Having a decent job, in terms of time, effort and wages is a major factor in survival. This can get people out of poverty.


With the work of every community, the survival of them and those around them will be better. Not only from an economic aspect, from a health aspect it will also get better.

Employment practice


1. UNPAD Remuneration Concerning Performance Incentives


The implementation of Unpad performance incentives for lecturers must integrate workload implementation and compensation arrangements that are integrated with the Unpad performance incentive system

(UNPAD Remuneration Concerning Performance Incentives)


2. UNPAD Regulation Concerning Incentives Based on Position


Unpad performance allowance is an allowance given to employees based on position class and performance achievements. The amount of Unpad performance allowances for management officials is determined by considering the following factors: proportionality, equality, appropriateness

(UNPAD Remuneration Concerning Incentives Based on Position)


3. Regulation Concerning Management of Non-Civil Servant Educators


Unpad also has a management policy for non-civil servant educators at Padjadjaran University. In article 20 it is explained that Unpad is obliged to pay fair and decent salaries to non-civil servant Unpad educators

(Regulation Concerning Management of Non-Civil Servant Educators)


1. Formation of the Lecturer Association


FH Unpad initiated the formation of an Arbitration Lecturer/Practitioner Association and alternative dispute resolution. This activity will be carried out on Thursday 20 October 2022. It is hoped that this association can become a forum for both academics and practitioners to share experiences, ideas and ideas about how arbitration law and APS are developed in Indonesia.

(Formation of the Lecturer Association)


2. Lecturer Participation in Organizations


Unpad Faculty of Social and Political Sciences recognizes and supports lecturers to take part in organizations, including in the field of advocacy. An example of an organization followed by Social Sciences lecturers is the All Indonesia Advocates Movement (Persadi)

(Lecturer Participation in Organizations)


3. Board of Trustees


Padjadjaran University has a Board of Trustees (MWA) for the 2020-2025. The appointment of Unpad MWA members for the 2020-2025 period was ratified through Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 133799/MPK/RHS/KP/2020 concerning the Appointment of Members of the Board of Trustees of Padjadjaran University for the 2020-2025 period. Overall, members of the Unpad MWA consist of elements of society, the academic senate, and educational staff, as well as ex-officio members consisting of the Minister of Education and Culture, the Governor of West Java, the Chancellor, the Chair of the Academic Senate, the Chair of the Alumni Association, and the Chair of the Kema Unpad Student Executive Board.

(Board of Trustees)


1. Education Personnel Management Policy


(Education Personnel Management Policy)


2. Coaching & Counseling Training


The Faculty of Psychology, Unpad collaborates with human resources at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade for employee counseling programs, programs for creating effective behavior from moral values, as well as coaching & counseling training programs for managers at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade.

(Coaching & Counseling Training)


3. Policy Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment


Policy for preventing and handling sexual violence discrimination

(Policy Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment)


Creating a Campus Free of Gender


1. Policy Against Forced Labor, Slavery and the like


Stating that Padjadjaran University continues to improve organization and governance in running its institution.

(Policy Against Forced Labor, Slavery and the like)


2. Educator Management Policy


Through the policy, it is stated that you have never been dishonourably dismissed as a civil servant or dishonourably dismissed as a non-civil servant, in addition to not employing underage children.


(Educator Management Policy)


1. Policy on Organizational Structure and Management 


That in order to realize a clean and accountable, effective and efficient bureaucracy, and to support the implementation of quality public services, it is necessary to make adjustments and changes to the organization and work procedures of Padjadjaran University;

(Policy on Organizational Structure and Management)


2. Staff Outsourcing Policy


Padjadjaran University follows the government’s policy on outsourcing staff, which guarantees equal rights for third-party workers on a par with UNPAD.

(Staff Outsourcing Policy)


1. Pay Scale Equalization Policy


Padjadjaran University equalizes salary scales based on employment policies so that there is no longer any inequality in salary payments for each employee.


(Pay Scale Equalization Policy)



1. Staff Payroll


Padjadjaran University implements a salary scale regardless of gender, Padjadjaran University provides a salary scale according to education level and position level.

(Staff Payroll)


2. Achievement of Key Performance Indicators


The achievement of Padjadjaran University’s Main Performance Indicators is worth 53% with a total of 2108 employees and 1581 lecturers from industrial practitioners.

(Achievement of Key Performance Indicators)


Financial  Statements




1. Information Request Procedure


Padjadjaran University provides the opportunity to carry out practical appeals in employment if necessary and in accordance with procedures.

(Information Request Procedure)


2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee (KNR)


Padjadjaran University designed a Nomination and Remuneration Committee, which has duties and authority in general supervision and control. Apart from that, it is also responsible for transparency, accountability, independence, fairness, effectiveness and efficiency.

(Nomination and Remuneration Committee (KNR))


3. Filing an Appeal on Employee Rights and/or Salaries


Nomination and Remuneration Committee | Padjadjaran University follows the Regulations of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Guidelines for the Settlement of Government Administrative Disputes regarding the labour practice appeals process.

(Filing an Appeal on Employee Rights and/or Salaries)

Expenditure per employee

Number of employees
University expenditure

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of employees, including outsourced core services

Total university expenditure in last financial year.

Number of employees
University expenditure

Proportion of students taking work placements

Number of employees
Number of students with work placements for more than a month

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students in all years and of all programmes that lead to a degree, certificate, institutional credit or other qualification, referring to year 2022.

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students with work placements (required as part of the course) of more than a month.

Number of employees
Number of students with work placements for more than a month