Urban growth and population living in urban areas in recent decades has continued to increase. According to the United Nation in 2018 as many as 55% of the world’s population live in urban areas, and the trend continues to increase and is projected to be 68% in 2050. According to the World bank (2020) 80% of GDP is also generated in urban areas, so with the increase in population in urban areas, planning Urban growth plays an important role in realizing sustainable development.


Urban growth and the population in it will have an impact on increasing energy consumption, the need for energy supply, water, infrastructure, settlements, transportation and spatial planning for the comfort and security of settlements as well as the potential for pollution that will be caused.


In Indonesia itself, countries and cities that are still growing and growing require good preparation for urban growth, anticipating the provision of clean land and water and guarding against air pollution. The big challenge is spatial planning so that the use of space in urban areas is not only comfortable and safe, but also access to basic services and balance the use of space. Poor management and planning of urban growth has the potential to contribute to the production of solid and liquid waste, air pollution and the emergence of slums.

Support of arts and heritage

1)Unpad provides public access to buildings for society

Padjadjaran University provides public access to the Unpad building. The buildings visited include the rectorate building. The architecture of the Unpad Rectorate Building has the concept of “Lembur Awi”. This concept departs from the life of the Sundanese people, who are attached to the use of bamboo and promote the bamboo philosophy. The building can be accessed via various modes of public transportation, such as the Unpad Bus. There is also a pedestrian walkway leading towards this building.

Unpad provides public access to buildings for society


2)Unpad Gate Entrance, Jatinangor Campus

Unpad has implemented entrance access for the Unpad academic community and the public, starting November 7 2022, for motorized vehicles to enter through gates A and C, while gate D is specifically for pedestrians. Meanwhile, two and 4-wheeled vehicles can exit through gate B.

Information of campus entrance


3)Some high schools visit Unpad

Padjadjaran University, through the Public Communications Office, received visits from two high schools. The two trips were officially welcomed at the Bale Santika Auditorium, Unpad Campus, Jatinangor, on Tuesday, 14 June 2022. On Tuesday, the Unpad KKP received a visit from SMAN 3 Babelan, Bekasi Regency. Approximately 50 class XI and XII students visited to get information about Unpad.

Some high schools visit Unpad


1)Public access to Unpad library 

The Central Library of Universitas Padjadjaran received visits from Unpad academicians and the public. Library service is open on Monday-Friday starting at 08.00-17.30 WIB. The public can visit the Unpad Central Library to increase public knowledge. There are several notes for public visiting the Central Library of Universitas Padjadjaran, including:

  1. Public visitors can only take advantage of some services and facilities in the Library, such as the Reading Room and Library collections that can only be read/used on-site (unable to borrow)
  2. Service hours for general visitors apply the same as visitors of Unpad academicians.
  3. Fill out the visit list independently on the Computer Device provided at the Library gate.

Access to unpad library for public


2)Hybrid facility access in Unpad Library

Unpad Central Library has various facilities that support hybrid learning. The facilities available include study rooms, meetings, teaching studios, and hybrid classes which can be utilized by the entire academic community. Users can access various digital collections from the Unpad Central Library via the page as well as journal collections within Unpad via the page. Digital collections and scientific journals can be accessed from outside the Unpad campus

Hybrid facility access in Unpad Library


3)the Kalimantan Institute of Technology Library visit Unpad Library

On December 5, 2022, the Kalimantan Institute of Technology Library conducted a comparative study to the Knowledge Management Center of Universitas Padjadjaran regarding elements of implementation, library services, facilities, and library information systems at Universitas Padjadjaran. The visit was welcomed by the Head of the Knowledge Management Center, Vienna Erwina, M.A., Ph.D. and the team.

