The existence of this target/inequality was agreed because globally it was only quite high, not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. In addition, understanding between countries is also felt and this issue is assessed as a problem between countries that needs to be resolved globally. Considering that the poorest 40% of the population is the target to be targeted, considering that this group is the poorest group and their welfare is vulnerable to the impact of change. In addition, the reduction is also carried out by empowering and increasing the social, economic and political inclusiveness of the community in various age groups, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, region of origin and religion. Social policies are also suggested by countries to implement progressive policies. Global steps to overcome this include ensuring the representation and voice of developing countries in decision making in global economic and financial institutions.

Furthermore, globally, migration is also recognized as a way to improve welfare, so that measures to facilitate migration and include transaction fees for remittances are also targeted for improvement.

First-generation students

Number of students starting a degree
Number of first generation students starting a degree

Students from developing countries

Number of students
Number of students from developing countries

Proportion of students with disabilities

Number of students
Number of students with disability

Proportion of employees with disabilities

Number of employees
Number of employees with disability

Measures against discrimination

1)Padjadjaran University Chancellor’s Decree regarding Affirmation of New Student Admissions

Padjadjaran University has an affirmative policy in accepting new students to provide more significant opportunities to the following five community groups:

  1. People who live in 3T areas (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost).
  2. People from districts/cities in West Java and Banten.
  3. People who come from schools that are underrepresented at Unpad or schools whose graduates have excellent achievements at Padjadjaran University.
  4. Children of Unpad Lecturers and Education Personnel.
  5. People from families whose family members have never continued their studies in higher education.

Padjadjaran University Chancellor’s Decree regarding Affirmation of New Student Admissions


2)Fair admission in Unpad based on The Rule of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Indonesia Number 6 of 2020

Unpad has an admissions policy that is non-discriminatory. Unpad, as one of the public universities, accepts students through SNMPTN (National Selection for State University Entrance) and SBMPTN (Joint Selection to Enter State Universities). Based on the Rule of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Number Six in the year 2020, regarding Admission of New Students of Bachelor Degrees at Public Universities, there is a FAIR and Transparent principle (Chapter 2). The university does not discriminate against religion, ethnicity, race, gender, age, social position, physical condition, and the level of economic ability of prospective students; it keeps paying attention to the potential and academic achievement of prospective students and the specifics of the Study Program. If the computer-based written exam cannot be carried out due to disability, nature, and infrastructure disruption, tests can be carried out in writing in printed form and accompaniment (Chapter 22). 

The Rule of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 Year 2020



1)Tracking of scholarship recipient

In providing education, Unpad accepts students from various backgrounds. In Indonesia, there is the term 3T regions (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost). Several 3T areas are on Papua Island. To provide opportunities for higher education, there are the Papua Affirmation Scholarship and the ADIK Scholarship. The following is the tracking of students who received the scholarship, along with information on the student area of origin.

Tracking of scholarship recipient


2)Unpad provides facilities and tools for difable in admission application

in Unpad admisssion, registrants fulfill the submission question form. One of the questions is about disability. During the admission program, Unpad supports media for difable admission test.

Unpad provides facilities and tools for difable in admission application


3)Student Measurement Tracking 2022 

Unpad publish student measurement tracking 2022. In this tracking, there are data about admission application and graduation rate based on gender. 



1)Padjadjaran University Chancellor’s Decree regarding Affirmation of New Student Admissions

Padjadjaran University has an affirmative policy in accepting new students to provide more significant opportunities to the following five community groups:

  1. People who live in 3T areas (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost).
  2. People from districts/cities in West Java and Banten.
  3. People who come from schools that are underrepresented at Unpad or schools whose graduates have excellent achievements at Padjadjaran University.
  4. Children of Unpad Lecturers and Education Personnel.
  5. People from families whose family members have never continued their studies in higher education.

