This goal is an extension and a more explicit formulation of the Goal 8 MDGs. This more concrete formulation is driven by the low commitment to global cooperation including funding support from developed countries during the implementation of the MDGs. With this experience, the formulation of a global partnership which is an implementation step to facilitate the achievement of the SDGs is carried out not only in general in Goal 17, but also inherent in each Goal (Targets with labels a, b, c etc.).


Some of the implementation methods formulated are those related to funding, both from the mobilization of resources in the country and the old mechanism through Official Development Assistance (ODA). The participation of non-government actors in the implementation of the SDGs is felt to be very central. Therefore, one of the funding targets is to mobilize funding sources for various non-government institutions, such as private funds/cooperation, philanthropy and other new mechanisms. Cooperation in the field of technology, capacity building and trade methods also still have to be done concretely to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. Global cooperation also identified cooperation on systemic issues such as international coherence and policy; multi-stakeholder cooperation as well as cooperation in the field of data development to improve monitoring and accountability capabilities in the implementation of the SDGs.

Relationships to support the goals

1)Technical Assistance on Support of Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of Sub-National Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Target Province

On January 14 2022,  in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the SDGs Center of Padjadjaran University conducted joint activities with West Kalimantan Province. This activity is Technical Assistance monitoring and evaluating sub-national action plan reports for SDGs. This activity continues the Regional Action Plan (RAD) assistance in five regions, namely Aceh, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, North Maluku and Southeast Sulawesi.

Assistance on Support of Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of Sub-National Action Plan


2)Integration of climate actions and SDGs at the sub-national scale: results from stakeholder consultation in West Java

As a partner of the Institute for Environmental Strategies (IGES), the SDGs Center conducts stakeholder consultations (online) on the prospects and challenges of the transition to a low-carbon society in West Java, Indonesia. This Work aims to consult local stakeholders (including but not limited to representatives from government agencies, business sectors, civil societies, and academia) to understand some critical issues related to low-carbon development in West Java and their interactions with the SDGs. Both mitigation and adaptation sides will be explored. 

Integration of climate actions and SDGs at the sub-national scale: results from stakeholder consultation in West Java


3)Results of the West Bandung Regency about SDGs baseline study

On Wednesday, August 24 2022, at the Tangkuban Perahu Room, the West Bandung Regency Regional Planning, Development, Research and Development Agency (Bappelitbangda) carried out socialization of the results of the West Bandung Regency baseline study by the Padjadjaran University SDGs Center team. The general research objective is to mainstream SDGs in development in West Bandung Regency so that West Bandung Regency can contribute to achieving SDGs both provincially and nationally in 2030.

Socialization of the results of the West Bandung Regency baseline study

1)Dialogue of SDGs 10 with Oxfam Indonesia

Padjadjaran University’s SDGs Center, in collaboration with Oxfam Indonesia, held an international conference and published the book “Implications of Covid-19 on Inequality in Asia.” These are the major conclusion of a multi-country research ‘Implications of COVID-19 on Economic Inequality in Asia’ published by Bloomsbury and launched today in Jakarta by SDGs center of the University of Padjadjaran. The research was carried out in Japan, Korea, China, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh by prominent economists in Asia.

Dialogue of SDGs 10 


Recording of dialogue Implications of COVID-19 on Economic Inequality in Asia


2)SDGs Dialogue about Building a good-jobs economy through productivity-led structural transformation

Padjadjaran University’s SDGs Center held an international webinar titled “Building a good-jobs economy through productivity-led structural transformation.” The seminar was organized by the SDGs Center, Padjadjaran University, in collaboration with BAPPENAS, the Employment Studies Forum (FKK), and the Indonesian Bureau of Economics Research (IBER).

SDGs Dialogue about Building a good-jobs economy through productivity-led structural transformation


Recording of webinar “Building a good-jobs economy through productivity-led structural transformation”


3)Director and Deputy Director of SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran socializes SDGs in Bekasi 

The Bekasi Regency Regional Development Planning Agency is Carrying out Synergy and Harmonization of Regional Development Planning Activities in the Fields of Government and Human Development to create Synergy in the Context of Socializing Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 111 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

