Ensuring healthy and prosperous lives for all ages for sustainable development. Regardless of health, it is difficult to end poverty (SDG 1). Indonesian people still do not prioritize health, so it is difficult to achieve prosperity in society. Health can start from yourself, your family and the environment around you. The start of caring for one’s own health will have an impact on the surrounding environment and the wider community.


Increasing awareness of health will create prosperity for oneself, family and the surrounding environment. These are related to one another. Welfare makes people more positive in carrying out activities and making decisions that have an effect on the wider community. So that it will have a positive effect on other SDG’s goals related to society, economy and environmental health.

Number of students graduating in health professions

Number of graduates
Number of graduates in health professions

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

Number of graduates
Number of graduates in health professions

Collaborations and health services

Padjadjaran University is currently collaborating with local, national or global health institutions to improve health and wellbeing outcomes. 

1. Bio Farma Appoints Unpad to Conduct Covid-19 Vaccine Test Research in Indonesia

Padjadjaran University became the only university appointed by PT. Bio Farma as the executor of the Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial in Indonesia. A vaccine was developed by Sinovac Biotech, China. Unpad through the Faculty of Medicine has prepared a research work plan for the Covid-19 vaccine test according to applicable procedures. To be research subjects, volunteers must be in good health. Prior to that, they will conduct an examination first to ensure that the volunteer’s body condition is in good health

Bio Farma Appoints Unpad to Conduct Covid-19 Vaccine Test Research in Indonesia )

2. Anticipating the Spread of Corona Virus, Unpad Collaborates with Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung

The Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti, M.SIE., appealed to all Unpad residents to be alert to the spread of the Corona virus outbreak or Coronavirus Disease (Covid 19). If within 14 days it is indicated that you have symptoms of Corona, such as fever, cough, runny nose, and shortness of breath, it is recommended to do a self-examination to Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, and report to the Directorate of Human Resources Unpad.

Anticipating the Spread of Corona Virus, Unpad Collaborates with Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung )

3. FK Unpad Will Conduct Clinical Trial of Covid-19 Vaccine with Biofarma

The research team of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Padjadjaran with Bio Farma and Sinovac Biotech. Prof. Kusnandi explained that the Covid-19 vaccine would be injected 2 times into the volunteers’ bodies. A volunteer is a healthy person whose body condition has been checked. The injection will be done 2 times per 14 days. Periodically, the team will supervise and check each volunteer. Volunteer monitoring was carried out for 7 months. If it has been approved by the Ethics Committee, the injection process will be carried out in 6 places, including: Unpad Teaching Hospital, Unpad Dipati Ukur campus, and 4 Puskesmas in Bandung City.

FK Unpad Will Conduct Clinical Trial of Covid-19 Vaccine with Biofarma )

Provide outreach programs and projects in local communities (which may include student volunteer programs) to improve or promote health and well-being including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, exercise, exercise, aging well, and other health and wellness-related topics.

1. Local Potential to Strengthen Indonesia’s Pharmaceutical Sector

Universities to improve and apply related to alternative production of raw materials from the availability of biodiversity in Indonesia. This is to suppress imports of medicinal raw materials, so that the fulfillment of domestic medicinal raw materials can be fulfilled. In developing pharmaceutical raw materials, Prof. Marline’s team is exploring a number of plants together as new alternative sources of pharmaceutical excipients. He uses two local plants, namely corn as a source of raw materials for starch, and hemp as a source of raw materials for Micro Crystalline Cellulose (MCC). However, the need for corn starch as a filler for tablet preparations cannot be met from domestic corn production and is still imported. It takes superior corn cultivars that have high carbohydrate content and meets the standards of the drug industry in Indonesia. Therefore, Prof. Marline expanded her research with the Food Cluster Corn Development Team, Faculty of Agriculture Unpad. As a result, the team developed superior maize hybrid varieties with high yields and high nutritional content. This is certainly a great potential that must be utilized to support the health sector in order to improve the health status of the Indonesian people.

