The existence of discrimination and violence against women has led to an increase in violence in this part of the world. Gender equality is a fundamental global human right, and the foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.


Providing equal access to education for women and girls is an important part of gender equality. Universities have a broad role to play in promoting gender equality. The existence of gender equality can overcome poverty and hunger (SDG1 & SDG2), and with the existence of women’s education becomes the main way to reduce inequality (SDG 10)

Proportion of first-generation female students

Number of women starting degree
Number of 1st gen women starting degree

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students starting a degree at the university who are female

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of first-generation students starting a degree at the university who are female. A first-generation student is one who reports that they are the first person in immediate family who attends university at any level (note - the individual may have studied at another university previously).

Number of women starting a degree
Number of first-generation women starting a degree

Student access measures

Padjadjaran University systematically measures and tracks women’s application rates, acceptance or entry rates, and study completion rates at the university.



1. Creating Effective Learning Methods, Yasa Putri Salsabilla Becomes the Best Graduate of Unpad Applied Bachelor


Having a target of graduating on time and a satisfactory GPA, encouraged Yasa Putri Salsabilla to become the Best Graduate of Applied Undergraduate at Unpad Graduation Phase IV for the 2019-2020 Academic Year. The effective way of learning according to Yasa is by recognizing the appropriate and appropriate way of learning according to each individual. Knowing how to study is suitable and appropriate, can make learning more comfortable. He is also an Outstanding Tax Accounting Student 2019 and a recipient of the General Achievement Student BAWAKU Scholarship (Bandung City Government Organizer) for the 2018/2019 academic year. Yasa also wants to continue to develop himself, including learning new things and expanding relationships. Currently, Yasa has been accepted as an MBA Masters’s student at the Bandung Institute of Technology.

Creating Effective Learning Methods, Yasa Putri Salsabilla Becomes the Best Graduate of Unpad Applied Bachelor )

Padjadjaran University has policies such as an access and participation plan that handles the application, admission, admission and participation of women in the university.

1. Have Policies Like Women’s Access and Participation in Universities

It is contained in the Rector’s Regulation on Organizational Structure and Management of Unpad which reads “Coordinate the implementation of activities: governance; organizational administration; law; archive management; secretariat; public communication; public relations; protocols; integrated service unit; institutional promotion of mosque management; dharma women, the elderly and the heart healthy club”.

Have Policies Like Women’s Access and Participation in Universities )

2. Participate in Online Competition, Three Unpad Biology Students Win Third Place LKTI Permira

The Isthmus Team of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, won the Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) “Permira” 2020 organized by the Indonesian Student Association in Russia. Nurul Khofifah in a release received by the Unpad Public Communication Office explained that the theme raised by this team was in line with the theme of the activity, namely “The Role of Millennial Generation in Improving Global Competitiveness in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0”. This theme was then integrated with the current Covid-19 pandemic situation. Even though the teams are not from study programs that have links in the field of information technology, it does not become a barrier to achievement.

( Participate in Online Competition, Three Unpad Biology Students Win Third Place LKTI Permira  )

3. Two FPIK Unpad Lecturers Win Awards at Unkhair

Two lecturers of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Universitas Padjadjaran Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy, Ph.D. and Ibnu Faizal, M.T received appreciation as the best presenter at “The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine” organized by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Khairun University. On that occasion, Fittrie presented research in the aquaculture room with the title “Circadian Rhythms of Feeding Activity in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)”. This research discusses the rhythm of fish eating behavior during the day and night. Experiments were carried out to see whether the feeding activity of tilapia was regulated by the internal circadian oscillator or not. Fish feeding activity was then observed at controlled light intensity and temperature.