The meeting was attended by regional, sub-district and academic officials in Bekasi Regency. The activity was attended by speakers from the SDGS Center, Padjadjaran University, regarding the socialization of Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 111 of 2022 concerning the implementation of achieving sustainable development goals and reports on SDGs achievements in Bekasi Regency. In making Sustainable Development Policy, it must be integrated between the Development sectors as stated in regional government documents, both provincial and district/city, from the RPJMD, RENSTRA and RKPD Planning Documents and in line with the Vision, Mission, Targets and Regional Development Indicators to the Scope of Regional Apparatus Planning Documents.
Director and Deputy Director of SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran socializes SDGs in Bekasi 

1)Collaboration with Newcastle University to collect sampel data of 100 tissue and vertebrae samples

Lecturers and students of the Pangandaran Campus Fisheries Study Program collaborate with universities from Newcastle University, United Kingdom, to conduct collaborative research under the Indian Ocean Devil Ray Project in Indonesia. This research collected over 100 tissue and vertebrae samples from Cilacap and Palabuhanratu. This activity is part of the primary research in the Indian Ocean involving countries such as Bangladesh, Maldives, Zanzibar, South Africa, Pakistan and Kenya.

Collaboration with Newcastle University to collect sampel data of 100 tissue and vertebrae samples


2)International conference of farmer researchers in agropreneurship

The Unpad Faculty of Agriculture held an international seminar with the International Conference of Farmer Researchers in Agropreneurship / ICFRA, attended by farmer researchers and practitioners from various countries. The participation of practitioners from within and outside the country in this international seminar will provide vital information for mitigation activities against climate change in multiple countries.

International conference of farmer researchers in agropreneurship


1)Research workshop on capacity building for solving SDGs Problems 

Unpad held a workshop on the use of operations research for SDGs with the theme “Research workshop on capacity building for solving SDGs Problems in Indonesia which was held on 28-30 March 2022. The workshop produced a draft collaborative research proposal regarding operations research, brilliant cities, food security, transportation and disaster planning. This event was held in collaboration with Community Resilience and Sustainability Through Operational Research Capacity Building in Southeast Asia, the Indonesia Operations Research Association (IORA), and the Indo-MS Chapter on Control Optimization.

Research workshop on capacity building for solving SDGs Problems in Indonesia 

2)International collaboration on Citarum River Transformation: A Living lab for international research and impact

The Citarum Research Center or Center of Citarum Research (CCR) of Padjadjaran University received a visit from Monash University on June 7 2022. The visit was held in the framework of the research collaboration “Citarum River Transformation: A Living Lab for International Research and Impact” between Unpad, UI, and Monash University. During this visit, the Unpad research team studied the “Regional Biophysical Assessment of Surface and Ground Water” in the Citarik River.

Citarum River Transformation: A Living lab for international research and impact


3)Professor Rovina Ruslami’s research results are used to treat Tuberculosis (TB) Meningitis in several countries

Professor Rovina Ruslami’s research results are used to treat Tuberculosis (TB) Meningitis in several countries. There is an increase in the dose of rifampicin by a third of the usual amount and given by injection. It can increase the chance of TB Meningitis patients recovering by 50% compared to patients who receive treatment with rifampicin at the standard dose. Researchers in various countries have used the research results of Professor Rovina and her team as a basis for conducting further research.

Professor Rovina Ruslami’s research results are used to treat Tuberculosis (TB) Meningitis in several countries


1)Ocean Young Guards FPIK Unpad Invites  Elementary School Students to Plant Mangrove

Regency Children’s Forum, held an “Ocean Young Guards” activity in the coastal area of Mundu, Cirebon Regency, 18-19 January 2022. This activity was held to encourage the younger generation, especially in coastal regions with a conservationist character. There are three main agendas for this OYG activity, which are participated in by the students of SDN 3 Mundu Pesisir, namely “Fighting Carbon Footprints (tax)”, “Keeping the Seas Free of Trash (Jalapah), and “My Own Mangrove”. These three agendas contain an introduction and understanding of three marine and coastal ecosystems and their problems, as well as implementing beach cleaning making eco-bricks and mangrove seedlings.

Ocean Young Guards FPIK Unpad Invites  Elementary School Students to Plant Mangrove


2)International summer program 2022

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science also supports the blue economy movement by taking part in maintaining the sustainability of fishery resources. This is intended to achieve one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 14 regarding marine and fisheries. The development of the fisheries sector cannot only focus on the field of fisheries, but is highly determined on the ecosystem and various other sectors. Universities are also expected to be centers of excellence in the SDGs. The role of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences is also expected to be even stronger to support the achievement of SDG number 14.  Therefore, the title of our summer course program is The Global Strategy of Blue Economy : Challenge, Potential, and Development consisting of 2 (two) credits with an additional 1 (one) credit if students take a Virtual Trip, the total course is one week or seven (7) working days for this summer course session from 12 September 2022 to 18 September 2022. 

