Within the framework of the SDGs, institutions and governance for sustainable development require the achievement of several targets, especially in maintaining peace so that development can be carried out sustainably, resulting in sustainable prosperity.


At this time, there are still many countries whose parts or all of their territories are in a state of conflict, so that the people cannot carry out socio-economic activities to improve their welfare. The community does not have time to build institutions that can develop governance for sustainable prosperity, as a prerequisite for the nation to build sustainably for families and future generations. Likewise, a society that has a sense of inclusion, has a sense of justice and has the ability to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels is also needed to ensure fair governance for all, current and future generations. These prerequisites are needed for the implementation of sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs.

University governance measures

Unpad Board of Trustees

University has elected representation on the highest governing body from students (both undergraduate and graduate), faculty, and staff (non-faculty employees) 

In December 2020, The Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim officially appointed members of the Board of Trustees or MWA of Padjadjaran University for the 2020-2025 period.  Overall, Unpad MWA members consist of elements of the community, academic senate, and education staff, as well as ex-officio members consisting of the Minister of Education and Culture, West Java Governor, Chancellor, Chair of the Academic Senate, Chair of the Alumni Association, and Head of the Unpad Kema Student Executive Board. 

The names of the Unpad MWA members include:

1. Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim (Ex-Officio);

2. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil (Ex-Officio);

3. Unpad Chancellor Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti (Ex-Officio);

4. Chairman of the Academic Senate Prof. Dr. Ganjar Kurnia (Ex-Officio);

5. Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf, PhD (Academic Senate);

6. Prof. Dr. Arry Bainus (Academic Senate);

7. Prof. Dr. Edy Sunardi (Academic Senate);

8. Prof. Dr. Dany Hilmanto (Academic Senate);

9. Prof. Dr. Roni Kastaman (Academic Senate);

10. Prof. Dr. Tb. Zulriska Iskandar (Academic Senate);

11. Dr. Arief Yahya (community);

12. Drs. Nadjib Riphat Kesoema (community);

13. Drs. Kemal Azis Stamboel, M.S.M. (public);

14. Dr. Hadiyanto (community);

15. Chairperson of Ika Unpad (alumni element);

16. Edward Henry, M.M., (element of education staff); and

17. Head of BEM Kema Unpad (student element).

 MWA unpad 2020-2024 

1)Student center at Unpad

Chancellor of Padjadjaran University, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, carried out the initial inauguration (soft launching) of the Student Center building located on the Jatinangor campus on Friday, 16 December 2022. This building is a centre for student activities on the Unpad campus. The Student Center complex consists of several rooms, namely a casual discussion room, a meeting room, two small and large podcast studios, and a room with computer equipment. The Student Center building is an open space so that all Unpad students can use this building to gather, hold discussions, develop creativity and organization, and spread ideas through podcast media. Not only for students, this building is also open for student advisors to have conversations with students.

Student center at Unpad


2)The inauguration ceremony for Student Organization Management and Supervisors for the 2022

The Public Relations Study Program, Faculty of Communication Unpad, supports student associations within its study program. The explanation of the biodata of the Chair of the Public Relations Student Association proves this. The inauguration ceremony for Student Organization Management and Supervisors for the 2022 period was held hybrid at Building 1 of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor.

The inauguration ceremony for Student Organization Management and Supervisors for the 2022


3)Padjadjaran University supports and recognizes the existence of student organizations, including independent organizations such as AIESEC Unpad

Padjadjaran University supports and recognizes the existence of student organizations, including independent organizations. One of them is the AIESEC Student Activity Unit in Unpad. AIESEC is an international youth organization that exists in several countries. AIESEC Unpad has held activities several times, which have been published on the Unpad website. One of them is the activity “Unpad Lead Space: Joining the Leadership Dynasty”, which was held online on Saturday, 13 August 2022. This event was attended by 79 participants who discussed leadership journeys through student organizations, including AIESEC. Apart from that, AIESEC is also a media partner collaborating with the SDGs Center of Padjadjaran University.

Padjadjaran University supports and recognizes the existence of student organizations, including independent organizations such as AIESEC Unpad


4)Student Day 2022

In Padjadjaran University’s New Student Admissions for the 2022/2023 academic year, there was a “student day” activity, which was held on the Unpad campus, Jatinangor, on Tuesday, 23 August 2022. Student day activities began with a parade of student organizations, such as the Student Executive Board, Student Activity Unit, and Unpad Semi-Autonomous Agency. Student Day aims to introduce Student Affairs Institutions at Unpad.