Local Potential to Strengthen Indonesia’s Pharmaceutical Sector )

2. Corona Virus Threat: Stay Calm and Stay Healthy

The Corona virus outbreak that has shaken the world lately is seen as a deadly disease. It is noted that the virus, which first spread in Wuhan, China, has claimed many lives. “The corona virus attacks white blood cells T lymphocytes, spreads through the mucosa of the respiratory tract and digestive tract, infects other cells,” said Yovita at a seminar at the Bandung Institute of Technology, some time ago. This member of the Special Infection Team for Hasan Sadikin Hospital/FK Unpad also revealed that if someone has symptoms of being infected with the Corona virus, they should immediately go to the nearest hospital for a diagnosis. Diagnosis includes examination of a history of fever, history of travel to affected areas, to examination of symptoms of lung infection.
Corona Virus Threat: Stay Calm and Stay Healthy )

3. Officially Launched, InJabar Unpad Takes Part in Handling the Impact of Coronavirus in West Java

Padjadjaran University launched the West Java Development Institute (InJabar) in collaboration with the West Java Provincial Government. InJabar was established as a concrete manifestation of Unpad’s Tridarma in solving various development issues in West Java. In its activities, InJabar collaborates directly with the Provincial Government and other stakeholders in developing public policies based on academic recommendations. Various innovations, including solutions for handling the Citarum river, innovation solutions for development financing, solutions for improving welfare, social engineering, strengthening Bumdes, to solutions regarding disaster mitigation in West Java. Regarding the problem of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that hit Indonesia, especially in West Java, Prof. Keri said that his party also took part in overcoming this problem. The focus of the sector being worked on is research on the potential of the West Java quinine plant as alternative drug therapy to overcome the Coronavirus. Researchers then scanned a number of drugs that have been used to treat the HIV and Hepatitis C virus. One of the recommended drugs is Chloroquine Phosphate which has been circulating in Indonesia for a long time. The results of the analysis found that the structure of Chloroquine Phosphate has similarities with Quinine Sulfate. This substance is contained in the quinine plant. Considering that Indonesia has quinine plants, so this can be a potential to be developed as a medicine.

Officially Launched, InJabar Unpad Takes Part in Handling the Impact of Coronavirus in West Java )

4. Chancellor Inaugurates Unpad Counseling Center

The Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran Prof. Rina Indiastuti inaugurated the online Unpad Counseling Center. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused anxiety to stress, especially for students. Therefore, one of the Counseling Centers is expected to be a forum to provide services to students to deal with academic and non-academic disorders as well as become friends for students to talk to. Meanwhile, a number of common problems that are handled through consulting services include careers, learning difficulties, to social interaction problems and work problems. The team of counselors at the Unpad Counseling Center includes psychologists who are also lecturers and alumni of the Unpad Faculty of Psychology, assistant psychologists, as well as referrals to doctors, psychiatrists, and other professions in Unpad.

(Chancellor Inaugurates Unpad Counseling Center )


5. National Seminar on Nursing



The National Seminar on Nursing which was held virtually took the theme “Facing the Global Challenges of the 2019 Covid Pandemic: Nursing Strategies in Anticipating and Reducing the Bad Impact of Crisis on Healthy, Sick and Special Needs Children”.

National Seminar on Nursing )

Share sports facilities with the local community, for instancewithlocalschoolsor withthegeneral public.



1. Bale Santika

Unpad has sports facilities such as:

1. Futsal field (2 fields), which has the following facilities:

– Wipe. Tribune 600 people
– Wipe. Non Tribune
– Standard Sound System
– Player Bench
– Changing room
– Electricity 5000 W
– Accommodation: 600 people
– Designation: Unpad Academic Community

2. Badminton Court, which has the following facilities:

– Tribune 200 people
– 2 Fields
– Standard Sound System
– Changing room
– Electricity 5000 W
– Accommodation: 200 people
– Designation: Unpad Academic Community

3. Basketball/Volley Court, which has the following facilities:

– Tribune 200 people
– Standard Sound System
– Player Bench
– Changing room
– Electricity 5000 W
– Accommodation: 400 people
– Designation: Unpad Academic Community

Bale Santika )

Provide students access to sexual and reproductive health care services including information and education services.


