To reduce discrimination against women and girls, Padjadjaran University considers gender equality a fundamental human right to create a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Therefore, efforts to achieve gender equality continue to this day.

Proportion of first-generation female students

Number of women starting degree
Number of 1st gen women starting degree

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students starting a degree at the university who are female

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of first-generation students starting a degree at the university who are female. A first-generation student is one who reports that they are the first person in immediate family who attends university at any level (note - the individual may have studied at another university previously).

Number of women starting a degree
Number of first-generation women starting a degree

Student access measures

Proportion of senior female academics

Padjadjaran University tracks women’s applications at the University, apart from that, it also tracks the acceptance or entry rate of women at Padjadjaran University.



1. Student Measurement Tracking


Padjadjaran University records interested women who are accepted and who graduate in 2022.

(Student Measurement Tracking)


2. Women Who Completed Their Education through the Publication of Scientific Articles


His scientific article entitled “Parenting Stress, Maternal Assessment of Covid-19, and Supportive Parenting” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences (JIKK). After receiving a review from JIKK and also making revisions, Putri received a decision letter stating that her scientific article was accepted on January 19 2022.

(Women Who Completed Their Education through the Publication of Scientific Articles)


3. Youngest female graduate at Padjadjaran University

Rein received the title of youngest graduate at the age of 19 years 4 months at the Phase III Graduation Ceremony for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. Rein Vidya Banafsha graduated from FK Unpad in February 2022. He successfully completed his undergraduate studies in 3.5 years. He also had the opportunity to attend an offline graduation from Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad.

(Youngest female graduate at Padjadjaran University)

Padjadjaran University contributes through policies in handling registration, acceptance and participation of women in all activities on campus.



1. Policy on Women’s Contribution to Organizational Structure


Padjadjaran University made a policy to encourage women to participate in coordinating the implementation of activities: governance, organizational administration, law, public communication, public relations, protocol, integrated service units, institutional promotion, women’s dharma, older people, and others.

(Policy on Women’s Contribution to Organizational Structure)


2. Acceptance of Women to Study at University


Maziyah Sakinah was accepted at Padjadjaran University through the SNMPTN route in 2022. She was successfully accepted into the Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology Unpad, at a reasonably young age, namely 15 years and 11 months. This woman from Bekasi City, West Java, is also determined to choose Unpad as a university to continue her studies.

(Acceptance of Women to Study at University)

They are providing women with access to scholarships, mentoring or other activities that can increase their productivity.



1. Women Get Scholarships


One proof that women can access scholarships for Padjadjaran University students is students from the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business. The award was given to Fanny, who actively participated in lectures and various student activities such as competitions, FGDs, and others.

(Women Get Scholarships)


2. Access to Finance for Women Who Want to Be Entrepreneurs


We are collaborating with PT. Pegadaian Unpad organizes financial literacy and training for youth and MSMEs, especially women in West Java Province. The socialization entitled “Increasing financial inclusion for Youth, Women and MSMEs of West Java Province was conducted at Grha Hardjadinata Unpad.

(Access to Finance for Women Who Want to Be Entrepreneurs)


3. Mentoring to Muslim Women


In the Unpad Mathematics Student Association organization, there is a Muslim Human Resource Development (HRD) department whose work program is excellent training and creativity (GMTC), namely training for Muslim women and civil skills, which aims to increase the potential of Muslim women and increase Islamic knowledge and also explore the possibility of Muslim women and women. increase creativity

(Mentoring to Muslim Women)


– UNPAD Female Students Win Competition

Women’s Participation Becomes Agents of Change

Padjadjaran University encourages women to participate in underrepresented fields. Efforts such as collaboration with other universities, community groups, government, or NGOs are carried out.



1. Empowerment of Farming Women


On January 19 2022, Unpad KKN partners, namely women farmers in Kutamandiri Village, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang, received fruit and vegetable packaging training located in the greenhouse of the Unpad Agriculture Faculty.

(Empowerment of Farming Women)


2. Women Playing Football Match


The XIII Lustrun Olympics held by Padjadjaran University held a closing event with a final women’s football match from the Faculty of Economics against the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Apart from that, the Rector’s Team, consisting of several female leaders and educational staff, held an exhibition match.