Student Day 2022

1)The rule and procedure of Cooperation at Unpad

Unpad has written policies (Rules) and procedures to identify local stakeholders external to the university and engage with them. There is the Rector Rule of Padjadjaran University Number 7 in 2020 about Cooperation at Unpad. Based on the Rule, Cooperation is an agreement between Universities, Industries, and other stakeholders, both national and international. This kind of cooperation can be academic and non-academic.

collaboration within Padjadjaran University

Selection of Padjadjaran University Business Cooperation Partners


2)Selection of canteen partners 

Application for a Canteen Management Permit must meet the following requirements: a. The applicant can be either an Individual or cooperative; b. The applicant has the status as an Indonesian Citizen (WNI); c. The applicant has integrity and good personality; and d. The applicant is domiciled in West Java. Canteen Managers who meet the requirements apply for a Management Permit in writing by attaching: a. Photocopy of West Java ID Card (KTP); b. Legalized photocopy of family card; c. 2 (two) passport photographs measuring 4 cm x 6 cm; d. Police Record Certificate (SKCK); and e. Statement letter of the ability to comply with Unpad regulations.

Selection of canteen partners (Article 7-8)

1)Board of Trustees at Unpad 

Padjadjaran University has a Board of Trustees (MWA) for the 2020-2025. The appointment of Unpad Board of Trustees members for the 2020-2025 period was ratified through Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 133799/MPK/RHS/KP/2020 concerning the Appointment of Members of the Board of Trustees of Padjadjaran University for the 2020-2025 period. Overall, Unpad Board of Trustees members consist of elements of society, the academic senate, and educational staff, as well as ex-officio members consisting of the Minister of Education and Culture, the Governor of West Java, the Chancellor, the Chair of the Academic Senate, the Chair of the Alumni Association, and the Chair of the student body.

Unpad Student Executive Board 


2)Student advocacy activities: One day with “ibu” 

 One Day with “Ibu” is a forum for the Student Executive Board of Universitas Padjadjaran to interact with the highest leadership of Universitas Padjadjaran, who also served as a mother figure for the Student Executive Board of Universitas Padjadjaran. The One Day with “Ibu” event was held on Friday, October 7, 2022, from 13.30 – 17.00 WIB at Bale Rucita, Universitas Padjadjaran.

The One Day with “Ibu” 2022 successfully brought together the Rector and 10 Directorates of Universitas Padjadjaran representatives and Student Executive Board representatives. The event was live-streamed on YouTube. This event accommodates the criticism and policy recommendations from the Student Executive Board regarding problems within Universitas Padjadjaran to the university’s higher rank authorities.

Student advocacy activities: One day with “ibu” 


3)Universitas Padjadjaran has Integrity Zone to prevent corruption 

One of the issues on the Rector Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning Bureaucratic Reform is the Integrity Zone.
INTEGRITY ZONE Article 9 (1) Integrity Zone is a stage to create a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in work units within Unpad. (2) The purpose of establishing the Integrity Zone is to build a clean, accountable, high-performing bureaucracy, an effective and efficient bureaucracy, and a bureaucracy that has quality public services within Unpad. (3) Establishing the Integrity Zone within Unpad will then be stipulated in a Rector Decree.

Rector Regulation Number 2 of 2020 Concerning Bureaucratic Reform 


1)Unpad pays attention to preventing students from behaving corruptly 

Unpad publishes the university’s principles and commitments to fighting organized crime, corruption, and bribery. A corruption-free campus environment will make it easier for students to study and complete their studies. Therefore, realizing anti-corruption values ​​in campus life and society is very important. There are several anti-corruption values ​​that students must implement in campus life. These values ​​include honesty, caring, independence, discipline, responsibility, hard work, simplicity, courage, and justice.

The Guidelines For Controlling Gratification At Universitas Padjadjaran


2)World Anti-Corruption Day 2022 at Unpad

Commemorating World Anti-Corruption Day on December 9 2022, the Padjadjaran University Anthropology Study Program, in collaboration with the IM57+ Institute, held a seminar with the theme “Indonesia Recovers, United Against Corruption” at Bale Sawala Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, Thursday December 15 2022. The meeting was divided into two activities, namely providing material from resource persons and reviewing the book “Resistance with Respect: Stories of KPK Employees Eliminated from Corruption Eradication” written by former Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission employees.

World Anti-Corruption Day 2022 at Unpad




Academic freedom policy 

Unpad has a policy on supporting academic freedom (freedom to choose areas of research and to speak and teach publicity about the size of this research). This policy is stated in the Academic Senate Rule of Padjadjaran University number 1 in 2023 about academic freedom, academic pulpit freedom, and scientific autonomy. Freedom is the freedom of the academic community as part of academics, both as individuals and collectively in academics, to develop and disseminate knowledge through research, creation, teaching, and writing activities responsibly. Freedom of the academic pulpit is the authority possessed by professors and lecturers who have scientific control to state openly and responsibly about everything related to the clump of knowledge, branch of knowledge, or field under study. Scientific autonomy is the autonomy of the academic community in addition to science and technology in discovering, developing, disclosing, and maintaining scientific truth according to scientific, ethical, and cultural methods, free from influence and pressure from any party.

