Providing food is a key element of sustainable development. Supporting local agriculture, forestry and fisheries to support the fulfillment of community food needs. Apart from that, the contribution made by Padjadjaran University in providing food for the community is one of the keys to sustainable development as well as food security and improved nutrition which continues to have a positive impact.

Campus Food Waste

Measure the amount of food waste generated from food served within the university.


1. Canteen Trash


Universitas Padjadjaran weighs and sorts canteen waste at UNPAD. It is known that the largest volume of food waste is 760.74 kg.

(Canteen Trash)


2. Organic Waste Produced & Treatment Tracking


Universitas Padjadjaran processes organic waste produced on campus. The resulting waste is processed with black solder fly mango. UNPAD also makes the resulting food waste into compost and liquid fertilizer. Not only that, UNPAD also created a community service program for organic waste management.

(Organic Waste Produced & Treatment Tracking)


3. Waste Management Flow Chart


Padjadjaran University has a scheme for processing the waste produced. Food waste from all campus areas, namely buildings, the canteen, student activity units, dormitories, mosques, and the rectorate, is processed back into something that can be used, such as compost, biogas, and others.

(Waste Management Flow Chart)


Campus Food Waste

This is the total of food (metric ton) that is discarded or lost uneaten by all catering services on campus in the year 2022.

This is the sum of the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students and the FTE number of employees in the
year 2022.

Total Food Waste
Campus Population

Student Hunger

Padjadjaran University has several programs that can help overcome the problem of hunger among students.



1. Quality Food Program in UNPAD Canteen


To guarantee quality food for students and the academic community, Unpad developed a halal and tayyib (Thayib) campus canteen. This canteen is located at GOR Santika, Jatinangor Campus, which is the main campus of Unpad. The soft launching of this canteen was held on October 4 2022, in collaboration between the Padjadjaran Halal Center and Bank Indonesia. As many as 34 canteen business actors were also involved in training on how to produce good food, such as choosing halal product raw materials, using supporting equipment, and creating processes that comply with halal standards. This canteen is open to all Unpad residents from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

(Quality Food Program in UNPAD Canteen)


2. Free Food Program for Breaking the Fast for the General Public


To help students and the community around Unpad, every Ramadan, Unpad has a food-sharing program in the form of free “takjil”. from April 2 to May 1 2022, right at the Unpad mosque, students and the public can get free food to break the fast.

(Free Food Program for Breaking the Fast for the General Public)


3. “Safe Food Goes to Campus” Program


Unpad and BPOM RI collaborated by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The program being implemented is “Safe Food Goes To Campus”. With this program, BPOM invites many parties to monitor safe medicines and food.

(“Safe Food Goes to Campus” Program)


Natural Watercourses and Storing It in Agricultural Ponds for Irrigation in The Dry Season

Research on the Potential of Cocoa Bean Shells for the Functional Food Industry

Marine Biomaterials Research Collaboration

Build a Close House Enclosure

Actions taken by UNPAD to prevent and reduce hunger among students and campus staff by providing supplies or access to readily available food.



1. Food Supply for UNPAD Communities


Unpad Lustrum Friday Rice distribution was held at the Unpad Grand Mosque, Jatinangor Campus and the Unpad Al-Jihad Mosque, Iwa Koesoemansoemantri Campus. At the Unpad Grand Mosque, 300 boxes of rice were distributed to the Friday prayer congregation, while at the Al-Jihad Mosque, 200 boxes of rice were distributed.

(Food Supply for UNPAD Communities)


2. Maintaining Food Supply by Developing Fruit Gardens


The Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, is developing a fruit orchard in the Ciparanje research area. The garden, which covers an area of approximately 2 hectares, is planted with various types of fruit, ranging from oranges, persimmons, honey deli guava, and others. Danar explained that the development of the fruit garden was carried out to utilize several Unpad lands so that they were optimal and beneficial for the welfare of Unpad residents. The park applies environmentally friendly pest control technology and does not use conventional pesticides that contain synthetic ingredients. In the future, this area will be used as a vehicle for the collection and conservation of various types of fruit commodities. Currently, his party has collaborated with multiple partners to cultivate other fruit plants.

(Maintaining Food Supply by Developing Fruit Gardens)


3. Food in the UNPAD Canteen


The UNPAD canteen provides food for lecturers and students. The food provided by the canteen is very diverse so that lecturers, students and other UNPAD residents have variety and innovation in consuming food.

(Food in the UNPAD Canteen)


UNPAD Distributes 90 Sacrificial Animals for Eid al-Adha

UNPAD supports food for everyone on campus and provides programs and facilities that benefit residents around campus.