Unpad library receives visit from Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) Library


4)Buana Perjuangan Karawang University visit Unpad Library

On October 12, 2022, Universitas Buana Perjuangan (UBP) Karawang visited Universitas Padjadjaran to improve the quality of education. This visit focused on the Knowledge Management Center of Universitas Padjadjaran located at Graha Kandaga Building, Universitas Padjadjaran, with the agenda of activities during this visit being discussions on Cooperation Agreements (PKS), Focus Group Discussion on cooperation management and meetings related to library management at their respective universities. After completing the Focus Group Discussion, Universitas Buana Perjuangan (UBP) Karawang was also allowed to take a library tour at the Grha Kandaga Building, Universitas Padjadjaran. It is hoped that this collaboration will contribute positively to improving library services in both institutions, especially for students and the Academic Community of Universitas Padjadjaran and Buana Perjuangan University (UBP).

Unpad library receives visit from Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang


1)Gallery of Rocks and/or Minerals, Faculty of Geological Engineering

Indonesia’s geographical position, bounded by three tectonic plates, namely Eurasian plate, India-Australian plate, and Pacific plate, has been a source of magmatism since the Pre-Tertiary. Potential geological resources, such as minerals and or rocks, are abundant in Indonesia as a result of this process. Indonesia’s abundance of potential deposits inspired the Faculty of Geological Engineering to establish a rock and or mineral gallery, a space designated for the collection of rocks and minerals, accompanied by a geological map representation of their whereabouts. The gallery was established in 2016 when the Faculty of Geological Engineering relocated to its current facility, coinciding with the growing collection of rock and mineral data.  The rock and mineral gallery is situated in two buildings, namely the Dean’s Building and Academic Building 1.  

Gallery of Rocks and/or Minerals, Faculty of Geological Engineering

2)Traditional Japanese Style Room 

Within the building, a small exhibition room was meticulously designed in traditional Japanese style. Its purpose is to educate individuals about Japanese culture. Currently, this Japanese-style room primarily serves as a venue for practicing and conducting exhibitions of traditional Japanese tea ceremonies (Chanoyu). 

Traditional Japanese Style Room 


3) Museum Corner, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran 

Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran has a museum corner located in Building A Floor 1 (Dean) Sekeloa Campus, Jalan Sekeloa Selatan I, Bandung, this museum is located in the right corner of lobby room. These objects include Dental Radiology, Dental Unit, Microscope, as well as tools commonly used during dental practice such as impression spoons, hand pieces, amalgam filling tools, which were used before the 20th century. In the museum there are also books/materials old teachings such as the book Anatomical, Pathological, and Genetic Features of Otosclerosis published in 1969, Ijdhschrift voor Adheelkunde printed in 1933, and Deutsche Monatsschrift Fur Zahnheilkunde published in 1925 

Museum Corner, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran 


4)Bale Sawala Universitas Padjadjaran

Universitas Padjadjaran enacts Bale Sawala not only as a place to hold events or meetings but also developed to be the “miniature” of Universitas Padjadjaran as well as a showcase for
visitors to get a glimpse of Sundanese culture. By means of this, visitors to Bale Sawala are not only engaging in the current event but can also find out information about Universitas Padjadjaran and see various Sundanese cultural arts. As the “miniature” upholding information of Universitas Padjadjaran, Bale Sawala is equipped
with brief knowledge about the development of Universitas Padjadjaran in the form of infographics displayed in a case on the outer wall of Bale Sawala. The display case is installed in a circle following the round-shaped structure of Bale Sawala.

Bale Sawala Universitas Padjadjaran


5)Virtual museum tour at the proclamation manuscript formulation museum

On Friday, March 11, 2022, the History Student Association of Universitas Padjadjaran held a virtual museum tour at the Proclamation Manuscript Formulation Museum. This activity began with remarks from the Head of History Study Program Unpad, remarks from the head of Himse Unpad, Remarks from the Head of the Museum, the main event in the form of presentations from the museum, questions and answers, and ended with a virtual museum tour.

Virtual museum tour: Manuscript formulation in museum proklamasi


6)Virtual museum tour at Sangiran 

The History Student Association of Universitas Padjadjaran held a talk show and virtual museum tour: Exploring Sangiran, the early men site. This activity will be held online on December 2, 2022. The event began with remarks from the Head of the Study Program, comments from the head of Sangiran Museum, a talk show, a virtual museum tour, a question and answer session and closing.

