5.7 Km every day. Every day the target of commuters is 20 people so that the distance of commuters is 114 Km/day. Then for 25 workdays, the cumulative distance from all participants at bike month is predicted to be 2,500 Km. 

Cycling target

Small bus at Unpad 

Unpad undertakes actions to promote more sustainable commuting. To help civitas academia commuting, Unpad provides free transportation on campus. The small bus has 12-15 seats for passengers. 

Campus free transportation

i-Go, bike community at Unpad

To promote sustainable commuting, Unpad through its lecturers has a bike community, i-GO Unpad. This community is chaired by Dr. Setiawan. There was “bike months” that was held in March 2020. This program is intended for lecturers, students, education staff, and all Unpad residents.

i-Go community  

Besides I-Go which promotes sustainable commuting by cycling, there were some fun bike events held by Unpad 

Fun bike 1

Fun bike 2

1)Unpad has Learning in Virtual Environment (LIVE)

Unpad promotes or allows telecommuting or remote working for employees as a matter of policy or standard practice, or offer a condensed working week to reduce employee commuting 

Launched in 2018, Unpad has Learning in Virtual Environment (LIVE). This Learning management system will reduce employee commuting. There are some courses provided by Unpad in academic year 2020/2021 and academic year 2021/2021 . 
Live 2020/2021 

Live 2021/2022

2)Unpad extended remote study

The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, which is actually getting wider, has made the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) take a policy of extending distance lectures. Through Circular WR1 No. 751/UN6.WR1/TU/2020 dated March 23, 2020 and following up on the previous Circular Number 683/UN6.WR1/TU/2020 regarding the implementation of learning activities in study programs, and referring to the Decree of the Head of BNPB no. 13.A of 2020 regarding the extension of the status of certain emergency situations due to the Corona virus disease outbreak in Indonesia, Padjadjaran University decided several policies related to the learning process in the 2019/2020 Even Semester. 

Unpad extended remote study

Unpad cooperation with BTN in housing financing service

Unpad cooperated with Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN). BTN has provided housing financing facilities for Unpad employees. In addition, it is hoped that various other collaborative activities will be carried out, such as the development of education related to finance, corporate social responsibility activities, and the development of student capabilities in the property business. Until now the employees of Unpad still use this service of housing financing facilities

Unpad cooperation with BTN in housing financing service

1)Student dormitory at Unpad

Unpad has student dormitories that are offered to regular students and bidikmisi scholarship students. Apart from being a place to live, Unpad dormitory is a place to help shape the character of the students and prepare them to graduate on time, excel, and become excellent graduates in the future.

Website of unpad dormitory 

2)Unpad relocated some students to live in unpad dormitory

Unpad cares about student health, during Covid-19, Unpad relocated some students to live in unpad dormitory. The relocation was needed to fulfil the need of students. Two dormitories that were used for student relocation, Bale Wilasa 4 and Bale wilasa 2.

Student relocation to dormitory

1)Available of sidewalk at Unpad

Unpad prioritizes pedestrian access on campus by providing sidewalk. The sidewalks at Unpad help students walk safely and avoid the rain

Available of sidewalk 

2)Change of regulation for vehicle

Head of the Unpad Environmental Management Office, Dr. Teguh, explained the South Gate (Old Gate) of Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor was trialed only by pedestrians starting April 10, 2019, at 05.00 to 20.00 WIB. The gate would then be closed for vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles are required to enter through Unpad West Gate (near BNI Bank and Mandiri Bank) and four-wheeled vehicles are required to enter through the Unpad Bridge Gate. The North Gate of Unpad is only intended for six-wheeled vehicles or more.

Change of regulation for vehicle

1)injabar program 

Institut Pembangunan Jawa Barat or INJABAR is a public institution established to become an Expertise Institute which is an extension of Padjadjaran University (Unpad) and one of the business units in Unpad. INJABAR is a think tank for formulating and making policy for the development of competitiveness and welfare of the people of West Java. Established in Unpad in collaboration with the West Java Provincial Government, Regency/City Governments in West Java and other stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of research results as a basis for policy making. 