1. Diversification of Food Products on Campus


Unpad supports the diversification of food products on campus with existing programs and facilities. One of them is a vegetarian food option. On October 1 2022, the Chancellor of Unpad checked the lettuce cultivation available in Unpad’s Hydroponic Garden called “Bale Tetanen”. Apart from that, Bale Tetanen is also a research forum for developing shelf-stable and seedless tomatoes in collaboration with Tsukuba University, Japan. Then, there is the development of strawberries in partnership with Shinsu University, Japan.

(Diversification of Food Products on Campus)


2. Genetic Engineering of Tomato Plant Cultivation


Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Cultivation, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Syariful Mubarok, S.P., M.Sc., PhD, carried out genetic engineering and cultivation engineering on tomato plants. Together with his team, Syariful selected several mutants that had mutations in the SlETR gene or a gene related to the function of the ethylene hormone. Apart from shelf-stable tomatoes, Syariful and the Unpad Faculty of Agriculture team, in collaboration with the University of Tsukuba, are also developing research on seedless tomatoes. The technology being developed is NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) technology and fruit pruning to get large fruit sizes, and methods are being developed to increase the sweet taste and nutritional content of tomatoes with fertilization and hormonal engineering.

(Genetic Engineering of Tomato Plant Cultivation)


3. Healthy Food Options on Campus


Padjadjaran University held a Food Festival in the campus area to support local businesses and create positive public space. Providing healthy food at the 2022 Food Festival

(Healthy Food Options on Campus)

Providing campus residents with healthy and affordable food for everyone on campus. Providing campus residents with healthy and affordable food for everyone on campus.



1. Halal Verification for Food at the Food Festival


Every year, to welcome new students, there is a student orientation program that aims to introduce new students to the University facilities that they are entitled to as Unpad students and is part of the New Student Admissions (PMB) series. Student orientation, which will occur on 11-19 August 2022, includes a food festival for new students. The Unpad Directorate of Innovation and Corporations assists several tenants. There is a choice of food and drinks which are certified halal and are sold to students, such as takoyaki, burgers, meatballs, coffee, tea containing stevia leaves, seafood products and salads. One of the tenants, namely dr_healthfull, even provides healthy snacks such as fruit and vegetable juice.

(Halal Verification for Food at the Food Festival)


2. Canteen Halal & Thayyib in Campus


Unpad Develops Halal and “Thayyib” Canteen Facilities. The meaning of this name is both according to sharia (halal) and meeting food safety requirements (thayyib). Not only as a provider of quality food but also as an incubation vehicle for canteen operators at Unpad to produce halal and healthy food. The entire production process in the canteen will be supervised and assisted. Apart from that, business actors have also been provided with assistance to obtain halal certification.

(Canteen Halal & Thayyib in Campus)


3. Unpad Dharma Wanita Association Discussion on Healthy Food


Activities that are concerned with daily life, especially for Indonesian mothers, such as being concerned with preparing food that is healthy and easy to make. Information in the form of healthy foods that contain various macro and micronutrients. A healthy food balance is a food that contains carbohydrates, protein, fat and vitamins. A mother must be competent in choosing and serving food for her beloved family.

(Unpad Dharma Wanita Association Discussion on Healthy Food)


Health Canteen Padjadjaran

Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture

Number of graduates
Number of graduates from agriculture and aquaculture courses including sustainability aspects

This is the total headcount number
of graduates at all levels from your institution in year 2022.

This is the headcount number of
graduates at all levels who were studying
any aspect of food sustainability within
an agricultural and aquaculture course
and successfully completed the course in year 2022.

Number of graduates
Number of graduates from agriculture and aquaculture courses including sustainability aspects

National Hunger

Availability of access to food security and sustainable agriculture. Apart from that, it also provides knowledge, skills and technology to support local farmers and producers towards food security.


1. Education on Science Related to Animal Cultivation


Unpad Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences provides education on sea lobster cultivation to personnel from the Ciamis, Lebak, Garut, Pandeglang, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya and Cianjur Kodim. This activity was carried out on 16-19 June 2022 at the UPTD for Brackish Water and Marine Fisheries in the Southern Region and Unpad Floating Net Karamba on the East Coast of Pangandaran Regency. This activity aims to support the cultivation of lobster fry to improve the people’s economy, especially on the southern coast, including providing assistance and assistance to fishermen.

(Education on Science Related to Animal Cultivation)


2. Access Knowledge For Local Fishermen


The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences developed Floating Net Karamba (KJA) on the East Coast of Pangandaran. This facility is a learning medium for developing educational tourism in Pangandaran. This KJA supports superior commodities, namely lobster, grouper and pomfret.