Two FPIK Unpad Lecturers Win Awards at Unkhair )

4. Unpad Faculty of Law Students Win Several Awards at “The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition

The Faculty of Law team from Padjadjaran University won a number of awards at “The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition”. They managed to reach seventh place out of 100 qualified teams in the international round with the “Alona E. Evans Award for Best Memorial in International”. In addition, this team also ranked seventh out of about 700 teams that took part in the competition and was awarded the Hardy C. Dillard Award for Best Combined Memorial. The FH Unpad delegation team consisted of Yogi Bratajaya (Head of Delegation), Agung Kurniawan Sihombing, Fara Aliftisha Maharani, Indira Priandani, and Syifa Adila. Meanwhile, they acted as observers, namely Hajriyanti Nuraini and Muhammad Raihan Faiqy. This competition is a simulation of fictional disputes between countries before the international court (ICJ), where the student team simulates disputes between countries before the International Court of Justice, the United Nations Judicial Body.

Unpad Faculty of Law Students Win Several Awards at “The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition )

Providing women’s access schemes, including mentoring, scholarships, or other provisions.



1. Two Unpad Mawapres Ready to Undergo Selection for National Pilmapres


Shofie Ashyfa Natasya Salsabila (Communication Science, Faculty of Communication Science) and Nur’aini Exie Kusuma Wardani (Midwifery Faculty of Medicine) were selected as outstanding students at the Padjadjaran University level. the main aspect that becomes a priority is the achievement or activity that is seeded first, because this aspect is an objective aspect that must be proven by authentic facts. The online selection for the Unpad Pilmapres was held on June 4-6, 2020. On June 7, 2020, the 3 best undergraduate participants and the 2 best Diploma participants were determined. Furthermore, the 5 participants underwent online stabilization so that Shofie was chosen, a student with undergraduate achievement and Exie, a student with diploma achievement.

Two Unpad Mawapres Ready to Undergo Selection for National Pilmapres )


2. Opened, Registration for Unpad Student Pre-Startup Innovation Grants


Padjadjaran University initiated the IHIPSMU Unpad Student Pre-Startup Innovation Grant competition). This grant program aims to accelerate the program to increase the number of new entrepreneurs among Unpad students. Briefly, the proposed business scope includes extractive, agrarian, trade, services, product processing such as culinary, clothing, handicrafts, and other creative products. Business ideas must contain elements of innovation, application of science and technology, and have a noble purpose in carrying out their business processes. The winner of the competition will receive business capital assistance of IDR 5 million – IDR 25 million. The difference in the amount will be determined based on the ability of participants when submitting their business proposals as well as from the results of online presentations.

Opened, Registration for Unpad Student Pre-Startup Innovation Grants )


3. MSMEs Owned by Women Must Continue to Develop


The International Finance Corporation (IFC) said that 43% of the formal MSME sector in Indonesia is owned by women. Although the percentage looks significant, if measured by the scale, women’s MSMEs are still relatively small. This incubation program is an implementation of the Unpad Internal Grant. The FEB Unpad lecturer who is also the initiator of the incubation program, Dr. Imas Soemaryani, M.Sc., said this program aims to accelerate women’s MSMEs in West Java, especially businesses engaged in food and beverage and clothing so that they are ready to compete in the global market. This webinar is the starting point for the incubation program. As many as 50 female SMEs in West Java participated in this program. Before joining the program, participants are selected strictly.

MSMEs Owned by Women Must Continue to Develop )

Encourage applications by women in subjects in which they are underrepresented. Through university outreach or collaboration with other universities, community groups, governments or NGOs in regional or national campaigns.



1. Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad Promotes Spirit to Become an Environmental Hero


Dharma Wanita Union of Padjadjaran University held a virtual gathering with the theme “Becoming a Hero of the Environment”. The event was filled with various activities, one of which was a photo competition with plants which was participated by the administrators and members of the Unpad Women’s Association. According to dr. Reiva, this competition was held to raise awareness of Darma Wanita administrators and members about the importance of living plants in the surrounding environment. This is expected to contribute to reducing global warming. The Darma Wanita Persatuan Unpad gathering event itself is regularly held every month. This event was held to strengthen the togetherness of the management and members of Darma Wanita Persatuan Unpad.

Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad Promotes Spirit to Become an Environmental Hero )


2. Women’s Literature Deserves to be “Sounded”


This year, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to a female writer from the United States, Louise Glück. This adds to the list of female Nobel Prize winners for Literature, which is 16 out of a total of 117 Literature Nobel laureates from 1901 – 2020. The number of female Nobel Literature recipients is still relatively small. In reality, literary works written by women are often faced with the dilemma of gender bias, genre issues, and canonization. This professor of literature and gender said that literary academics should explore more the works of women writers. This is to prove that women’s works are worthy of consideration to be “sounded”, or to be the subject of scientific discussion and study.

( Women’s Literature Deserves to be “Sounded” )

Proportion of senior female academics

Number of senior academic staff
Number of female senior academic staff

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of ‘academic staff’ who have senior status at university

The FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of ‘academic staff’ who have senior status at university that are female

Number of academic staff
Number of female senior academic staff

Proportion of women receiving degrees

Number of graduates : Total
Number of graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences): Total
Number of graduates: STEM
Number of graduates: Medicine
Number of graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Number of female graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences) : Total
Number of female graduates: STEM
Number of female graduates : Medicine
Number of female graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels by broad subject area from your institution.c

Broad subject areas are:
• Medicine
• Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

This is a subset of the total number of

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in STEM subjects from your institution.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject area Medicine from your institution.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject areas Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences from your institution

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels by broad subject area from your institution that are female.

Broad subject areas are:
• Medicine
• Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

This is a subset of the total number of
graduates by subject area.


This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in STEM subjects from your institution that are female.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject area Medicine from your institution that are female.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject areas Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences from your institution that are female.

Number of graduates : Total
Number of graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences) : Total
Number of graduates : STEM
Number of graduates : Medicine
Number of graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Number of female graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences) : Total
Number of female graduates : STEM
Number of female graduates : Medicine
Number of female graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

Women's progress measures

Have a non-discrimination policy against women. Unpad really pays attention to women to be able to innovate, be creative and have activities without experiencing unexpected things.


Have a policy of non-discrimination for transgender people.

Universitaas Padjadjaran have a maternity and paternity policy that supports women’s participation. So that women can still work without any obstacles from the side of gender.



Padjadjaran University has a child care facility Unpad Healthy Child Care Center (Puspa Sehat) which is accessible for students which allows new mothers to attend university courses.


Padjadjaran University has child care facilities for staff and faculty


Universitas Padjadjaran have women’smentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate.


1. Helping Students Affected by Covid-19, Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad Initiates the “Kanyaah Indung” Program


To help facilitate Padjadjaran University students who were affected by the pandemic, the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Unpad initiated the “Kanyaah Indung” program. “Kanyaah Indung” is a device assistance program for students who are economically affected, making it easier for students to access online education at Unpad. With this program, dr. Reiva hopes that students can continue to actively participate in lectures even though they are conducted online. The students who are helped are also expected to complete their studies well. For students who wish to become beneficiaries of the Kanyaah Indung program, dr. Reiva said that students are required to register with the BEM of their respective faculties, to then submit the data to the Directorate of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations Unpad.

( Helping Students Affected by Covid-19, Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad Initiates the “Kanyaah Indung” Program )


2. Photo Gallery of Unpad Women’s Dharma Activities


Darma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Universitas Padjadjaran held a management handover ceremony at the Dean Building of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

( Photo Gallery of Unpad Women’s Dharma Activities )


3. Study Shows Women Closer to Nature


Women actually have a very strategic role in many aspects. One of them is that women are closer to nature based on the results of studies that have been carried out. This can also be seen from the research conducted by the students under his guidance. This study shows that the eco village program developed in several areas in West Java is mostly driven by women. Not only in rural areas, women’s closeness to nature is also seen in various community traditions. One of them can be seen from the traditions of the Benawas Dayak community. The Benawas Dayak women have a dual role not only as housewives, but also as protecting nature.

( Study Shows Women Closer to Nature )

Havemeasurement or trackingof women’s likelihood of graduating compared to men’s, and schemes in place to close any gap.

Unpad graduate data for 2019 & 2019 are:
2019 = 4939
2020 = 4575

Track women’s graduation rate

Have a policy that protects those who report discrimination against education or employment loss.


Rector Regulation Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment at Unpad