Padjadjaran University Chancellor’s Decree regarding Affirmation of New Student Admissions


2)Rector Regulation of Universitas Padjadjaran Number 27 of 2022 Concerning Management of Non Civil Servant Education Staff Within Universitas Padjadjaran

Padjadjaran University has Chancellor’s Regulation Number 27 of 2022 concerning the Management of Non-Civil Servant Education Personnel within Padjadjaran University. In Article 6, it is explained that every member of the community who meets the requirements, qualifications, and competencies has the same opportunity to apply to become a non-civil servant education worker.

Rector Regulation of Universitas Padjadjaran Number 27 of 2022 Concerning Management of Non Civil Servant Education Staff Within Universitas Padjadjaran


3)Lecturer internship from all regions in Indonesia

A total of 22 Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology internship lecturer participants in 2022 underwent a program at Padjadjaran University for four months. In general, there are five materials provided in this program, namely related to higher education management, teaching education oriented towards independent learning, preparation of proposals and research management, preparation of proposals and leadership of community service and development of cooperation between institutions.

Lecturer internship from all regions in Indonesia


4) Independent Student Exchange (PMM) at Padjadjaran University from all region in Indonesia

A total of 246 students from 60 universities outside Java will participate in Independent Student Exchange (PMM) activities at Padjadjaran University for one semester. This activity was officially opened by the Chancellor of Padjadjaran University, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, at Bale Sawala, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor Campus, on Monday, 29 August 2022. The participants come from Aceh to Merauke and will attend lectures in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.

Independent Student Exchange (PMM) at Padjadjaran University from all region in Indonesia


1) Code of Ethics for Unpad Lecturers to not discriminate students

There is Padjadjaran University Academic Senate Regulation Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Code of Ethics for Unpad Lecturers. In article 5, Unpad lecturers are obliged to act objectively and not discriminate based on considerations of gender, religion, ethnicity, race, certain physical conditions, or socio-economic background of students in learning.

Senate Regulation Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Code of Ethics for Unpad Lecturer 


2)Rule about Anti-Harassment 

Unpad has a rule to prevent and handle sexual harassment.  Sexual Harassment includes physical or non-physical acts related to sexual desire that cause other people to be condescended, insecure, and/or humiliated both inside and outside the activities of the tridharma of Higher Education which are parts of Unpad activities. The Objectives of the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment include:

  1. maintaining the standard of values and human dignity at Unpad, as well as protecting all Unpad denizens from all forms of Sexual Harassment;
  2. preventing sexual harassment committed by and/or against Unpad denizens from happening;
  3. providing services and assistances by ensuring that appropriate steps are taken in the context of handling the acts of sexual harassment committed by and/or against Unpad denizens;
  4. implementing an anti-sexual harassment program at Unpad;
  5. establishing a conducive environment through support for the acceptance of families and denizens of Unpad towards the victims; and
  6. developing multi-disciplinary integration as an effort to prevent and handle sexual harassment at Unpad. 

Rule about anti-harassment


3) No discrimination at student orientation

Unpad guarantees that the 2022 New Student Admissions (PMB) at the University level will be attended by new students comfortably in August 2022. PMB at the university or faculty level do not carry out activities that lead to arrogance, shouting or seniority.

1) Unpad Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence

Unpad has an Unpad Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) for the 2022-2024 period which consists of 9 members from lecturers, education staff and students. The nine names were determined based on Chancellor’s Decree Number 3881/UN6.RKT/Kep/HK/2022.

Unpad Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence


2)Institute for the Study and Service of Democratic Society 

Unpad has an Institute for the Study and Service of Democratic Society. This student activity unit focuses on social and political studies. LPPMD has a vision of realizing democratic social life – upholding social justice, equality and active participation – so that in state life, sovereignty is truly in the hands of the people. 