International summer program 2022


3)Technical Assistance on Support of Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of Sub-National Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Target Province

On January 14 2022, in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the SDGs Center of Padjadjaran University conducted joint activities with West Kalimantan Province. This activity is Technical Assistance monitoring and evaluating sub-national action plan reports for SDGs. This activity continues the Regional Action Plan (RAD) assistance in five regions, namely Aceh, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, North Maluku and Southeast Sulawesi.

Assistance on Support of Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of Sub-National Action Plan


4)Integration of climate actions and SDGs at the sub-national scale: results from stakeholder consultation in West Java

As a partner of the Institute for Environmental Strategies (IGES), the SDGs Center conducts stakeholder consultations (online) on the prospects and challenges of the transition to a low-carbon society in West Java, Indonesia. This Work aims to consult local stakeholders (including but not limited to representatives from government agencies, business sectors, civil societies, and academia) to understand some critical issues related to low-carbon development in West Java and their interactions with the SDGs. Both mitigation and adaptation sides will be explored. 

Integration of climate actions and SDGs at the sub-national scale: results from stakeholder consultation in West Java

Publication of SDG reports

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Padjadjaran University accepted 330 students who received bidikmisi scholarships, which are scholarships for underprivileged people. In this report, SDGs 1 includes Unpad activities that help grow young entrepreneurs, village development, and providing scholarships for the families of lecturers and education staff who pass away. Apart from that, this report also explains the development of startups for economic growth.

1_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, there will be 53 Unpad halal supervisors and eight halal canteen partners. A halal canteen is a canteen that pays attention to the quality of food raw materials and the food manufacturing process. In SDG 2, several activities are delivered, such as technical guidance on making processed livestock products, outreach on stunting prevention in schools and teenagers, providing essential food assistance to victims of natural disasters, students in Islamic boarding schools, and children in orphanages. In achieving SDG 2, Unpad also empowers students in processing fish products with the master fish brand and has a halal canteen that guarantees food quality.

2_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, there will be health assistance to the community regarding mass circumcisions for 65 people and blood donations for 338 people. In SDG 3, Unpad organizes safe space facilities for survivors of sexual violence, vaccine development with the latest technology platforms, relaxation training for mothers, blood donation activities, healthy living seminars, and booster vaccinations.

3_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve SDG 4, Padjadjaran University has the Unpad Luhung MOOC, which consists of 22 courses and 200 learning videos. There are activities related to improving education through student exchanges both domestically and abroad. In improving access to Central laboratory services, there is the development of the Polar application, namely the Mobile-Based Laboratory Service Portal. In 2022, Padjadjaran University will also improve the quality of education, one of which is supporting hybrid learning in collaboration with PT Telkom Indonesia.

4_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, there will be seven gender-related webinars from the Center for Gender and Child Studies. There are discussion activities with mothers about healthy food and how to increase the productivity of homemakers. 2022 will also be the beginning of the formation of a unit for preventing and handling sexual violence at Padjadjaran University. There are nine people from lecturers, education staff and students appointed to this task force. Not only mothers children are also an essential concern for Padjadjaran University because there is a children’s daycare. In 2022, there is seven children of employees and students who will be entrusted to Padjadjaran University’s daycare.

5_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In increasing the achievement of SDG 6, Padjadjaran University applies smart watering in the implementation of hydroponic gardens. Apart from that, there are outreach activities on making bio-pore absorption holes in the Manglayang Regency area. During the earthquake in Cianjur, Padjadjaran University and Laz Al Azhar, they provided a reverse osmosis (RO) machine that earthquake survivors could use to get clean, ready-to-drink water.

6_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In SDG 7, Padjadjaran University implemented solar panels for water treatment plans, nanobubbles, and lights, totalling 110.5 kWh. Padjadjaran University helps with solar-powered public street lighting in the community in Leles Village, Leles District, Garut Regency. Apart from that, Padjadjaran University implements smart and green dentistry.