(Women Playing Football Match)


3. Entrepreneurship Carried Out by Women


Unpad supports women’s empowerment in various sectors, including earning income from selling home industry products. One of the unpad’s Community Service Program is helping female MSMEs to become digitally literate by helping increase brand awareness through social media.

(Entrepreneurship Carried Out by Women)


In collaboration with Ajou University

– UNPAD Female Students at a National Government Event

Public Lecture with the Theme “Women and Social Transformation”

Number of senior academic staff
Number of female senior academic staff

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of ‘academic staff’ who have senior status at university

The FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of ‘academic staff’ who have senior status at university that are female

Number of academic staff
Number of female senior academic staff

Proportion of women receiving degrees

Number of graduates : Total
Number of graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences): Total
Number of graduates: STEM
Number of graduates: Medicine
Number of graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Number of female graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences) : Total
Number of female graduates: STEM
Number of female graduates : Medicine
Number of female graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels by broad subject area from your institution.c

Broad subject areas are:
• Medicine
• Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

This is a subset of the total number of

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in STEM subjects from your institution.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject area Medicine from your institution.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject areas Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences from your institution

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels by broad subject area from your institution that are female.

Broad subject areas are:
• Medicine
• Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

This is a subset of the total number of
graduates by subject area.


This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in STEM subjects from your institution that are female.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject area Medicine from your institution that are female.

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels in the subject areas Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences from your institution that are female.

Number of graduates : Total
Number of graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences) : Total
Number of graduates : STEM
Number of graduates : Medicine
Number of graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Number of female graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences) : Total
Number of female graduates : STEM
Number of female graduates : Medicine
Number of female graduates : Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

Women's progress measures

Padjadjaran University has a policy to support anti-discrimination against women.



1. Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence


Based on Chancellor’s Decree Number 3881/UN6.RKT/Kep/HK/2022 dated 29 August 2022. Unpad has a Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence (PPKS Task Force) for the 2022-2024 period consisting of 9 people from lecturers, education staff and students. One of the tasks of the Unpad PPKS Task Force is to promote gender equality education, disability equality, sexual and reproductive health education, as well as preventing and handling sexual violence for campus residents.

(Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence)


2. Policy for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment


That every denizen of Padjadjaran University has the right to feel safe and has the right for protection from all forms of sexual harassment; that sexual harassment at universities is at an alarming stage so that it must be handled seriously;

(Policy for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment)


3. Realizing a Campus Free of Gender-Based Violence

Padjadjaran University is holding a talk show to commemorate World Anti-Violence Day which can be accessed by the general public. Bring in resource persons who are experts in their fields such as the Deputy for Women’s Rights Protection, Chair of the PPKS Task Force and others.

(Realizing a Campus Free of Gender-Based Violence)

1. UNPAD Gender and Children Research Center


Universitas Padjadjaran has a research center for gender and children

(UNPAD Gender and Children Research Center)

There are policies for pregnant women and about pregnancy and fathers who support and participate in women’s activities.



1. Maternity Policy


Maternity leave as referred to in Article 19 paragraph (2) point c is given to Non PNS
TKUs who give birth to their first to third children while they are Non PNS TKUs. Maternity leave can also be granted to husbands whose wives are in the process of
giving birth with the length of time determined by the PPKU. For the birth of the fourth child and beyond, Non PNS TKUs are granted extended leave. The length of maternity leave as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is 3 (three) months.

(Maternity Policy)


2. Education Increases Mothers Capacity


The Faculty of Political Science, Padjadjaran University provides education for Socioeconomic Vulnerable Women (WRSE). “This activity aims to increase the capacity of mothers so that they can see themselves as a force to meet the needs of their lives and those of their families,”. The team made efforts to increase productivity through three stages. First, provide an understanding of the concept of productivity through viewing interactive videos and games. The second stage is to increase participants’ understanding of time management by filling in daily diagrams and management games.

(Education Increases Mothers Capacity)


3. Procedures for Granting Leave for Civil Servant

Civil Servant leave consists of annual leave, major leave, sick leave, maternity leave, leave for important reasons, collective leave, and leave outside the state’s responsibility. Maternity leave is given from before birth to after birth.

(Procedures for Granting Leave for Civil Servant)

Padjadjaran University has childcare facilities that can be accessed by students or new mothers taking lessons or courses at the University.



