Within the framework of the SDGs, institutions and governance for sustainable development require the achievement of several targets, especially in maintaining peace so that development can be carried out sustainably, resulting in sustainable prosperity. 

At this time, there are still many countries whose parts or all of their territories are in a state of conflict, so that the people cannot carry out socio-economic activities to improve their welfare. The community does not have time to build institutions that can develop governance for sustainable prosperity, as a prerequisite for the nation to build sustainably for families and future generations. Likewise, a society that has a sense of inclusion, has a sense of justice and has the ability to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels is also needed to ensure fair governance for all, current and future generations. These prerequisites are needed for the implementation of sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs.

University governance measures

Unpad Board of Trustees

University has elected representation on the highest governing body from students (both undergraduate and graduate), faculty, and staff (non-faculty employees) 

In December 2020, The Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim officially appointed members of the Board of Trustees or MWA of Padjadjaran University for the 2020-2025 period.  Overall, Unpad MWA members consist of elements of the community, academic senate, and education staff, as well as ex-officio members consisting of the Minister of Education and Culture, West Java Governor, Chancellor, Chair of the Academic Senate, Chair of the Alumni Association, and Head of the Unpad Kema Student Executive Board. 

 MWA unpad 2020-2024 

The names of the Unpad MWA members include:

1. Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim (Ex-Officio);

2. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil (Ex-Officio);

3. Unpad Chancellor Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti (Ex-Officio);

4. Chairman of the Academic Senate Prof. Dr. Ganjar Kurnia (Ex-Officio);

5. Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf, PhD (Academic Senate);

6. Prof. Dr. Arry Bainus (Academic Senate);

7. Prof. Dr. Edy Sunardi (Academic Senate);

8. Prof. Dr. Dany Hilmanto (Academic Senate);

9. Prof. Dr. Roni Kastaman (Academic Senate);

10. Prof. Dr. Tb. Zulriska Iskandar (Academic Senate);

11. Dr. Arief Yahya (community);

12. Drs. Nadjib Riphat Kesoema (community);

13. Drs. Kemal Azis Stamboel, M.S.M. (public);

14. Dr. Hadiyanto (community);

15. Chairperson of Ika Unpad (alumni element);

16. Edward Henry, M.M., (element of education staff); and

17. Head of BEM Kema Unpad (student element).

1) Student organization at Unpad

University has and recognizes  more than 30 students’ unions.  Student organizations are regulated by Rector Rule number 10 in the Year 2016 about General Guideline for Student Government.  A student organization is an official student organization and functions as a forum for the development of student activities in the Unpad environment whose existence is officially recognized and ratified by the Unpad leadership or faculty. There is some kinds of student organizations at Unpad such as executive organization, legislative organization, student activity units spread across Unpad, Faculties, and departments. 


List of Student Organizations 

2)Student organization inauguration 

This one is an example of the inauguration of student organization administrators at Unpad. Inauguration.

The Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa, Ph.D inaugurated and handed over the Decree of the Management of Student Institutions within the Faculty of Cultural Sciences for the 2020/2021 management period. Three important points were conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at the Inauguration this morning, related: Cleanliness, Comfort, and Security of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. The hope can be realized together.

Student organization inauguration 

The rule off student government

The rule and procedure of Cooperation at Unpad

Unpad  has written policies (Rule) and procedures to identify local stakeholders external to the university and engage with them.  There is the Rector Rule of Padjadjaran University Number 7 in the year 2020 about Cooperation at Unpad. Based on the Rule, Cooperation is an agreement between Universities, Industries, and other stakeholders both national and international.  This kind of cooperation can be academic and non-academic. 

The rule and procedure of Cooperation at Unpad 

Oorange (Unpad incubator for startup)

Unpad has an existence of participatory bodies to recognize and engage local stakeholders especially small-medium enterprise and startup 

In terms of business, Unpad through Oorange (Unpad incubator for startup) is actively open for tenant registration.  Oorange carries out the incubation process by providing training services, mentoring, and providing shared office facilities located at Bale Motekar Building, Bandung. As an incubator, Oorange also brings together tenants with investors and co-founders and provides an ecosystem that can support businesses that are developed. 
Website of Oorange  

Read the article of tenant registration

1)Unpad pays attention to preventing students from behaving corruptly 

Unpad publishes the university’s principles and commitments on fighting organized crime, corruption, and bribery. 