Institute for the Study and Service of Democratic Society 


3) “Safe Space” facilities from Gender and Childhood Research Center for victims and survivors of sexual violence

Unpad, through the Gender and Childhood Research Center, provides “Safe Space” facilities for victims and survivors of sexual violence. It is hoped that this facility can become a place for victims and survivors to receive security and protection from the violence they experience

“Safe Space” facilities for victims and survivors of sexual violence

1)Support for celaning staff and security staff

Dharma Wanita, or DWP Padjadjaran University, provides a number of compensations to cleaning staff and security units on the Unpad campus. The handover of compensation entitled “Tali Kasih DWP Unpad” was carried out symbolically in a meeting held on the 2nd Floor of the Unpad Rectorate Building. In this activity, there were 62 cleaning staff and security guards who received compensation.

Support for celaning staff and security staff


2)Mentoring for Bidikmisi scholarship awardee

The Padjadjaran University Bidikmisi Student Family (Kabim) held a “Response and Collaborative (reactif)” activity, which is a discussion forum for Bidikmisi/KIP-K students on October 29 2022. This activity was attended by 150 Bidikmisi/KIP-K recipient participants from various universities in Indonesia. Apart from skills, students are also required to be able to manage time between organizations and lectures, which will ultimately affect time management skills.

Discussion forum for scholarship awardee


3)Safe space for students, lecturers and FIB Unpad educational staff

FIB Unpad launched a sexual violence reporting service on campus. The service entitled “Hello Madam Dean” aims to provide a safe space for students, lecturers and FIB Unpad educational staff. In handling this, FIB Unpad formed a special task force for addressing sexual violence involving students, lecturers and education staff. This task force receives reports, provides psychological protection and assistance, and validates the reports.

Safe space for students, lecturers and FIB Unpad educational staff

1)Campus facilities for disabled and special needs

Universitas Padjadjaran is a university  or institution with various conditions of people both lecturers, employees, and students. Therefore, we have prepared campus facilities so that all academicians do not have to worry about their condition. From 32 main buildings in Unpad consisting of 17 faculty buildings, 12 dormitories, rectorate, Central library, and Central Laboratory, 21 of them are equipped with facilities for people with disabilities. The campus facilities that have been provided are toilets for people with disabilities, toilets for people with special needs, and lactation rooms for people who are breastfeeding. For people with special needs or disabilities are also facilitated with directions to the toilet and the evacuation route. Unpad also provided ramp and guiding block for people with disabilities.

Campus facilities for disabled and special needs

2)Unpad Dental and Oral Hospital Develops Facilities for Disabilities

Main Director of the Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University or Unpad, Dr. Kosterman Usri, drg., M.M., explained that RSGM Unpad will continue to develop research and education-based services at FKG. One of the service developments is dental services for people with disabilities. Kosterman said the treatment facility has a special room separate from general treatment. This facility will provide a comfortable space for people with disabilities needing dental care services.

Unpad Dental and Oral Hospital Develops Facilities for Disabilities

1)sign language interpreter services at Unpad graduations

In providing inclusive services, especially for disabled people, Unpad provides sign language interpreter services at graduations. One of them was at the Graduation Ceremony for Padjadjaran University Graduates Batch III for the 2021/2022 Academic Year, Tuesday (7/6/2022) to Thursday (9/6/2022). This time, the graduation ceremony was held hybrid from Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung.

sign language interpreter services at Unpad graduations


2)Disability friendly website services

We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.

To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.

Disability friendly website services


3)TeDi, Application for Persons with Disabilities with Complete Features

Two students from the Statistics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University became the development team for the “Friends with Disabilities” or “TeDi” application, the first all-in-one accessibility application in Indonesia which aims to make the lives of people with disabilities easier. The two students, namely Najma and Julio Fahcrel, are the best graduates of the Bangkit Academy 2022 Kemendikbudristek program. This application offers the feature “Bisindo (Indonesian Sign Language) translator to translate sign language.

TeDi, Application for Persons with Disabilities with Complete Features


4)Access to public information without ‘limitations

Unpad held a seminar “Access to public information without ‘limitations” which was held on Tuesday 6 December 2022. This aims to provide education regarding information and services that can be accessed, especially by groups with disabilities. The Head of the Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University said that Unpad would form an Unpad Center for Disability Studies and Services Task Force. The development of this task force aims to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to achieve education at Unpad.