Historian talks and virtual museum tour

1)Green space in Universitas Padjadjaran 

On Sunday, January 15 2023, the 4th Unpad Grand Mosque (PAM Unpad) Children’s Education meeting was held entitled “Tour The Campus”. PAM is the flagship program of the Unpad Grand Mosque’s Muslim affairs division. The Deputy Coordinator of the Muslim Affairs Division present, Mrs. Muhimah A.Md., said that the primary material of this meeting was to strengthen understanding of Shari’a and Islamic teachings, especially travel and driving etiquette, as well as introducing corners of the Unpad campus, faculties and departments at Unpad.

Tour the campus


2)Some green spaces in Unpad

The Jatinangor campus of Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) has several open spaces. These open spaces consist of the green open space (RTH) and the non-green open space (RTNH) with a ratio of open space to the total area is approximately 91.01 %.
RTH on the Unpad Jatinangor Campus is divided into two clusters, namely cluster I and cluster II. The first one is the campus forest area, whereas the second is the area for planting vegetation. The campus forest area is divided into three main locations, such as Arboretum forest, Kemiri Garden, and Mahogany Garden. On the other hand, the vegetation planting area consists of green roads, campus gardens that are scattered in each faculty and public facility, as well as the green parking area using paving blocks.
RTNH at the Jatinangor Campus consists of a pavement area and a water body. The pavement area consists of the road, a paved parking lot, and a sports field (basketball). The water body consists of a reservoir situated at the north of the rectorate building (2 hectares), a basin in the southern part of the arboretum (0.8 hectares), and 5 retention ponds that spread over five locations.

Some green spaces in Unpad


3)Rules in Unpad green space

Unpad has a Cekdam and Arboretum. Every activity in the arboretum needs permission from the Unpad Campus Environmental Management UPT (PLK). In its implementation, there are rules in the Unpad green space, such as prohibiting damaging plants, committing immoral acts, throwing rubbish, hunting and catching animals in the arboretum area in any form without permission, and cutting down trees without permission.

Rules in Unpad green space


4) Puspa daycare outing at Unpad green space 

Unpad has a daycare that looks after the children of employees and students. Several parenting activities are carried out outdoors at Unpad. This indicates that green space facilities can be used by anyone

Puspa day care outing at Unpad green space 


Universitas Padjadjaran contributes to local arts, in terms of number of annual public performances of university choirs, theatre groups, orchestras through

unpad choir


and padjadjaran ensemble community



The Padjadjaran University Student Choir held its 17th internal concert entitled “Senandika” which was a concert consisting of 2 young members of Unpad PSM class 2020 and 2021. This activity was held on the evening of October 9 2022 at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad Jatinangor Campus. In this activity there were several performances in several sessions, namely classical sessions, international sessions, Broadway sessions, pop sessions and Indonesian folk sessions.



2)Indonesia Kirana Performance concert

Unpad Choir or Padjadjaran University Student Choir held the 2022 Indonesia Kirana Performance concert which was held on May 31 2022 at the Jakarta Arts Building and June 3 at Grha Sanusi Harjadinata, Bandung. This activity is a preparation for the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing competition in Tours, France and The 11th “Antonio Vivaldi” International Choir Competition and Festival in Bulgaria. This concert was the beginning for Unpad PSM to return to carrying out offline activities.

Indonesia Kirana Performance concert


3)Vocal Recital concert

The Unpad Student Choir held a Vocal Recital concert which was held in a hybrid manner. The event was held on Monday 16 May 2022 at the Multi-Purpose Room (RSG) Building 2, Floor 4, Unpad Dipati Ukur Bandung Campus and was live streamed via the zoom meeting platform. The 2022 Vocal Recital has the theme “Voce Dalla Terra” which means voice from the earth (Italian). The concert was divided into two sessions like concerts in previous years. There are 12 singers with 10 performances.

