Quality education makes universities superior. Education is the main factor to get out of the difficulties and gaps in multi-generational. Not only does it improve the quality of life, but education can also help develop solutions and innovative thinking for problems in life.

In addition, quality education can also increase knowledge, sustainable economic growth. This is the gateway for generations to get out of poverty (SDG 1) between existing generations. In addition, it can also provide jobs to help economic growth and employment (SDG 8). 

Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification

Number of graduates
Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level
Number of graduates
Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level

Lifelong learning measures

Padjadjaran University provides access to educational resources such as computers, libraries, online courses, and access to lectures.

1. Unpad Library Information Access Service

(  Unpad Library Information Access Service )

2. Information that can be accessed by people who are not studying at Unpad

( Information that can be accessed by people who are not studying at Unpad )


3. Online course from unpad


Online course from unpad for prospective students / not studying at the university

( Online course from unpad )

Padjadjaran University also cares about public events that are open to the public, by organizing events such as public lectures, community education events.



1. Unpad Educational Psychologist Shares Tips to Improve Student Achievement During Online Learning


The Covid-19 pandemic that has plagued since early March forced students to carry out the learning process at home. This condition had an impact on the academic ability of students. It takes a certain strategy for students to make adjustments in the face of the online learning system. This condition has become the subject of research by a number of lecturers at the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Padjadjaran. There are many complaints that arise from students and parents during the online learning process. The complaints were conveyed by parents, students, and teachers through counseling services with the Unpad Psychology team. These problems then encourage lecturers to conduct empirical research. The results showed that there were differences in the profile of the academic adjustment ability of the junior high school group respondents with high school respondents and students. To optimize students’ intrinsic motivation, there are a number of tips that can be done. Create collaboration between students to set common goals, provide time for students to chat with their friends, provide feedback on the work they have done, and offer challenges for assignments that have an adequate level of difficulty but can be conquered by students.

Unpad Educational Psychologist Shares Tips to Improve Student Achievement During Online Learning )

Organizing events at universities that are open to the general public: executive education programs (this refers to short courses for people who do not attend university; this specifically excludes courses such as MBA) and/or vocational training.



1. FTIP Unpad Holds Professional Engineer Certification Workshop


The Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology, University of Padjadjaran in collaboration with the Agricultural Industry Vocational Agency and the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) conducted a Professional Engineer Certification Workshop (LSIP) at the Unpad Training Center. The workshop which was attended by 20 participants from the FTIP Unpad lecturers was an effort to fulfill the requirements for the opening of the Engineering Profession Program in accordance with Law Number 11 of 2014 concerning Engineering. “FTIP Unpad is targeting gradually until 2019, all of its lecturers have Engineer Competency Certificates according to their respective qualifications, so that they get professional recognition in the international world,” said the Dean of FTIP Unpad, Dr. Ir. Edy Suryadi, M.T. PII Deputy Executive Director Ngadiyanto said the certification of experts was divided into three categories of qualifications that were adjusted to their experience and years of service as the basis for competency testing. The three categories include: a Primary qualification with a minimum of three years of service, an Intermediate qualification with a minimum of seven years of service, and a Major Professional Engineer qualification with a tenure of over 18 years and has a working

FTIP Unpad Holds Professional Engineer Certification Workshop )

Conducting educational outreach activities outside the campus of Padjadjaran University as well as conducting educational outreach activities such as lectures or demonstrations that are tailored off-campus, at local schools and in the community. This could include student-run schemes on a voluntary basis.



1. Unpad Entrepreneurship Thematic Community Service Program, a Form of Independent Campus Policy


The “Independent Campus” policy in higher education was only launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture a few months ago. However, it turns out, Padjadjaran University has carried out learning activities that have the same form as the policy long before the ministry issued the policy. One of them is through the Unpad Entrepreneurship Thematic Real Work Lecture Program (KKN). The policy intends to give students the flexibility to undergo the learning process outside their study program. Therefore, universities are asked to prepare several supporters. In addition to students, the KWU KKN program also involves lecturers applying various research that has been produced. This research is expected to be able to revive the various business potentials that exist in each village where KKN is located so that the ultimate goal of this KWU KKN program can have benefits for the community. The output of this KKN KWU is to produce one page (website) for one village. This page can bring up various superior products from the village where KKN is located. Products that are already superior can be entered into several market places in Indonesia. In addition, it is hoped that entrepreneurship forums will be formed at the village and sub-district levels.