7_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In achieving SDG 8, Padjadjaran University holds training for lecturers, education staff and the general public. There was training to improve basic instructional technique skills for 91 lecturers, and there was digital marketing technical guidance for 75 people with disabilities. Students also took part in developing a marketplace platform for typical Rajapolah woven crafts in Tasikmalaya Regency. In addition, 64 international business students took the export and import competency certification exam.

8_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In the infrastructure sector, Padjadjaran University launched a student centre, which is used as a centre for student activities to improve soft skills, interpersonal skills and life skills. The infrastructure to support hybrid learning has also been improved, including the live Unpad platform, which can be accessed anywhere, anyone and anytime. In the field of innovation, Padjadjaran University has various innovations exhibited in the agro-industrial product innovation exhibition. In a business partnership, Padjadjaran University, through its cooperative funding activities, is developing the essential oil industry through a fractionation process to increase the added value of patchouli based on sustainable farmer empowerment.

9_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, Padjadjaran University, through Dharma Wanita Persatuan, will assist with 62 cleaning and security officers. Apart from that, Unpad provides opportunities for 22 lecturers outside Padjadjaran University to take part in internships at Unpad. In 2022, there will be a webinar on SDG 10 with the theme of achieving SDG-10 post-COVID-19 pandemic and a book launch on the implications of COVID-19 on inequality in Asia, which will be held together with Oxfam International. There are several activities carried out by students, such as a project that introduces bisindo learning. Then, there are student activities regarding mental health preparation for high school students.

10_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, there will be a hybrid sports competition called Lustrum. In achieving SDGs 11, Padjadjaran University is campaigning for sustainable practices by promoting sports such as the Big Force Festival 2022 and Unpad Lustrum XIII hybrid sports. Apart from that, there was an award for the cycling association community (I-Go), which received an award as an inspiring educational institution in building a cycling culture from the Bandung City Transportation Department. Not only promoting sports, Padjadajaran University, together with the Bandung Regency Government, built a dormitory intended for students from Bandung Regency.

11_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, there will be a reduction in plastic of 667.25 kg/year, a reduction of 720 pieces of paper due to the use of e-SIAT, processing of waste into biogas of 3-5 kg/day, processing of maggot waste 30-45 kg/day, 1- 2 tons of composting/month. In 2022, there will be outreach activities on processing waste into fertilizer, which will be held in three villages, namely Cinanjung, Marga Jaya and Haurngombang villages. There are also activities to map potential fishery product waste in four sub-districts in Pangandaran Regency.

12_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Pada tahun 2023, terdapat kegiatan berkaitan dengan simulasi mitigasi bencana alam di Pangandaran, pemberian dukungan psikososial untuk penyintas gempa cianjur selama enam bulan. Selain itu terdapat pemasangan stasiun cuaca untuk mendeteksi curah hujan, pemetaan geodiversitas di wilayah Lampung Barat. 

13_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, there are improvements to 40 coral reefs carried out by Padjadjaran University. There are several activities regarding marine matters, such as the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) at Padjadjaran University holding a public lecture on seafood waste processing. There is the Think Green 7.0 activity, which is Padjadjaran University’s effort to plant mangroves and transplant corals. Apart from that, there are mangrove planting activities at Tanjung Cemara Beach, Pangandaran and Ocean Young Guards activities to provide environmental awareness for children.

14_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, Padjadjaran University has planted more than 1260 tree seedlings in the community and 154 tree seedlings on campus. In achieving SDGs 15, there are several activities carried out by Padjadjaran University, such as increasing the capacity of breeders in Gudang village, Sumedang, training in milk goat farming in Cibungur, Sumedang. Apart from that, there were outreach activities on biopore infiltration holes carried out in Cinunuk village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency and revalidation of the Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark carried out by the Geopark Research and Education Center, Faculty of Geological Engineering, Padjadjaran University.

15_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In improving the institutions of Padjadjaran University, by 2022, there will be as many as 50 lecturers who will participate in the basic skills improvement program for instructional techniques. Not only internal training; there are also training activities for 85 people in special education for the advocate profession. In terms of institutions, Unpad maintains the “informative” title in the 2022 Public Information Openness Award organized by the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia.