A corruption-free campus environment will make it easier for students to study and complete their studies. Therefore, realizing anti-corruption values ​​in campus life and society is very important. There are several anti-corruption values ​​that students must implement in campus life. These values ​​include honesty, caring, independence, discipline, responsibility, hard work, simplicity, courage, and justice. This principle was published by Lecturer from the Law Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran, Wanodyo Sulistyani, LL.M, at a series of national mental development for Unpad students held by the Directorate of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations Unpad.

Unpad pays attention to preventing students from behaving corruptly 

2)Unpad builds integrity zone

on May 19, 2020, supporting government initiatives, especially through the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) and the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) held the Declaration of an Integrity Zone  Towards a Corruption Free Area and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas. Unpad as a university under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture is one of 14 state universities (PTN) prepared by the Directorate General of Higher Education to build Integrity Zone in 2020.

Unpad builds integrity zone

3)Unpad Academic Senate to Review Sanctions for Corrupt Alumnus  

on another issue, Chairman of the Academic Senate of Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Ganjar Kurnia said he would discuss with the Board of Trustees the issue of corrupt alumni. According to the former Unpad Chancellor, alumni are attached to the name of the university that must be maintained as well as possible. Unpad Academic Senate to Review Sanctions for Corrupt Alumnus  

4)Platform for corruption and gratification complaint

Unpad has a platform that accepts complaints about corruption and gratification within Unpad through

Academic freedom policy 

Unpad has a policy on supporting academic freedom (freedom to choose areas of research and to speak and teach publicity about the area of this research). This is stated on Academic Senate Rule of Padjadjaran University number 4 in the year 2017 about academic freedom, academic pulpit freedom, and scientific autonomy. 

freedom is the freedom of the academic community as part of academics, both as individuals and collectively in academics, to develop and disseminate knowledge through research, creation, teaching, and writing activities in a responsible manner. 

freedom of academic pulpit is the authority possessed by professors and/or lecturers who have scientific authority to state openly and responsibly about everything related to the clump of knowledge, branch of knowledge, or field under study.

scientific autonomy is the autonomy of the academic community in a branch of science and/or technology in discovering, developing, disclosing, and/or maintaining scientific truth according to scientific, ethical, and cultural methods, free from influence and pressure from any party.

Academic freedom policy 

University publishes university financial data 

2020 Financial data 

Working with government

Unpad provides expert advice to local, regional or national government (for example through policy guidance, participation in committees, provision of evidence) 

1)Advice to West Java Province about Covid-19 

The Rector of the University of Padjadjaran Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti, M.SIE., said that the economic slowdown due to the Coronavirus was inevitable. It is estimated that economic growth in the two quarters of 2020 will certainly be affected. This meeting was attended by the Governor of West Java M. Ridwan Kamil and the Head of the West Java BI Representative Office, Herawanto. From Unpad, the Chair of the Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Sutyastie Soemitro, and the Head of the Unpad West Java Institute (Injabar) Prof. Dr. Keri Lestari, M.Sc., Apt.

Dealing with Coronavirus in West Java, Chancellor Delivers Several Recommendations to Governor

2) Draft of Omnibus law

The draft of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation reaped a number of pros and cons from various parties. Apart from the pros and cons, Universitas Padjadjaran hopes that the regulation will continue to favor the people. Unpad itself has high hopes for this regulation. The reason is, college graduates must have a good job market. Do not let unemployment occur due to the narrowing of employment opportunities due to unsupportive government regulations.

The discussion, which was held by the Center of Economics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, was attended by a number of business actors, trade unions, and students.

The speakers in this discussion included: Umar Juoro, General Chairman of the Federation of Indonesian Trade Unions Indra Munaswar, FEB Unpad Lecturer Dr. Purnagunawan, Chief Economist Institute of International Finance Reza Siregar, representative of Apindo Jabar Asep Hendra Maulana, and Lecturer of the Faculty of Law Unpad Dr. Indra Perwira, M.H.