(Access Knowledge For Local Fishermen)


3. Farmer Education Through Agricultural Exhibitions


The Unpad Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences is collaborating with the Bandung City Government, one of which is the dedication to intensify the “Buruan SAE” (Healthy, Natural and Economical) program in the Bandung City area. “Buruan SAE” is an integrated urban farming program promoted by the Bandung City Food and Agriculture Service. This program aims to overcome food inequality through the use of yards or land through gardening to meet the food needs of one’s own family.

(Farmer Education Through Agricultural Exhibitions)


Develop Biosensor Applications for Food

Digital Transformation of Indonesian Agriculture

Utilize Suboptimal Plantation Land to Become a Potential Commodity

Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer for Food Security

Seminar on Agriculture Ready to Face Climate Change

Sharing Knowledge Corn Cultivation Must Be Adaptive to Climate Change

UNPAD often holds activities for local farmers and food producers to provide education and share the latest information or knowledge and the latest technology that can support farmers’ progress.



1. Educate Farmers and the Community about Agriculture


Padjadjaran University, with the Association of Farmer Groups in Cigenjang Village and Sindangwangi Village, Padaherang District, Pangandaran, held an agricultural exhibition. This activity aims to educate and provide an example for the broader community while encouraging the younger generation to go directly into agriculture. This activity was opened by the Deputy Governor of West Java and the Regent of Pangandaran. Apart from that, there was an action to plant 1000 horticultural plant seeds.

(Educate Farmers and the Community about Agriculture)


2. Waste Management Education for Farmers


The Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry held outreach and training activities on processing livestock waste into fertilizer in Haurgombong Village, Pamulihan District, Sumedang. This activity is part of the Independent Learning-Free Campus (MBKM) program, which will be implemented in October-December 2022. Using organic fertilizer can prevent the degradation of agricultural land, thereby supporting sustainable agrarian activities.

(Waste Management Education for Farmers)


3. Socialization of Fish Cultivation to Farmers and the General Public


The Integrative Hybrid PPM-KKN team carried out outreach regarding fish farming in buckets to the general public and offline to the community in Cikeruh Village, Jatinangor. Cultivating fish in buckets is a solution to fulfil family nutrition. A method of developing fish in synergy with vegetable plants is carried out in a container in the form of a bucket.

(Socialization of Fish Cultivation to Farmers and the General Public)

Padjadjaran University provides access to local farmers, such as laboratories, technology, or plant stock, to support food producers in increasing agricultural demand.



1. Improving Sustainable Agriculture


Unpad has a “Bale Tetanen”, an information technology or IoT-based hydroponic cultivation area. This facility is used as a learning laboratory for both students and the community. To date, there have been research collaborations, such as the development of shelf-stable tomatoes and seedless tomatoes with Tsukuba University, Japan.

(Improving Sustainable Agriculture)


2. Providing Testing Laboratories to Farmers/Food Producers


The Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology (FTIP) has a testing service laboratory for education, research, community service and testing of agricultural products. The benefits received include chemical analysis, microbiological analysis, physical analysis and metal analysis.

(Providing Testing Laboratories to Farmers/Food Producers)


3. Training Using Technology in the Laboratory for Sustainable Agriculture


Located at the Animal Products Technology Laboratory, Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry campus, teachers and students of the Tamaddun Adab Selaras Fitrah Islamic Boarding School received training in making yoghurt. By having these skills, teachers and students can independently make yoghurt, either for their consumption or marketed in the community.

(Training Using Technology in the Laboratory for Sustainable Agriculture)


Research Based Fruit Garden

To support local resource products, Padjadjaran University purchases food from local sources to create a sustainable program.



1. Urban Agriculture from Local Residents Vegetables


Unpad has a vegetable garden on Jalan Teuku Angkasa, Lebak Gede Village, Coblong District. Even though it belongs to the campus, the management of urban farming is dominated by residents and some of the Unpad academic community. Some of the vegetables available are lettuce, chillies, tomatoes and kale. This citizen involvement is intended so that women can be more productive.

(Urban Agriculture from Local Residents)


2. Providing Frozen Fish Processed Products with the Brand Name “Master Fish”


Faculty Student Activity Unit Fisheries Product Processing Technology Forum and Science Studies (Fortification) Unpad Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences provides processed frozen fish products under the brand “masterfish”. Masterfish has a variety of processed fish products, such as dragon feet, siomai, squid meatballs, otak-otak, tuna meatballs, and fish rolls.

(Providing Frozen Fish Processed Products with the Brand Name “Master Fish”)


3. Buy Tomatoes at Green House UNPAD


Buy tomatoes directly by harvesting tomatoes directly at Bale Tatanen Green House UNPAD.

(Buy Tomatoes at Green House UNPAD)