16_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University published SDGs Report 2022. This report summarizes several activities by the Padjadjaran University academic community related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In achieving SDG 17, there are several activities related to Unpad, such as holding a workshop on the use of operations research for SDGs. In SDGs research, the SDG Center of Padjadjaran University conducted a baseline study for West Bandung Regency. This activity is research on mainstreaming SDGs in development in West Bandung Regency so that this Regency can contribute to achieving SDGs at both provincial and national levels in 2030. As the first SDGs Center in Indonesia, Padjadjaran University’s SDGs Center has several times shared best practices with various campuses, both online and offline.

17_SDGs Report 2022


Overall SDGs Report 2022_Universitas Padjadjaran

Education for SDGs commitment meaningful education

1)SDGs and Sustainability Curriculum 

There are courses on SDGs and Global Sustainability taught by Prof. Dr Zuzy Anna, M.Si (Director of the SDGs Center) and Ahmad Komarulzaman, S.E., M.Sc, PhD. (Deputy Director of SDGs Center). The SDGs and Global Sustainability course is mandatory for Semester II (two) students. The aim of this course is for students to understand the role of SDGs in global and national development. At the beginning of the lecture, students learn the factors driving the birth of SDGs. Students then study various issues related to SDGs, SDGs metadata, mainstreaming SDGs in government programs, the contribution of specific sectors to achieving SDGs, such as the business sector, and various methods for resolving SDG issues.

SDGs and Sustainability Curriculum


2)Unpad provides 3.409 courses related to sustainability

There is a list of courses that offered at Universitas Padjadjaran related to environment and sustainability. It is included the required courses from faculties, courses for specialization program, elective courses from odd andeven semester, concentration courses, and TPB (Tahap Persiapan Bersama) courses as well. Number of courses related to environment and sustainability offered in 2022 = 3.409 courses. List of courses related to environment and sustainability based on Academic Guidance Book on the faculty

Courses related to sustainability 


3)SDG Curriculum at matriculation class 

Matriculation class at Padjadjaran University is designed as a learning activity that is standardized, innovative and adapts future skills while still showing the wisdom of Padjadjaran University’s noble values, expected to produce superior and characterful Unpad graduates. Provide academic learning and character training that instils a sense of togetherness and introduces values and insights that can characterize students when they graduate in the future, including Unpad-Sundaness-Sundanese-Main Scientific Patterns at Padjadjaran University, namely Bina Mulia Law and Environment in National Development Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Information Literacy and Digital Tax and Population. Each course in the matriculation class has student projects (consisting of up to 10 people), each tagged to the relevant SDGs. Apart from that, the project is also published via YouTube.

SDG Curriculum at matriculation class

unpad leap and lead program  (page 14)

instagram of unpad leapandlead 

1)Master in Sustainability Science

The establishment of the Sustainability Science Masters Study Program is intended to change the perspectives of academics, students, development practitioners, and the broader community in understanding human and environmental interactions in a sustainable context. More specifically, the existence of this study program is expected to produce graduates who have a holistic mindset, can apply a transdisciplinary approach, and appreciate diversity. The ultimate goal of establishing this study program is to contribute to achieving a sustainable society. Although until now, there is no study program similar to the Master of Sustainability Science program that will be established at Unpad, from the beginning of its establishment, it should have taken into account the uniqueness of the study program. This can be done by combining the issues contained in the SDGs, Nawacita, and the 10 Common Goals of West Java, which are packaged within the framework of the Unpad Principal Scientific Pattern “Bina Mulia Law and Environment in National Development” Graduates of the Master of Sustainability Study Program can work as development practitioners and activists, and to a certain extent can work as government officials. At the national and international levels, graduates of the Master of Sustainability Study Program can be absorbed by non-governmental institutions engaged in the environment and development sector as well as national and multinational private companies.

Master in Sustainability Science


2)Unpad provides 3.409 courses related to sustainability

There is a list of courses that offered at Universitas Padjadjaran related to environment and sustainability. It is included the required courses from faculties, courses for specialization program, elective courses from odd andeven semester, concentration courses, and TPB (Tahap Persiapan Bersama) courses as well. Number of courses related to environment and sustainability offered in 2022 = 3.409 courses. List of courses related to environment and sustainability based on Academic Guidance Book on the faculty

Courses related to sustainability 


3)Sustainability Sylabus

There are some course curricula in sustainability, such as (1) Sustainability Science: frontiers/state of the art; (2) Sustainable human and nature interaction; (3) Communicating Sustainability; (4) Development and Sustainability; (5) Innovation, SDGs and Global Sustainability.