1. Unpad Faculty of Nursing will Establish Information System-Based Child Care Services


At Unpad, there are Healthy Child Care Center (Puspa) facilities located in the Academic, Innovation, Technology and Research Center Building (Pamitran) of the Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University. This facility is intended for children aged 0-5 years and is integrated with an application for monitoring. This application is connected to CCTV at the child care center so that parents can monitor their children directly.

(Unpad Faculty of Nursing will Establish Information System-Based Child Care Services)


2. UNPAD Healthy Child Care Center


Unpad has Daycare and PAUD which are open every Monday-Friday at 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. various activities carried out such as marching, sports, walking on odong-odong, and visiting the lake.

(UNPAD Healthy Child Care Center)


3. Trial Free Child Care at UNPAD


Universitas Padjadjaran provides facilities for trials to entrust children to UNPAD’s PUSPA Day Care for children aged three months to 5 years.

(Trial Free Child Care at UNPAD)

Facilities for entrusting children to staff or lecturers at Padjadjaran University.



1. Healthy Child Care Center at Padjadjaran University


At Unpad, there are Healthy Child Care Center (Puspa) facilities located in the Academic, Innovation, Technology and Research Center Building (Pamitran) of the Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University. This facility is intended for children aged 0-5 years and is integrated with a monitoring application. This application is connected to CCTV at the childcare centre so parents can monitor their children directly.

(Healthy Child Care Center at Padjadjaran University)


2. Learning and Literacy Facilities for Children of Lecturers, Education Personnel


DKM Unpad Grand Mosque organized Unpad Grand Mosque (PAM) Children’s Education, held on Saturday and Sunday, 15-16 October 2022. This activity was attended by 32 children from the families of Unpad lecturers and education staff, as well as the general public. The materials presented include adab, faith, morals, worship, knowledge of hadith, and strengthening literacy and mastery of science.

(Learning and Literacy Facilities for Children of Lecturers, Education Personnel)


3. Scholarship Savings Assistance for Staff Children


Sons/daughters, including children of Unpad staff, receive posthumous scholarship savings assistance. The concern is realized through educational scholarships, starting from the elementary school level.

(Scholarship Savings Assistance for Staff Children)


1. Female Member of the Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence


UNPAD has a Task Force Team for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence, which consists of 9 people from lecturers, education staff and students, and there are six women in this formation.

(Female Member of the Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence)


2. Health Activity Program for Women


Dharma Wanita PBB (DWP) Unpad has routine activities, namely inviting mothers to do regular yoga to manage stress. With this everyday activity, we can increase our knowledge while being more relaxed, healthy and fit. Some of the exercises carried out are breathing exercises, body exercises and mind exercises, which help release tension, increase immunity and restore feelings.

(Health Activity Program for Women)


3. Mentoring for Women


In the Unpad Mathematics Student Association organization, there is a Muslim Human Resource Development (HRD) department whose work program is excellent training and creativity (GMTC), namely training for Muslim women and civil skills, which aims to increase the potential of Muslim women and increase Islamic knowledge and also explore the possibility of Muslim women and women. increase creativity

(Mentoring for Women)


Safe Space for Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence

Webinar with the theme Preventing and Responding to Intolerance, Bullying and Sexual Violence on Campus

International Webinar Climat Change, Water Insecurity and Gender Justice

1. 62.8% of Women Graduate in 2022


Padjadjaran University recorded women graduating in 2022. Of the total 7,868 people graduating in 2022, around 62.8% were women.

(62.8% of Women Graduate in 2022)

Padjadjaran University states through its policy that it will protect anyone who is exposed to discrimination both in the world of education and work.



1. Policy Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment


Unpad has Unpad Chancellor’s Regulation Number 16 of 2020 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment in the Padjadjaran University Environment. Some prevention of sexual harassment in the Unpad environment is in the form of disseminating anti-sexual harassment programs and policies in the Unpad environment, conducting studies involving various scientific disciplines, arranging safe and comfortable campus facilities and infrastructure, and increasing awareness of Unpad residents.

(Policy Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment)


2. Host of Non-Discrimination Events in the World of Work


This conference was held to commemorate and revisit the values of the Asia-Africa Conference in 1955. It is hoped that this conference can open new views forward in the struggle for global peace.

(Host of Non-Discrimination Events in the World of Work )


3. Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Team


Establish a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence for UNPAD communities who experience it regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion so that ongoing discrimination does not occur on campus.

(Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Team)