Academic freedom policy 

Unpad Annual Report : 2022 

Universitas Padjadjaran, as a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), prepares 2 (two) types of Financial Reports, namely Financial Reports based on government accounting standards (Financial Reports-SAP) and Financial Reports based on financial accounting standards (Consolidated Financial Reports-SAK).

Unpad Annual Report 2022

Unpad budgeting 

Financial Report based on the Government Accounting Standard


Working with government

1)Discussion of the Academic Text of the Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province

The Research Center for Village Development and Empowerment of Padjadjaran University, together with the Banten Provincial Government, held a focused group discussion with the theme “Discussion of the Academic Text of the Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province on One Development Data” in the Executive Lounge of the Unpad Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Friday 22 July 2022. The discussion was held as a follow-up to the collaboration between Unpad and the Secretariat of the Banten Provincial Government, featuring the Chairman of Commission One of the Banten Provincial Government, H. Asep Hidayat, members of Commission I, as well as service officials within the Banten Provincial Government. The academic text material was presented by the Working Team for Discussion of the Academic Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province on Development Data from Unpad Dr Susi Yuliawati and Imam Mulyana, PhD. Submission of this material is carried out to obtain responses and input.

Discussion of the Academic Text of the Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province


2)Advice to Meranti Islands Regency Government, Riau

Padjadjaran University collaborates with the Meranti Islands Regency Government, Riau, through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, which was held in the Unpad Executive Lounge, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Wednesday, 7 September 2022. The collaboration with Unpad is carried out to improve the quality of education and produce human resources (HR) in the Meranti Islands. This initiation is based on data from the District Government, which notes that out of 260 thousand people in the Meranti Islands, it is estimated that their education level is still at seven years.

Advice to Meranti Islands Regency Government, Riau 


3)Unpad lecturers was involved in Bandung Development Acceleration Team

Bandung City Government has established a team for Development Acceleration Team (TPP) consisting of 9 members. This team will collaborate and work with department heads and sub-district heads to expedite the realization of programs outlined in the 2018-2023 RPJMD. The team will provide recommendations, advice, and input to the Mayor of Bandung in the policymaking process. Several UNPAD lecturers are involved in this team, including Muradi (Professor of Political Science and Defense FISIP UNPAD) as the chairman, and three other UNPAD members: Yudi Aziz (Professor of Innovation Management FEB UNPAD), Yogi Suprayogi Sugandhi (Director of Injabar UNPAD), and Prita Amalia (Law, Investment, and Infrastructure FH UNPAD).

UNPAD Helps Accelerate Development of Bandung City

1)Universitas Padjadjaran helps to draft Academic Text of Regional Regulation with  Regional  Representative Council of Banten Province

The Research Center for Village Development and Empowerment of Universitas Padjadjaran, together with the Banten Provincial Government, held a focused group discussion with the theme “Discussion of the Academic Text of the Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province on One Development Data” in the Executive Lounge of the Unpad Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Friday 22 July 2022. The discussion was held as a follow-up to the collaboration between Unpad and the Secretariat of the Banten Provincial Government, featuring the Chairman of Commission One of the Banten Provincial Government, H. Asep Hidayat, members of Commission I, as well as service officials within the Banten Provincial Government. The academic text material was presented by the Working Team for Discussion of the Academic Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province on Development Data from Unpad Dr Susi Yuliawati and Imam Mulyana, PhD. Submission of this material is carried out to obtain responses and input.

Discussion of the Academic Text of the Draft Regional Regulation of Banten Province

2.Seminar on Testing the Validity of the Draft Law on Energy by the Faculty of Law, Padjajdaran University and the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia

Committee II of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council, in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University (Unpad), held a seminar on validating the Draft Law (RUU) concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2007 concerning Energy (Energy Law). This activity was carried out in the Mochtar Kusumaatmadja Library Auditorium, Unpad Campus, attended by the Leaders and Members of Committee II of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council, the Dean of the Unpad Faculty of Law, the West Java Provincial Government, Academics and Students.

The main issues elaborated in the Academic Paper and body of the Energy Bill are:

  1. Control, regulation and classification of energy resources.
  2. Energy buffer reserves that guarantee national energy security.
  3. Energy crises and emergencies.
  4. Energy prices.
  5. National Energy Policy and General National Energy Plan.
  6. Energy transition towards Net Zero Emissions.
  7. Restructuring and revitalization of the National Energy Council.
  8. The authority of the Central and Regional Governments in regulating the energy sector.
  9. Funding.
  10. Legal basis for international commitments to control climate change.
  11. The roles, rights and obligations of the community and business actors regarding limiting greenhouse gas emissions for climate change commitments.