Vocal Recital concert




1)Preserve sundanese language with sundagigi platform

The Center for Digitalization of Sundanese Cultural Development at Padjadjaran University has a platform to preserve the Sundanese language. On this platform, there are several menus that people can use to learn Sundanese, such as language lessons, getting to know characters, various Sundanese literature and magazines, and a Sundanese translation menu.

Platform sundagigi


2)Fikom Knowledge Heritage Platform

Fikom Knowledge Heritage is the centre for managing the organizational and knowledge heritage of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University (Fikom Unpad). The Fikom Knowledge Heritage collection functions as a source of educational information for the Fikom Unpad academic community as well as for the general public, which reflects the organization’s identity and the development of Fikom Unpad’s intellectual work as an educational institution in the field of communication science.

Fikom Knowledge Heritage is managed by the Fikom Unpad Digital Heritage Management Laboratory, which is one of the educational facilities to support education, research and community service activities for the Fikom Unpad academic community. The Digital Heritage Management Laboratory provides facilities for the Fikom Unpad academic community to study, research, and develop digital heritage management principles and techniques, as well as develop digital preservation policies to maintain the integrity and accessibility of digital heritage.

Fikom Knowledge Heritage Platform


3)Building Relationships, Intercultural Dialogue and Global Engagement): Exploration of Sundanese Culture

Padjadjaran University was one of the organizers of the “BRIDGE (Building Relationships, Intercultural Dialogue and Global Engagement): Exploration of Sundanese Culture” activity which was attended by 95 foreign students studying in West Java. On November 12 2022, seven types of traditional sports and games were introduced, namely beklen, stilts, gatrik, bakiak, high jump, sapintrong and perepet jengkol.

BRIDGE (Building Relationships, Intercultural Dialogue and Global Engagement

Expenditure on arts and heritage

University expenditure
University expenditure on arts and heritage

Sustainable practices target

1)Target for running, walking, and bicycling at Unpad Hybrid Sport

A total of 1009 participants took part in the Hybrid Sports competition to commemorate Lustrum Of the 1009 participants, 600 people took part in the walking race, 200 people took part in the bicycle race, and the rest took part in the running race. Each participant is expected to achieve the set distance target, namely 65 kilometers for cycling, 6.5 kilometers for running and walking.

Target for running, walking, and bicycling at Unpad Hybrid Sport


2)Measurement of carbon emission reduction because of bicycle usage

In order to realize Green Campus, Unpad not only develops electric cars but also electric bicycles. They are used in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Rectorate as the pioneers of green vehicles that can be followed by other faculties. To support the green transportation, on the other hand, Unpad also has a Campus Bike organization called “I Go Unpad” which means Ikatan Gowes Unpad.  There are 2 (two) Campus Bike activities in Unpad, “Gowes Reboan” by faculty members to campaign green transportation for lecturers and staff, and “Seblak” by students to minimize the use of fueled-vehicles and private cars. There is a positive impact of campus bike activities namely to minimize the carbon due to emission from fueled-vehicles. It can count the carbon reducing from bike activities by  24,65 kg/day.

Measurement of carbon emission reduction because of bicycle usage


3)Measurement of Shuttle Service Use

Totally, there are around twenty units of interfaculties transportation owned by Unpad in Jatinangor campus, however, due to the hybrid learning system in Unpad, not all students are having the offline lectures and there are approximately 50% students and lecturers attend the offline lectures and the remains are having online courses. Due to this, Unpad does not provide all units of transportation but only 12 units that are run to facilitate the students, lecturers, education staff and guests for free around the campus. The limited units of transportation used in the campus are for the effectiveness and efficiency of transportation and environment reasons.

Measurement of Shuttle Service Use


1)I-Go promote bicycling at campus  and get an award from the City Government

Padjadjaran University, through the Unpad Goweser Association (I-Go Unpad) community, is campaigning for a cycling movement on the Unpad Campus. The award proves this as an inspirational educational institution building a cycling culture in the Bandung City Transportation Department. According to the chairman of I-Go, Unpad was chosen as the award recipient for its active commitment to building a cycling culture among the academic community, education staff and the general public. This choice is based on Unpad’s efforts to prepare several cycling support facilities on campus, such as providing bicycles on campus, shelters and parking lots, and signs and bicycle paths on the Jatinangor campus. Apart from that, there is the “Month of Nyapedah” program and the regular weekly program “Reboan Nyapedah on campus”.