Scientific Discussion on Absorption of Public Aspirations for the Omnibus Law on Job Creation  

3)Intellectual Property in the IPIRA Conference

A number of lecturers from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran had the opportunity to present their ideas at the International Conference “Second Intellectual Property & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) at the University of Indonesia campus, Depok, 27 – 28 February 2020. In the conference, the Unpad Faculty of Law lecturer explained the results of his research on communal intellectual property. Miranda submitted a paper entitled “The Concept of Communal Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia”, “Intellectual Property Aspects and the Digital Economy After the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention: A Case Study of the Angklung Inscription from Indonesia” delivered by Dr. Laina, and “Intellectual Property Protection to Prevent Trafficking in Persons: The Case of Sumba Women and Their Woven Clothes” by Helitha.

Unpad Faculty of Law Lecturer Conveys Thoughts Regarding Intellectual Property

Unpad provides outreach, general education, upskilling and capacity-building to policy and lawmakers on relevant topics including economics, law, technology, climate change

1)International Law Training on the Sea

The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) in this case the Naval Law Development Service (Diskumal) in collaboration with Padjadjaran University Bandung through the Center for International Maritime Law Studies, Faculty of Law Unpad, held a 2019 Sea-related International Law Training at the Graduate Campus, Faculty of Law, University Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Monday (21/10/2019). The activity, which  held from 21 to 29 October 2019, was opened directly by the Head of the Naval Legal Development Service (Kadiskumal), First Admiral TNI Kresno Buntoro, and was attended by approximately 30 participants consisting of Navy officers with the rank of Lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel who works as Marine Officer, Intelligence, Law, and Survey/mapping officer from Headquarters, Koarmada I, II, Kolinlamil, Hydro Oceanography, Seskoal and Puspenerbal. 

International Law Training on the Sea 

2)Research and Political Analysis School 

The Satukata Research School in collaboration with the Center for Decentralization and Participatory Development UNPAD organized the Online Classes of Discourse Research and Political Analysis School (SERIUSPol). Classes will be held every Monday and Saturday at 15:30-17:30 WIB from 12 October-21 November 2020 using Zoom.

School of Discourse Research and Political Analysis

3) Special Advocate Profession Education

The Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University in collaboration with the branch leadership board of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) Bandung held the Special Advocate Profession Education Batch IX in 2020, June 29 – July 11. This year, it was held online and was attended by 75 participants from various regions in Indonesia. In its implementation, the material provided is 19 mandatory materials and 8 additional materials. The speakers consisted of practitioners, ranging from academics, advocates, teaching lecturers, judges, court chairman, Dean of the Faculty of Law, elements of the police, high prosecutors, legal experts, chairman of the West Java Peradi Honorary Council, Chair of the Peradi Supervisory Commission and Chairman of the Indonesian Judicial Commission.

FH Unpad and DPC Peradi Bandung Held Special Training for the Advocate Profession Online 

4) Cooperation with MPR RI (People’s Consultative Assembly)

Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo sent fourteen State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the Secretariat General of the MPR RI to pursue doctoral education at the Postgraduate Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.

MPR RI sent civil servants for doctoral study at Unpad Faculty of Law   

1) Kemenkopolhukam 

The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenko Polhukam RI) collaborated with Padjadjaran University to conduct scientific studies related to political, legal, and security topics. The study collaboration is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding which has been signed by the parties involved. “We need other perspectives from academics, we hope that there will be input for us which will later be considered by the ministry in making policies. Apart from Unpad, we also have similar collaborations with several other universities,” said Togar Pr. L. Pangaribuan, S.IP., SH., MH., ASEAN Head of Law, Security and Human Rights at the Assistant Deputy for Coordination of ASEAN Cooperation, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, after inaugurating the Memorandum of Understanding at the Unpad Executive Lounge, Jl. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Friday (4-9-2020).

