Padjadjaran University strives to provide a healthy life for society and improve welfare for all ages. Apart from that, efforts are made to eradicate diseases that disrupt public health by implementing community programs and collaborating with institutions to make this dream come true.

Number of students graduating in health professions

Number of graduates
Number of graduates in health professions

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels in health professions

Number of graduates
Number of graduates in health professions

Collaborations and health services

Padjadjaran University collaborates with local, national and global health institutions to improve the health and welfare of the wider community.



1. Collaboration with the Health Development Policy Agency


Through collaboration with the Health Development Policy Agency, Padjadjaran University is working on the effectiveness and safety of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. This activity is expected to show the participation of universities in handling COVID-19 in the community. From the research results, a half dose of booster vaccine was proven to have the same effectiveness as a total dose, but not from a safety perspective.

(Collaboration with the Health Development Policy Agency)


2. Research and Innovation with Pharmaceutical Companies


To develop research and innovation, especially in medicine, the University collaborates with PT. Farmalab Indoutama. Developing a laboratory for drug testing supported by a diagnostic laboratory that is ISO certified, the National Accreditation Office and the POM Agency. Apart from that, innovation from the health business side is also expected through this collaboration.

(Research and Innovation with Pharmaceutical Companies)


3. Collaboration with the Indonesian Medical-Surgical Nurses Association


The Indonesian Medical-Surgical Nurses Association collaborated with the Faculty of Nursing at Padjadjaran University in the context of a Scientific Presentation discussing the theme “Digital Transformation Shaping The Future of Medical-Surgical Nursing in The New Normal Era”. This activity was held to develop a comprehensive view regarding the application of technology in medical-surgical nursing.

(Collaboration with the Indonesian Medical-Surgical Nurses Association)


Collaboration with the Health Development Policy Agency

Blood Donation with the “Palang Merah Indonesia”

Collaboration with Global Health Institutions

Vaccine Manufacturing Technology Training for State Researchers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

We are carrying out programs and outreach in local communities to improve health and welfare, such as cleanliness, nutrition, nutrition, exercise and other cheerful topics related to health.



1. Collaborating with Cross-Sectors to Prevent/Treat Anaemia


The research team from the Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, held cross-sector coordination for the prevention and treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Soreang District. Anaemia in adolescent girls has been a problem for a long time, and cross-sector collaboration in efforts to prevent and treat Anemia is urgently needed. The hope is that parents, society, the health sector and the education sector will play an active role in this case.

(Collaborating with Cross-Sectors to Prevent/Treat Anemia)


2. Community Service Regarding Dental & Oral Health


The Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University, provides community service for cleft lip and palate surgery as well as counselling and free oral and dental examinations. This activity is part of the “Oral Health Collaboration for West Java Well Being”. Operations were conducted for 15 children, while 300 Pangandaran residents participated in free dental examinations and treatment.

(Community Service Regarding Dental & Oral Health)


3. Blood Donation Action in Humanitarian Aspect


The Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University, through the Action Development Combination Unit, held a blood donation action to be a real action to help in humanitarian aspects, especially in supplying a stock of blood gourds for people in need. The blood donation action was not only carried out by the UNPAD extended family but also included the general public. More than 170 people took part in this action.

(Blood Donation Action in Humanitarian Aspect)


Dental & Oral Health Education to Local Residents

Empowerment and Prevention of Stunting with the Indonesian Pediatric Dentists Association for School Children

Improving Oral Health for Local Residents

Unpad Faculty of Agriculture Holds Healthy Living Seminar

Helping Humanity, Unpad Holds Blood Donation

UNPAD Faculty of Dentistry Encourages Pangandaran to Become a Dental and Medical Tourism Area

The university has many competent sports facilities as well as several facilities that can be used free of charge for all activities, both academic and community.



1. Jati Stadium Sports Facilities


Padjadjaran University has the Jati Padjadjaran Stadium with a capacity for 1500 people and has 20,000 W electricity facilities. Changing room facilities, player benches, and stands are also available at this stadium. The general public can use this stadium, provided permission is required.

(Jati Stadium Sports Facilities)


2. Field for Sports with a Large Total Capacity


Bale Santika UNPAD is a sports facility at Padjadjaran University which has two futsal courts, a badminton court, and a basketball/volleyball court, which in total can accommodate around 1200 people.

(Field for Sports with a Large Total Capacity)


3. Making Sports Activities for the Public Free


Padjadjaran University is holding a sports competition where the general public can participate for free. Matches that can be experienced include running contests, walking competitions and bicycle competitions.

(Making Sports Activities for the Public Free)


UNPAD Sport Facilities for Children 

Padjadjaran University actively provides information that there are free sexual health and production services. Apart from that, there are also information and education services related to sex and production that are easily accessible.



1. Free Sexual Health Services


Padjadjaran University held the mass circumcision at the Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Building. Sixty-five children attended the mass circumcision activity. This free activity is one of the activities of the Unpad Sharing Program. This activity was carried out because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit economically disadvantaged communities.

(Free Sexual Health Services)


2. Centre for Health Research Studies


Padjadjaran University provides access to information related to reproductive health, health economics, maternal and child safety, drug abuse and other information.

(Center for Health Research Studies)


3. Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence


Padjadjaran University received appreciation from the Deputy Attorney General of Indonesia for implementing regulations regarding the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. This effort aims to strengthen the campus as a safe learning space. Apart from that, UNPAD also formed a Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force to help victims and perpetrators of sexual violence.

(Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence)

Providing service access for Padjadjaran University students and staff to information to support mental health.



1. Free Counseling Center


Padjadjaran University has a University Counseling Center for the entire academic community, including students, education staff and lecturers who need free psychological assistance. Apart from that, the Counseling Center also helps and develops students in facing challenges in life and the learning process through consultation, counselling and preventive programs.

(Free Counseling Center & Guidance and Mentoring of Students and Staff)


2. Mental Health Social Action


Students from the Communication Family Orientation team held a social action, “Mental Health Preparation” for the children of Karsa Madya Tanjungsari High School. One of the aims of the activity is to prepare students to face pre-campus life mentally. Not only was material provided, but games and sharing sessions were also carried out.

(Mental Health Social Action)


3. Facilities for Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence


The Gender and Children Research Center, under the auspices of Padjadjaran University, provides a facility called “Safe Room” for victims and survivors of sexual violence. This activity aims to make Padjadjaran University a campus that is friendly and able to embrace survivors of sexual violence. The team assists in the form of regular meetings, both online and offline.

(Facilities for Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence)


Education on the Impact of Cyberbullying on Students

Introduction to Mental Health Problems in the Community

Making areas free from cigarette smoke is a form of effort to maintain clean air, health and comfort for the community.



1. Policy No Smoking Areas at Padjadjaran University


Padjadjaran University has a policy regarding the prohibition of smoking in the area around Padjadjaran University. This is because Padjadjaran University pays attention to cigarettes, which cause air pollution and health problems. Apart from that, Article 1 of Law No. 32 of 2010 concerning the Prohibition of Smoking states that teaching and learning places, including university campuses, are one of the areas where smoking is prohibited.

(Policy No Smoking Areas at Padjadjaran University)


2. Environmentally Friendly Campus Implemented


The environmentally Friendly Campus implemented by Padjadjaran University is a form of a campus environment that is safe, comfortable, and orderly, provides security and safety at work, and saves water and energy, supporting the dynamic development of campus life in a conducive academic climate so that new, emotional behavior patterns are formed, a global and sustainable campus community.

(Environmentally Friendly Campus Implemented)