Website of injabar

2)Collaboration with Bandung Regency Government

Unpad cooperated with the Government of Bandung Regency to enhance Unpad Campus at Arjasari. It will be agricultural technology park. This place then can be vocational education and media for developing the potential of agricultural local wisdom. The daily executive of the District Secretary of Bandung, Tisna Umaran, said that the state assets managed by Unpad are 200 hectares in Arjasari District,  Bandung Regency is a potential area. Therefore, the Regency Government is committed to collaborating with Unpad in turning these assets into agrotechnology areas.

Collaboration with Bandung Regency

3)Collaboration with Sumedang Government

The cooperation between Padjadjaran University and the Sumedang Regency Government has been strengthened. Unpad and the Regency Government have agreed to run a number of joint programs with the main objective of improving the welfare of the Sumedang community.  Unpad has a lot of research that can be used for community empowerment and Sumedang development. Research from lecturers can be used to increase the added value of Sumedang’s various potentials. Not only the research of the lecturers, Unpad has also included students for the development of Sumedang. One of them is through the implementation of Entrepreneurship Thematic Community Service Program. The KKN program also includes a number of strategic partners, such as BRI Microfinance and the West Java Chamber of Commerce. Unpad and the Regency Government have also implemented smart farming of Cilembu sweet potato, one of the leading commodities from Sumedang.

Collaboration with Sumedang Regency 

4)Collaboration with Social Ministry to be West Java coordinator

Padjadjaran University was appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs as the coordinator for the West Java region for the implementation of social empowerment programs. This program is in the form of socio-economic empowerment for Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program (KPM PKH) of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. Unpad through the Business Incubator Center/Orange has been trusted to provide assistance and guidance to family participants who are PKH beneficiaries in the West Java region. This mentoring program will run for 9 months. Collaboration with Social Ministry to be West Java coordinator

1)Planning development of Teaching Hospital

Unpad is planning to build a Teaching Hospital (RSP Unpad). The plan was conveyed by Unpad Chancellor Rina Indiastuti when holding a virtual meeting with Bappeda in October 2020.  In addition to education for its students, RSP Unpad of course carries out the function of service for the people of West Java and the development of Science and Technology. 

Planning development of teaching hospital 

2)Strategic planning of Unpad 2020-2024

Based on strategy planning 2020-2024, Unpad cares about the environment by implementing a green campus implemented with a smoke-free campus and reduced water drink in packages with the provision of tumblers and refilled water for the academic community and reduce electricity consumption by using a friendly building design environment and saving electricity. Campus transportation will be developed later by using electric cars on campus. 

Renstra Unpad 2020-2024 (Page 8)

3)Unpad infografis including building standard

Unpad is commited to becoming a green campus through programs and concrete action including conservation and energy efficiency. The action taken is the use of energy efficiency equipment such as LED Lamp, AC inverter, Fire fighting system. In 2020, Unpad succeeded in implementing up to 10.25% of energy efficient appliances. There are two types of ac inverter used, split and cassette/standing. shifting to use energy efficient appliances will continue to be carried out for all existing equipment at Unpad. 

Unpad infografis including building standard

Unpad Campus in Pangandaran Used Former Elementary School

As one of Padjadjaran University’s efforts in increasing the development of the West Java region, especially the East Priangan area, Unpad opened Multi-Campus Education in Pangandaran Regency starting in 2016 in collaboration with the Pangandaran Regency Government and the West Java Provincial Government. Unpad Campus in Pangandaran Used Former Elementary School. The former elementary school building was renovated for the campus building of the Padjadjaran University (Unpad) in Cikembulan, Pangandaran Regency, West Java. 

Unpad Campus in Pangandaran Used Former Elementary School

Website of Unpad campus in Pangandaran