The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenko Polhukam RI) cooperates with Padjadjaran University to conduct scientific studies related to political, legal, and security topics 

2) Cimahi Government

The Cimahi City Government cooperated with Padjadjaran University for the implementation of research that produces development policy recommendations in Cimahi City. There are a number of pilot programs that will be carried out between the Cimahi City Government and Unpad.

Mayor of Cimahi Ajay M. Priatna said this collaboration is expected to improve the quality of various aspects. Starting from improving the quality of human resources, government administrators, to the economy of the Cimahi community.

The Cimahi City Government cooperates with Padjadjaran University for the implementation of R&D 

University provides a neutral platform and ‘safe’ space for different political stakeholders to come together to frankly discuss challenges 

1) Overcoming Post Truth Political Risks to Maintain National Security Stability in the Context of National Resilience

Padjadjaran University was trusted by the Directorate of Ideological and Political Studies, Deputy for Strategic Studies of the National Defense Institute (Lemhanas) RI to hold a Focus Group Discussion at the Executive Lounge Unpad Campus, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Thursday (14-3-2019). The group discussion was themed “Overcoming Post Truth Political Risks to Maintain National Security Stability in the Context of National Resilience”. The development of the post truth phenomenon or the condition of society that is easily influenced by these “false” truth values ​​must be addressed properly by a number of parties. After the presentations from a number of Narsums, the discussion session continued with responses from Unpad experts, namely, Dr. R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata, S.Si., S.I.P., M.T., M.Han who gave a response from a political perspective, Prof. Dr. Hj. Hendriati Agustina, M.Sc. and Aulia Inskadarsyah, Ph. D., who discussed from the perspective of Psychology, and R. Achmad Gusman Catur Siswandi, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D who provided an overview of the legal aspect. The collection of ideas from academics became a reference for the RI Lemhanas team to formulate strategic policies related to the attitude towards the post truth phenomenon.

 Overcoming Post Truth Political Risks to Maintain National Security Stability in the Context of National Resilience

2) Focus Group Discussion about Pancasila, the official, foundational philosophical theory of Indonesia

The discussion entitled “Seeking Forms of Implementation of Pancasila Values ​​in the Era of Globalization” was held in collaboration with the Indonesian National Defense Institute and Unpad. In addition to the Unpad Chancellor, this discussion presented speakers from two other Unpad Professors, namely Prof. Yanyan M. Yani and Prof. Arry Bainus.

The planting of Pancasila values ​​in the millennial generation will make them smarter, have an attitude of tolerance, cohesion, and have good religious literacy. Pancasila, said the Chancellor, will also become the identity of the millennial generation. However, there is a special strategy in instilling the values ​​of Pancasila in the younger generation. The Chancellor explained that practice should not be carried out using the indoctrination method. Flexibility is a must. 

FGD about pancasila 

3) UNPAD holds dialogue on economic & democracy revival

The Padjadjaran University Alumni Association (IKA UNPAD) presented a Gathering and National Discussion of the Alumni of Padjadjaran University. The theme raised was “Alumni Collaboration Synergistic Through Innovation Towards Economic and Democratic Awakening Post-Covid-19”.

The keynote speakers in the discussion were Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, and Chairman of Commission II Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tanjung.

The speakers in the field of economics were also Unpad Alumni who were also Directors of Bio Farma Rahman Roestan and Unpad Alumni as well as Herdi Rosadi, Human Capital Director of Bank BRI.

While the speakers in the political field who are also Unpad Alumni and Unpad Professors as well as Unpad Political Observers are Muradi, Dean of FISIP Unpad Widya Setiabudi, Netgrid Executive Director Ferry Kurnia, and Hari Nugraha Head of the PKASN LAN Research and Development Center.

Also present were Unpad Chancellor Rina Indiastuti and BKPM Spokesperson Tina Talisa who is an Alumni of the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Unpad as moderators of the National Dialogue Webinar held by IKA UNPAD.

dialogue on economic & democracy revival

Proportion of graduates in law and civil enforcement

Number of graduates
Number of graduates from Law
Pecentage of graduates from law
1.33 %