Unpad Entrepreneurship Thematic Community Service Program, a Form of Independent Campus Policy )


2. Unpad Wins First Place in UNDP Indonesia SDG Debate Competition


Three Padjadjaran University students won first place in the “Indonesia SDG Debate Competition 2020” which was held online by UNDP Indonesia, 14-28 October 2020. In the final, the Unpad team competed with a team from President University with a motion related to assistance to the community from the government in the middle. The Covid-19 pandemic, whether in the form of cash or pre-employment card assistance.

Unpad Wins First Place in UNDP Indonesia SDG Debate Competition )


3. Unpad Entrepreneurial KKN Help Village SMEs Enter the Digital Market


Director of Learning, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Paristiyanti Nurwardani released 482 Padjadjaran University (Unpad) students to take part in Real Work Lectures (KKN). This program is an embodiment of the Tri Dharma of higher education in empowering the Indonesian people, especially in the field of entrepreneurship. He added that the Entrepreneurship Community Service Program is a real manifestation of Unpad’s concern for the community. It is hoped that students and lecturers will be able to understand the social and economic problems of the surrounding community and be able to propose solutions based on the concept of entrepreneurship. The advantages of the Entrepreneurship Community Service Program are implementation that uses a design thinking approach, targeted programs with a social entrepreneurship approach, the use of transformative learning media, and special preparation of Training of Trainers (ToT).

Unpad Entrepreneurial KKN Help Village SMEs Enter the Digital Market )

Padjadjaran University ensures that access to these activities is accessible to everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, or gender.



1. Services for Students with Disabilities at the University of Padjadjaran


Padjadjaran University realizes equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities to live a prosperous, independent, and non-discriminatory life in the education and learning process at Padjadjaran University requires a rector regulation that can guarantee its implementation. The regulation is contained in the Rector’s Regulation on Services for Students with Disabilities at Padjadjaran University.

Services for Students with Disabilities at the University of Padjadjaran )


2. A number of mobile operators provide free services for online lectures


Perkuliahan daring sebagai implementasi dari proses kuliah nontatap muka sudah dilakukan Universitas Padjadjaran. Hal ini dilakukan menyusul adanya kebijakan menghentikan aktivitas tatap muka dalam kampus guna mencegah meluasnya pandemi Coronavirus (COVID-19) di Indonesia. 

A number of mobile operators provide free services for online lectures )


3. Unpad Assists Internet Quota for 2,766 Students


Padjadjaran University provides internet quota assistance to students to support online learning activities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. A total of 2,766 students received internet quota assistance from Unpad. Recipients of internet quota assistance are students receiving Bidikmisi assistance and recipients of the Higher Education Affirmation Program (Adik) scholarships. Based on the results of monitoring, during the online learning period that Unpad is currently implementing, the student groups receiving Bidikmisi and Adik are the ones who need the most assistance to be able to carry out learning activities. In the future, the internet quota assistance program will also be expanded to other students. Currently, Unpad is preparing an aid scheme for students other than Bidikmisi and Adik recipients. Mainly, students have similar conditions, which have good academic potential but still have poor economic conditions. It is hoped that the beneficiaries can optimize the internet quota assistance to support smooth learning. In addition, he hopes that this assistance can also target other Unpad students as a whole.

Unpad Assists Internet Quota for 2,766 Students )


4. Unpad Accepts 2,154 Independent Pathway Undergraduate Students


A total of 2,154 prospective students were accepted at Padjadjaran University through the Independent Path. The graduation announcement can be seen on the announcement The Head of the Unpad Public Communication Office, Dandi Supriadi, PhD, said that Unpad was trying as optimally as possible to facilitate all prospective students who passed the Independent Path under various conditions.

Unpad Accepts 2,154 Independent Pathway Undergraduate Students )


5. Manage the Lecture Period to the Maximum Possible, Aditya Nurahmani Becomes the Best Graduate Unpad


Aditya Nurahmani from the Faculty of Law was selected as the best graduate of the Bachelor program, successfully graduating on time with a high GPA, Aditya is also noted to have had a number of parties in a number of national level competitions. Aditya himself always tries to enjoy every stage or process during college. Don’t make the process a burden. Furthermore, he tries to divide his time between academic activities, organizations, competitions, and other activities that are able to develop skills.

( Manage the Lecture Period to the Maximum Possible, Aditya Nurahmani Becomes the Best Graduate Unpad )

Proportion of first-generation students

Number of students starting degree
Number of 1st generation students starting degree

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students starting a degree at the university.

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students starting a degree at the university who are first generation students. A first-generation student is one who reports they are the first person in their immediate family to attend university at any level (note - the individual may have studied at another university previously)

Number of students starting a degree
Number of first-generation students starting a degree