Access to public information without ‘limitations

1)Mentoring for students and staff including preventive programs for students’ mental health

Universitas Padjadjaran Counseling Center, or Pusat Konseling Universitas Padjadjaran (PKUP), is a counselling service managed by the Universitas Padjadjaran Faculty of Psychology. PKUP was established to provide free psychological assistance for Unpad civitas academica, including students, lecturers, and education staff. Specifically, PKUP has a mission to help and support students in facing academic and life challenges through consultation, counselling, and preventive programs. In addition, PKUP also has various preventive programs for student’s mental health, including
(1) a Peer counsellor
(2) Education routine related to mental health and problems often faced by students
(3) Support/sharing group for students with similar problems (e.g. difficulties in completing thesis and final project).

Guidence and mentoring of students and staff by PKUP Unpad


2)Oorange Unpad and West Java Manpower Office Hold Digital Marketing Technical Guidance for Persons with Disabilities

The Padjadjaran University Business Incubator/Oorange Center in collaboration with the West Java Province Manpower and Transmigration Service (Disnaker) held digital marketing technical guidance (bimtek) for people with disabilities in West Java. The training was held at the Horison Hotel, Bandung, Wednesday 8 June 2023. This training was attended by 75 people with disabilities, predominantly people with disabilities. The training was also attended by representatives of Unpad lecturers who were also observers of friends with disabilities, Dr. Herlina Agustin, M.T. In this training, several materials were presented, such as poster content design training using the Canva application, promotional techniques on social media Facebook and Instagram, as well as sales techniques via the WhatsApp and Tokopedia applications.

Oorange Unpad and West Java Manpower Office Hold Digital Marketing Technical Guidance for Persons with Disabilities

Digital Marketing Technical Guidance for Persons with Disabilities


3)communication learning platform for disabled friends at Padjadjaran University.

Unpad has Disabisa Unpad which is a communication learning platform for disabled friends at Padjadjaran University. On this platform, there is a training series to become a social media content creator for friends with hearing disabilities. The launch of this training series was carried out to provide opportunities for friends with hearing disabilities to be able to learn independently using devices wherever and whenever. These videos are equipped with sign language and text which makes it easier for friends with disabilities to understand them.

Disabisa, application for disability

1)Chancellor’s Regulation Number 23 of 2021 concerning Services for Students with Disabilities on Campus

Unpad has a policy in the form of Chancellor’s Regulation Number 23 of 2021 concerning Services for Students with Disabilities on Campus. The service principles for students with disabilities include respect for dignity, individual autonomy, non-discrimination, full participation, human and humanitarian diversity, equal opportunities, equality, accessibility, inclusion, special treatment and more protection. Services for students with disabilities aim to realize full and equal respect, promotion, security and fulfilment of human rights, as well as fundamental freedoms of students with disabilities. 


2)Chancellor’s Decree 1046/UN6.RKT/Kep/HK/2023 Concerning the Task Force for Students with Disabilities at Padjadjaran University

Unpad has a task force for disabled students at Padjadjaran University, chaired by Dr.Eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, S.T., M.T. The tasks of this task force are:
(1) Carrying out various publications and campaigns about disability-friendly campuses

(2) Providing consultations on the practice of assisting people with disabilities in faculties and other work units at Unpad, including through a disability-friendly website

(3) Providing consultation for Lecturers and Education Personnel in supporting students with disabilities

(4) Building collaboration with disability organizations

(5) Conduct/supervise training for volunteers, lecturers, education staff and students on matters that support the activities of people with disabilities, such as sign language, use of assistive devices, and interaction etiquette.

Chancellor’s Decree 1046/UN6.RKT/Kep/HK/2023 Concerning the Task Force for Students with Disabilities at Padjadjaran University