Syllabus of the sustainability science study program

Sdgs and Sustainability Course Syllabus

1)SDGs Center as a speaker at SDGs sharing workshop held by Ministry of National Development Planning

The SDGs Center shared knowledge in a workshop with the theme of sharing knowledge and experience between SDGs Centers/Hubs/Networks, held online on July 28 2022. This activity discusses communication and cooperation mechanisms between SDG centres and each other. Prof. Zuzy Anna, representing the Unpad SDGs Center, explained material related to the function of the SDGs Center, existing challenges and achievements. He said, “The part of the SDGs Center is to support achieving SDGs in Indonesia and the regions for 2030. Apart from that, providing evidence-based policy recommendations to achieve SDGs, independently monitoring the progress of SDGs, mainstreaming SDGs into research and policies and facilitating dialogues to achieve SDGs. The role of the SDGs Center in Local Capacity Building is to carry out training on SDGs, workshops on stakeholder engagement, webinars on SDGs, commitment on SDGs workshops and SDGs leadership workshops. Prof. Zuzy also said that the achievements made by the Unpad SDGs Center were in the form of research collaboration with various institutions and industries that focus on sustainable development.

SDGs Center as a speaker at SDGs sharing workshop held by Ministry of National Development Planning


2)Director and Deputy Director of SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran socializes SDGs in Bekasi 

The Bekasi Regency Regional Development Planning Agency is Carrying out Synergy and Harmonization of Regional Development Planning Activities in the Fields of Government and Human Development to create Synergy in the Context of Socializing Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 111 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

The meeting was attended by regional, sub-district and academic officials in Bekasi Regency. The activity was attended by speakers from the SDGS Center, Padjadjaran University, regarding the socialization of Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 111 of 2022 concerning the implementation of achieving sustainable development goals and reports on SDGs achievements in Bekasi Regency. In making Sustainable Development Policy, it must be integrated between the Development sectors as stated in regional government documents, both provincial and district/city, from the RPJMD, RENSTRA and RKPD Planning Documents and in line with the Vision, Mission, Targets and Regional Development Indicators to the Scope of Regional Apparatus Planning Documents.
Director and Deputy Director of SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran socializes SDGs in Bekasi 


3) SDGs Sharing with other campuses

On Tuesday, August 2 2022, four lecturers from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Semarang University, visited the SDGs Center office at Padjadjaran University. The purpose of the visit was to learn about various SDGs Center activities at Padjadjaran University. This sharing aims to realise University Tridharma’s structured activities through implementing education for sustainable development in the curriculum, introducing the concept of education for sustainable development to the community and workshop/seminar/training activities.
Ahmad Komarulzaman, Deputy Director of the SDGs Center Unpad, shared about the role of universities in achieving SDGs. Through teaching and research, universities can equip students with the skills and abilities needed to participate in achieving the SDGs. As academics, lecturers and the SDGs Center at a university can be involved in capacity building, evaluation, policy papers/policy briefs, and engaged in development data and indicators.

SDGs Sharing with other campuses


4)SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran shares SDGs best practice in Side Event High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) Malaysia 

Padjadjaran University’s SDGs Center provides sharing of Indonesian best practices in implementing SDGs. This activity was carried out at the HLPF Side Event on July 11 2022, with the theme “Building Back Better in Localizing SDGs, A Case Study of Malaysia and Three Southeast Asian Country Experiences of the Partnership Model”. Zuzy Anna Director of the SDG Center at Padjadjaran University, explained that the Covid pandemic impacted the achievement of SDGs in various dimensions of development and SDG targets. Zuzy Anna explained the results of Unpad SDG Center research regarding the global impact of COVID-19 in ASEAN countries. Achievement of the SDGs in ASEAN countries is 2%-3% lower than in the absence of COVID-19 and is equivalent to around 1.5 years slower in achieving the SDGs. In addition, 97% of SDG indicators were interrupted by COVID-19, while the rest were completed before 2030. The countries with the most minor total indicators interrupted were Malaysia (43.5%) and Vietnam (48%). Meanwhile, the interruption indicator in Indonesia is 70.3%, and the Philippines is 68%. To increase SDG achievement, it is necessary to refocus development programs, economic recovery, digital transformation, and other programs.

SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran shares SDGs best practice in Side Event High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) Malaysia