1. The Effect of Providing Reproductive Health Materials About the Dangers of Early Marriage for Young Women


The incidence of early marriage in Indonesia is increasing, this is related to reproductive health in adolescent girls who are physically and psychologically not ready to accept pregnancy and mentally. A quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test-post-test design method, was conducted in Kalisari Village, Karawang Regency, in May 2018. Based on data from the Karawang Regency Health Office, the population consists of 316 young women. A sample of 101 people was selected by proportionate stratified random sampling. Sources of data come from primary data with Cronbach’s alpha 0.886.) and secondary data (registration of annual report recording at KUA). Data were analyzed using paired T-test and calculation of effect size (ES). Provision of reproductive health materials about the dangers of early marriage is effective in increasing the knowledge of young women.

The Effect of Providing Reproductive Health Materials About the Dangers of Early Marriage for Young Women )

The University supports students’ mental health by providing students and staff with access to mental health support. As a form of caring for mental health.



1. Chancellor Inaugurates Unpad Counseling Center

The Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran Prof. Rina Indiastuti inaugurated the online Unpad Counseling Center. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused anxiety to stress, especially for students. Therefore, one of the Counseling Centers is expected to be a forum to provide services to students to deal with academic and non-academic disorders as well as become friends for students to talk to. Through this event, the Chancellor encouraged the guardian lecturers to become a team of counselors for the faculty level. This team will collaborate with the counseling team at the Unpad Counseling Center. The team of counselors at the Unpad Counseling Center includes psychologists who are also lecturers and alumni of the Unpad Faculty of Psychology, assistant psychologists, as well as referrals to doctors, psychiatrists, and other professions in Unpad.

Chancellor Inaugurates Unpad Counseling Center )


2. Unpad Opens Online-Based Psychological Consultation Service

The Faculty of Psychology, University of Padjadjaran opens an online psychology consultation service. This consulting service is open not only to the Unpad academic community and education staff but also to the general public. An online psychological consultation service was developed, primarily to deal with various mental problems that occurred during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. Rosi hopes that this service can reach people who need psychological treatment. “Hopefully we can serve Unpad academics and education staff, health workers, and also people who experience psychological symptoms in the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
( Unpad Opens Online-Based Psychological Consultation Service  )


3. Unpad Psychology Graduates Create Free Online Counseling Services


An online counseling service engaged in mental health. Currently TanyaPsikologi already has a personal website and thousands of followers on Instagram. Anggi, who is also an Unpad Psychology Professional Masters student, said that Tanya Psychology started when she just graduated from her undergraduate studies in 2017. According to her, at that time there were not many online counseling services, where counseling could only be done face-to-face. Another reason for the establishment of the Psychological Questionnaire is because Anggi sees that in some areas, especially districts, there are still no mental health services and only in cities. Anggi who at that time could not open a psychologist practice finally sparked to improve mental health in Indonesia.

Unpad Psychology Graduates Create Free Online Counseling Services )


4. Need Psychological Help? Online Counseling at PKUP Only


PKUP is a counseling service unit from Unpad which is managed by the Unpad Faculty of Psychology (Fapsi). PKUP provides individual counseling rooms and waiting rooms. However, due to the current pandemic situation, PKUP has opened an online counseling service. This service uses the Google Meet platform and will be carried out according to a specified schedule. Previously, you had to register to find a counselor that matched the problems at hand. All Unpad academics who need psychological help can use PKUP services, you know! Not only students, but also lecturers and education staff. A psychologist assistant who is a student of the Profession Psychology (S2) study program, Fapsi Unpad. Of course, PKUP also makes referrals to doctors, psychiatrists or other professions from Unpad as needed.

Need Psychological Help? Online Counseling at PKUP Only )

Environmental Management UNPAD has the main task, namely carrying out security and order tasks in the UNPAD campus environment. So to maintain this, especially the orderliness of the UPT-Environmental Management, apply the rules that apply to the academic community and the general public in the Padjadjaran University campus area.

1. No Smoking in Unpad

The matters relating to the aspects of order regulated in the Rector’s Regulation of the University of Padjadjaran are:
1. No Smoking.

What is contained in Chapter I of Order in the Unpad Chancellor’s Regulations

( Rector Decree No Smoking Areas at Unpad )