I-Go promote bicycling at campus  and get an award from the City Government


2)Promoting sustainable commuting by Campus Bus

Unpad has a campus bus which aims to campaign for sustainable commuting among students. This student transportation is free, so that it can save on student transportation. By using this campus bus, there will be a reduction in motorized vehicles on the Unpad campus. To make it easy for students to track campus buses, there is a site that is used, namely


3) Transportation Initiatives to Decrease Private Vehicles on Campus

In order to reduce private vehicles on campus, Unpad has made several integrated efforts, such as through the following programs:

  1. Shuttle/bus campus inside campus

The use of on-campus transportation for both students and employees makes it easy to access each faculty and is available free of charge.


  1. Free to rent bicycle on campus

Bicycle rental service for use on campus for students and employees. This is also an effort to reduce vehicle emissions on campus and support the physical fitness of the academic community. In addition, in collaboration with Unpad Cycling community, Unpad is striving for improving the Bicycle program inside the campus with Program Reboan Nyapedah di Kampus.


  1. Free to rent e-bike on campus

This on-campus bicycle rental service provides a new experience for using e-bikes. This facility is also supported by an electric charging service.


  1. One way traffic

One way traffic system inside campus is designed to stimulate the students, faculty members, and staffs for functioning 3 main initiative programs, namely campus shuttles, Cycling in campus & pedestrian. This is due to farther distance for using the private vehicles than using 3 initiative programs above.


  1. Damri

Unpad collaborates with Perum Damri for transportation of Unpad students and employees. For student transportation, the Damri Bus is available every day from 06.00-17.00 with the Bandung-Jatinangor route, with the stop point in front of the campus. For the transportation of Unpad employees, every weekday there are 2 units of Damri buses that are used as shuttle Unpad employees with the Bandung-Jatinangor route. This is aimed to minimize the use of private vehicles of Unpad students and employees to the campus.

Transportation Initiatives to Decrease Private Vehicles on Campus


4)Bicylce facility at Unpad

The Unpad Faculty of Medicine provides good bicycle facilities at the Jatinangor Unpad Medical Faculty, totalling 14 bicycles and ten boseh bicycles on the Dipatiukur campus. Unpad academics and the general public can rent these bicycles by showing their KTP/KTM. The rental fee is 2,000/hour for Boseh bicycles and free for Faculty of Medicine bicycles.

Bicycle facility at Unpad

1)Management of Non Civil Servant Education Staff including remote working

Chancellor’s Regulation Number 27 of 2022 explains the management of non-civil servant educational staff. Article 36 explains that non-civil servant education workers can be allowed to work remotely/online to reduce the use of transportation/pollution.

Management of Non Civil Servant Education Staff including remote working


2)Hybrid learning at Unpad

To support remote working in teaching students, Padjadjaran University, through the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation, held an online “Hybrid Learning Workshop Series” on August 8 2022. This workshop was attended by lecturers and education staff within Unpad so that it could have a hybrid in the odd semester of the academic year 2022/2023. This workshop consists of three themes, namely the use of the LiVE Unpad Learning Management System (LMS) (primary and secondary levels), learning technology applications, and learning methods. This workshop aims to enable lecturers and education staff to organize hybrid learning with a target of at least 50% of lecturers in the Unpad environment understanding how to manage hybrid learning.

Hybrid learning at Unpad


3)Live Unpad Learning

In implementing online learning, Unpad developed the LiVE Unpad learning management system (LMS) to access various learning content. Students can use this facility to access multiple lecture materials anytime and anywhere.

