In the other SDGs Goals are more related to sector targets so that sector development supports sustainable development. In this Goal, the emphasis is on actors, both companies (corporations), institutions and individuals in society to change behavior into sustainable behavior. This behavior is not only in terms of the use/supply of materials/production inputs, but also includes the processes of production, distribution and marketing as well as consumption as a corporation, institution or individual in the household. In the process of supplying materials/production inputs, they must be selected according to the standards of a sustainable procurement process. The production process carries out an efficient and sustainable production process, and produces minimal waste or at a safe level its impact on humans and the environment. Likewise, in the use of materials, it is recommended to use waste/recycle and use containers that can be used repeatedly and reduce the use of non-renewable materials that will have a negative impact on humans and the environment.

Operational measures

Unpad has a canteen management

To make sure the quality of food source, Unpad has Rule of Rector about canteen management. Every holder of Canteen Management Permit must 

1) maintain food health and hygiene, environmental hygiene, and the beauty, order, and preservation of garden facilities and public facilities in the environment around the Canteen

2) if there are more than 2 (two) Canteen Managers in 1 (one) location, then they are obliged to form the management to regulate the Canteen in terms of payment, hygiene, food health, variety of food, environmental hygiene, as well as order and quality of service 

3) maintain the canteen environment by paying attention to the level of hygiene, cleanliness, health, and halal of food 

4) maintain the quality of food and the cleanliness of utensils and equipment used in providing food 

5) comply with and implement food quality requirements and minimum service standards


Rule of Rector number 30 of 2021 concerning canteen management at Unpad

Covering hazardous materials at Unpad

University has policy on waste disposal- covering hazardous

  • Waste management is unrestricted, can be reduced or added according to the typology and needs of the campus by: Sorting solid waste of organic, inorganic, and residue wastes as well as Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) 
  • Management of liquid waste and B3 waste includes: processing and utilizing liquid waste by applying the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle; shelter, temporary storage, and transportation are in accordance with applicable standards and policies;
  • The implementation of security and safety at work – K3 includes: minimizing the impact of accidents and controlling risks if work accidents and natural disasters occur at the campus, implementing risk management by identifying hazards, assessing risk levels, and controlling risks; determining hazard risk based on activities (practices, lectures, staff affairs), location (classroom, laboratory, library, warehouse, field), material infrastructure (class equipment, electronic goods), and function or process (administration, archives, campus services); involving all denizens of Universitas Padjadjaran in the mitigation of the risk of work accidents and natural disasters. 

Management of eco-friendly campus at Universitas Padjadjaran

Unpad has been collaborating with PT. Bumi Resik for waste management

Currently, the incinerator at Unpad has been collaborating with PT. Bumi Resik for waste management, and it is currently placed in ​​the Ciparanje landfill, covering an area of ​​2000 m². Its maximum capacity in one operation is 15 tons of waste; in combustion at temperatures between 800ºC-1000ºC. The incinerator operation uses around 15,000 watts of electrical energy. Pure waste operations are financed by PT. Bumi Resik for both labor wages and operational costs as much as 15 million per month. Currently, the incinerator machine does not operate every day, because it has to wait for the waste volume to reach 15 tons to conserve operations. Therefore, it is only done once a week. In the present, the machine can operate again after the last 3 months; there was no electricity supply due to electricity connection problems from the substation.

Waste destruction by insertion into an incinerator has several shortcomings, including the release of carbon chemical compounds into the atmosphere by the machine; dioxins, CO2, NOx and H2O. Materials such as minerals, metals and other organic materials (germs) diseases, body tissues, animals, blood, chemicals, paper, plastics) that are not burned are left in the form of ashes which weigh 10-30% of their original weight (depending on the type of waste). 

collaboration with PT. Bumi Resik for waste management

Minimisation of plastic at Unpad

University has policies arround use minimisation of plastic. One of the foundations of Eco-Friendly Campus at Unpad is Prohibition and reduction of the use of single-use plastics in the form of drinking water packaging made of single-use plastics, single-use plastic bags, plastic-based food wrappers, plastic-based eating and drinking utensils and backdrops, and plastic-based banners in the context of the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, and reject 

Management of Eco-Friendly Campus Of Universitas 

Prohibition of the use of single-use-plastics

(1) Each work unit is responsible for supporting, maintaining, monitoring, and coordinating to realize the active participation of Unpad people in the implementation of the prohibition of the use of single-use plastics.
(2) Each work unit is obliged to facilitate the implementation of the prohibition of the use of single-use plastics at Unpad.
(3) Each of Unpad people is obliged to comply with the prohibition of the use of
single-use plastics at Unpad.
(4) Each Unpad guest is directed and notified to be able to support the implementation of the prohibition of the use of single-use plastics when visiting Unpad. 

Rule of Rector Number 33 Of 2021 concerning Prohibition of the use of single-use-plastics 


Minimisaation of disposable single-use item including single-use plastic at Unpad

There is a rule of prohibition and reduction of the use of single-use plastics in the form of drinking water packaging made of single-use plastics, single-use plastic bags, plastic-based food wrappers, plastic-based eating and drinking utensils and backdrops, and plastic-based banners in the context of the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, and reject  

Management of Eco-Friendly Campus Of Universitas Padjadjaran 

ensuring these policies extend to outsourced services (e.g. food catering/canteens, cleaning, security guards, etc) and the supply chain 

Padjadjaran Halal Center provided assistance for Unpad canteen to make sure the quality 

 The organization that deals with campus canteens is Padjadjaran Halal Center. Padjadjaran Halal Center Unpad focused on assisting MSME actors in obtaining halal certification. this assistance is not solely to pursue halal certification, but assistance is carried out so that business actors know how to produce halal products. The Padjadjaran Halal Center has provided assistance to canteen business actors in the campus environment. Souvia hopes that all canteens at Unpad will become a model for halal canteens with halal raw materials, production processes, and supporting equipment. 

Padjadjaran Halal Center provided assistance for Unpad canteen 

Sanctions for canteen managers for those who do not comply with campus regulations 


 Every Canteen Manager at UNPAD who violates the provisions as referred to in Article
3 paragraph (1) is subject to administrative sanctions in the form of a warning and/or
business termination. Every Canteen Manager as referred to in Article 3 paragraph (1) who violates one or several provisions as referred to in Article 7, Article 8, or Article 9 is subject to administrative sanctions in the form of revocation of the Canteen Management Permit. The revocation of the Canteen Management Permit as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out after being given warnings in the form of written warnings 3 (three)
times in a row with a grace period of 7 (seven) working days each. 

Canteen management at Unpad


Unpad guest must follow the rule of waste management at Unpad

Some policies related to waste disosal, hazardouz material, and other policy related to SDG 12 must be applied by everyone and other organizations.  

For example, the regulation stated that Unpad guest must follow the rule. Unpad guests are institutions, lecturers, education staff, students, people or
groups of people other than Unpad people that visit Unpad. Each Unpad guest is directed and notified to be able to support the
implementation of the prohibition of the use of single-use plastics when visiting Unpad

Rule of Rector number 33 of 2021 about prohibition of use of single-use plastic (Chapter II article 4)


Proportion of recycled waste

Amount of waste generated
Amount of waste recycled
Amount of waste sent to landfill

Publication of sustainability report