Seminar on Testing the Validity of the Draft Law on Energy


3.Expertise support in carrying out the duties and functions of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia

Universitas Padjadjaran collaborates with the Expertise Body of the Secretariat General of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia regarding implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and Expertise Support in the Formation of Laws. This collaboration aims to improve the quality of implementation of duties and functions of both parties by the authority they have in education, research and community service activities based on statutory provisions, with the scope of the workshop covering:

  • Organizing education and training
  • Organizing research, research, studies, scientific activities, seminars and workshops
  • Assistance from journal expert/bestari partners
  • Consultation in the context of drafting a statement from the DPR RI regarding the Constitutional Court case
  • Data sharing/open access for research or libraries
  • Providing expertise support in legislative, budget and supervisory functions
  • Student internship program at the Expertise Agency for the Secretary General of the Republic of Indonesia’s House of Representatives
  • Other activities agreed by both parties

Cooperation with lawmaker

1)Research of Social Vulnerability Study (KKS) Systematic Land Registration Complete Community Participation (PTSL-PM) West Java Province Agrarian Reform Acceleration Program

The research team from the Center for CSR, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Empowerment Studies at Padjadjaran University presented the results of the interim research “Social Vulnerability Study (KKS) Systematic Land Registration Complete Community Participation (PTSL-PM) West Java Province Agrarian Reform Acceleration Program”. This research, carried out in collaboration with the Regional Office of the West Java Province National Land Agency, World Bank, with Unpad, was presented in the Bandung Regency Land Office Meeting Room, Soreang, Bandung Regency, on Monday, 21 November 2022.

Social Vulnerability Study (KKS) Systematic Land Registration Complete Community Participation (PTSL-PM) West Java Province Agrarian Reform Acceleration Program


2)In-Depth Scientific Work for Development Planning in West Java Province

Four students from the Geophysics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University were invited as resource persons in the Focus Group Discussion event held by the West Java Provincial Communication and Information Service at the Puri Khatulistiwa Hotel, Jatinangor, Tuesday 15 November 2022. The four students, Rania Alifa Desenaldo, Tubagus Nur Rahmat Putra, Catherine Andrea Lowis, and Ahmad Wadi Muntashir, were invited to a discussion with the theme “In-Depth Scientific Work for Development Planning in West Java Province” to present the results of their research as a consideration for policy formulation within the West Java Provincial Government.

In-Depth Scientific Work for Development Planning in West Java Province


3)The results of the West Bandung Regency baseline study

On Wednesday, August 24 2022, at the Tangkuban Perahu Room, the West Bandung Regency Regional Planning, Development, Research and Development Agency (Bappelitbangda) carried out socialization of the results of the West Bandung Regency baseline study by the Padjadjaran University SDGs Center team. The general research objective is to mainstream SDGs in development in West Bandung Regency so that West Bandung Regency can contribute to achieving SDGs both provincially and nationally in 2030.

Socialization of the results of the West Bandung Regency baseline study

1)Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Padjadjaran University held discussion with Indonesian General Election Commissions

Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, Hasyim Asy’ari, invited students to participate as voters and become members of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) for the 2024 Election. Hasyim Asy’ari said this when receiving an audience from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Padjadjaran University (Unpad) in the main courtroom, RI KPU Office, Thursday, November 24 2022.

Discussion with KPU RI


2)Unpad held a Seminar “The Message of Identity Politics in the Indonesian Democratic Party”

Master of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University held a seminar: The message of identity politics in Indonesian democracy. There are speakers such as Dr. Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah S.IP., M.SI (Founder of Netgrit), Neni Nurhayati (Executive Director of DEEP Indonesia), Dr. Emrus (Political Communication Expert), Prof. Dr. Atwar Bajari, Drs. M.Si (Unpad Professor of Communication Sciences), Dr. Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, S.H., M.Si (Dean of the Unpad Faculty of Communication Sciences). The event will be held on December 1 2022, in the Moestopo room, Building 4, Floor 3, Fikom Jatinangor.

Unpad held a Seminar “The Message of Identity Politics in the Indonesian Democratic Party”


3)Program of one hour talking about science from professor’s council of Universitas Padjadjaran 

Universitas Padjajdaran melalui Dewan Professor secara rutin melakukan diskusi secara online, salah satunya adalah terkait politik di Indonesia. Berikut ini adalah material mengenai diskusi politik di Indonesia 

Outlook sosial politik 2022


Proportion of graduates in law and civil enforcement

Number of graduates
Number of graduates from Law