Live Unpad


4)Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Unpad Luhung

Apart from LMS Live, Unpad launched a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) service platform entitled “Unpad Luhung” or “Learning and Upskilling Hub for Next Generations” at Bale Sawala Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor on December 2 2022. In a hybrid way, using technology and digital, Unpad consistently becomes a leading university in disseminating various new knowledge, practical knowledge and research results. This platform can be accessed not only by Unpad academics but also by students, the general public, practitioners and business people worldwide. Some of this knowledge can be accessed for free/unpaid.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Unpad Luhung

1)Assistance with housing financing

The Chancellor of Unpad encouraged PSDKU Pangandaran lecturers and education staff to actively contribute to improving Unpad’s reputation. Simultaneously with the capacity-building activities on December 7 2022, the Chancellor symbolically assisted with housing financing facilities for several PSDKU lecturers as Unpad’s commitment to developing PSDKU Pangadaran.

Assistance with housing financing


2)Buana Kassiti Housing for Employees

Padjadjaran University has collaborated with property company Buana Kassiti Group regarding developing a healthy residential area. The collaboration was realized through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, which was held at the Buana Housing Cicalengka Raya, Cicalengka, Bandung Regency,
This housing becomes one of the housing programs for Unpad employees, in collaboration with Buana Kassiti Group and the Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN).
In realizing the concept of healthy housing, several cooperation agendas will be carried out. The first is to develop an urban forest area in the housing complex of Buana Cicalengka Raya. The initiation of the urban forest development was marked by the symbolic planting of lame trees by the Chancellor, the West Java Deputy Governor, the Elected Regent of Bandung, the CEO of Buana Kassiti Group, and several banking leaders.

Buana Kassiti Housing for Employees


3)Assistance with UTC room usage rates for Padjadjaran University employees

There is a room utilization rate at the Unpad Training Center specifically for the Padjadjaran University academic community. Lecturers, education staff and students who use rooms at the Unpad Training Center get a 25% discount.

Assistance with UTC room usage rates for Padjadjaran University employees

1)Bale Wilasa 18, new Unpad Dormitory in 2022

In 2022, there will be a new dormitory for Unpad students, namely Bale Wilasa 18 dormitory. This dormitory was inaugurated by the Chancellor of Padjadjaran University and the Regent of Bandung on December 1 2022 as a grant from the Bandung Regency Government. The dormitory, which has two building blocks and two floors, can accommodate 30 students from Bandung Regency. With this dormitory, students do not need to go back and forth to their homes in Bandung Regency.

Bale Wilasa 18


2)Student dormitory at Unpad

Padjadjaran University has several dormitories intended for Unpad students. One of them is Padjadjaran 1 Dormitory which has 52 rooms with a capacity of 104 people. The hostel has several facilities, namely parking for motorbikes, a common room, wifi internet (hotspot area), 12 outside bathrooms, a prayer room, a place for drying and washing, and a laundry.

Unpad student dormitory


3) Selection of dormitory residents

Unpad is selecting prospective residents for the Padjadjaran University dormitories to occupy Bale Wilasa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12. The registration period will take place from 1-9 September 2022. The seven dormitories can still be occupied by 696 students.

Selection of dormitory resident information

Pedestrian on Unpad Campus

Pedestrian path areas have many functions, one of their functions is as a facility for pedestrians, as well as an open space for various activities including social activities and other activities. The application of the pedestrianization concept in the campus area is very important because the number of pedestrian flows in the campus area is quite high.

In order to support the existence of pedestrians inside the campus, Unpad makes a policy namely one lane road for vehicles, therefore the pedestrians can use a third of the lane for sidewalks. This policy gives affirmation to take a walk rather than using cars for economic reason. Furthermore, the using of sidewalks or pavements is able to increase social interaction among the pedestrians especially interfaculties students of Universitas Padjadjaran. In order to implement the SDGs especially in decreasing inequality, Unpad also has prepared access for disabilities by providing access for wheelchair users and the pavements are equipped with paving for blind persons. Therefore, disabilities are able to access the facilities in Unpad. 

Pedestrian on Unpad Campus 


2)Padjadjaran University has adequate pedestrian facilities

Padjadjaran University has adequate pedestrian facilities. There is a roof that can help pedestrians avoid exposure to sunlight. In below video, at minute (09.42) , we can see Unpad pedestrian.  

Padjadjaran University has adequate pedestrian facilities




1)Strengthening the “Buruan SAE” Program, Bandung City Government Collaborates with FPIK Unpad

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University, is collaborating with the Food Security and Agriculture Service in intensifying the “Hurry SAE” (Healthy, Natural and Economical) program in the Bandung City area. This program is an urban farming program which aims to overcome food inequality problems by utilizing yards or land with gardening to meet the food needs of one’s own family. Intensification cooperation can be developed through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program, where FPIK Unpad students can accompany each SAE Buruan location.

Strengthening the “Buruan SAE” Program, Bandung City Government Collaborates with FPIK Unpad


2)Injabar Unpad Facilitates the Birth of the Declaration on Strengthening the Mango Gedong Gincu Sumedang Business Ecosystem

Padjadjaran University through the West Java Development Institute (Injabar) is collaborating with the Sumedang Regency Government, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Cooperatives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate export opportunities for gedong gincu mangoes and other West Java tropical fruit. This is proven by the facilitation of market channeling on December 27 2022.

Strengthening the Mango Gedong Gincu Sumedang


3)Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry is Ready to Encourage Sumedang to Become a West Java Quail Breeding Center

Padjadjaran University, located in Jatinangor, Sumedang, has collaborated with the district government several times. One of them is the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, which, together with the Quail Breeders Association, has initiated the development of quail cultivation. Unpad developed quail due to research conducted by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry under the name “Padjadjaran Quail”, with various advantages compared to general varieties.

Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry is Ready to Encourage Sumedang to Become a West Java Quail Breeding Center


4)West Java Provincial Government Supports collaboration with Padjadjaran University in the Construction of the Unpad State University Hospital

Universitas Padjadjaran is collaborating with the West Java Provincial Government in the construction of the Padjadjaran University State University Hospital (RSPTN) on the Jatinangor Campus. In this hospital, there are superior centers for Trauma Center, Stunting Center and Infectious Center whose existence plays an important role, especially in the problem of stunting in West Java. This is because West Java itself is classified as having a high stunting rate.

West Java Provincial Government Supports collaboration with Padjadjaran University in the Construction of the Unpad State University Hospital

1)Green Building regulation

Unpad has a Rector Regulation Number 13 of 2022 Concerning Green Buildings. Based on the explanation, Green Buildings are buildings that meet building requirements and have significantly measurable performance in saving energy, water, and other resources by applying green building principles following functions and classifications in each stage of its implementation. Green building principles include reducing the use of resources in the form of land, materials, water, and natural resources.

Green building standard 


2)Smart building implementation at Unpad

Unpad has implemented an internet of Things (IoT) system for energy monitoring, AC monitoring, and environmental monitoring. The application of IoT to environmental monitoring consists of monitoring water levels, air quality, the amount of carbon dioxide and gases in the form of smoke, carbon monoxide in closed spaces, water quality, pollution, and so on.

Smart building implementation

1)Marine station building that previously was brown site

Padjadjaran University receives grants from the District Government of Pangandaran. The land and buildings, with an area of approximately 0.5 hectares, will be used to develop the “Marine Station” managed by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Unpad. Unpaid’s “Marine Station” will have several activities, including monitoring marine resources by utilizing nuclear power in collaboration with the National Nuclear Energy Agency, a centre for the introduction of various fisheries and marine technologies to coastal communities, practicum and research centres in the field of fishing and marine.

Marine station in Pangandaran


2)Unpad collaboration about former mine as a tourist destination

Padjadjaran University collaborates with the Sawahlunto City Government. The collaboration was realized by signing a Memorandum of Understanding, which was carried out at Bale Sawala, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor. The partnership is focused on boosting the assets and history of the former coal mine into a tourism destination. Apart from that, by collaborating with the Faculty of Geology, it is hoped that the Geopark potential in Sawahlunto can become an economic lever so people can live prosperously.

Unpad collaboration about former mine as a tourist destination