Padjadjaran University considers that the quality of education is the main factor in solving the problem of inequality, especially the gap between generations. Apart from improving the quality of life, access to education also provides provisions for people to become people with solutions and innovation to problems.

Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification

Number of graduates
Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level
Number of graduates
Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level

This is the total headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution

This is the headcount number of graduates at all levels from your institution who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level

Lifelong learning measures

Padjadjaran University participates in providing educational resources for people who cannot receive education at the University. Access to learning can be obtained free of charge by anyone.



1. Massive Open Online Course for Everyone


Padjadjaran University has a massive open online course (MOOC) service platform entitled “Unpad Luhung” or “Learning and Upskilling Hub for Next Generations”. This platform was launched on December 2 2022, by the Chancellor of Unpad and Chair of the Unpad Academic Senate. This platform can be accessed not only by Unpad academics but also by students, the general public, practitioners and business people worldwide. This platform is not just part of the degree learning process but a certified non-degree course module. Link if you want to try access

(Massive Open Online Course for Everyone)


2. The Learning Center is Accessible to the General Public


The public can access the Unpad Library as a learning centre. The library is open every Monday-Friday from 8 a.m-3.30 p.m

(The Learning Center is Accessible to the General Public)


3. Lifelong Learning for the General Public


Unpad e-Learning was founded to bridge the distance, time and various conditions that can hinder learning activities. Not only that, e-learning is also here to optimize the use of technology to maximize learning outcomes. E-Learning has multiple services to maximise teaching and learning activities, including Training Services, which can be done in-house, in-service or public training.

(Lifelong Learning for the General Public)


Support Hybrid Learning

Padjadjaran University holds educational events that the general public can access.



1. Access Information Directly for Free


Unpad enlivened the 2022 De Britto education exhibition held by SMA Kolese De Britto, Yogyakarta, on 15-16 October with the theme “Discover Your Potential, Hold Your Future”. Apart from providing information through the information booth, Unpad also had the opportunity to make presentations and ask questions directly to the students.

(Access Information Directly for Free)


2. Free Trial Class Activities


Unpad holds the Padjadjaran Education Festival every year, including in 2022. This activity aims to introduce the Unpad campus to vocational/high school students of the same level. On this occasion, students as participants had the opportunity to participate in trial class activities and main events. A trial class is a simulation of learning activities in class, both offline and online. Meanwhile, at the main event, there were two capacity-building material sessions, namely Session 1: Gain Your Insight with Padjadjaran University Students and Session 2: The Pivotal Rule of Padjadjaran University in our career journey.

(Free Trial Class Activities)


3. Career Management for Students and the General Public


CDC Unpad held a “Company presentation and introduction to career management” on December 15 2022. This activity aims to provide opportunities for students and the general public to get better career opportunities.

(Career Management for Students and the General Public)


Parenting Study “Growing the Strength of Islamic Faith from an Early Age”

Open House International Undergraduate Program of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Educational programs, such as short courses for people who do not receive special education or vocational training, are free and easy to access.



1. Vocational Digital Marketing for the Disabled Community


This training was attended by 75 people with disabilities, predominantly people with disabilities. The training was also attended by representatives of Unpad lecturers who were observers of friends with disabilities, Dr Herlina Agustin, M. This training aims to create a standard of life for people with disabilities that is of higher quality, fairer, physically and mentally prosperous, as well as independent and dignified. In encouraging equality, various training activities are needed to prepare practical skills for people with disabilities so that they can develop an entrepreneurial spirit. Apart from that, this training is also expected to build an inclusive society so that people with disabilities can reach various sectors of society.

(Vocational Digital Marketing for the Disabled Community)


2. Training for Teachers and Students in the Surrounding Area


Located at the Animal Products Technology Laboratory, Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry campus, teachers and students of the Tamaddun Adab Selaras Fitrah Islamic Boarding School received training in making yoghurt. By having these skills, teachers and students can independently make yoghurt, either for their consumption or marketed in the community.

(Training for Teachers and Students in the Surrounding Area)


3. Course Program with Open Online Course System


On 12-18 September 2022, there will be international summer program activities held by FPIK Unpad. The action theme is “The global strategy of blue economy: Challenge, potential, and development. There are several material topics, such as fisheries, coastal and marine tourism, and remote sensing for coastal forest conservation. This summer program activity is open to domestic and international students. Apart from that, this course method uses a massive available online course (MOOC) and Zoom system.

(Course Program with Open Online Course System)

We are implementing programs to educate the wider community who find it difficult to access learning.



1. Digital Literacy Education in Many Schools


Padjadjaran University launched the Integrative Community Service Program for the 2021/2022 Academic Even Semester on Monday, July 4 2022. Two thousand nine hundred fifty-one participants with 200 field supervisors attended this Community Service Program. This Community Service Program activity will be held July 4 – August 4 2022. One form of Community Service Program is an Integrative Community Service Program with digital literacy. This Community Service Program will be implemented in 10 cities/regencies in West Java, namely Tasikmalaya Regency, Garut, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Cirebon Regency, Indramayu, Majalengka, Ciamis Regency, Pangandaran, Karawang, Subang, Sukabumi, and Sumedang.

(Digital Literacy Education in Many Schools)


2. Education and Outreach to School Children


Padjadjaran University, through the Unpad Integrative Community Service Program, conducted outreach to SDN Parakamuncang II. Socialization participants are classes 4, 5, and 6 elementary school. Participants were divided into several subgroups, namely earthquake and landslide disaster resilience. Subgroup 2: ethics and Bullying, sub-three introduction to Basic Emotions, subgroup 4: Waste-free Lifestyle

(Education and Outreach to School Children)


3. Social Action for Implementing Healthy Living in Society


The Padjadjaran University OKK team conducts social actions to implement healthy societal lifestyles. Waste sorting and landfilling were conveyed in this action; the current impact is environmental pollution, which is detrimental to society and other living creatures. Apart from that, piling up waste also causes disasters such as floods, landslides and a decline in the quality of the environment.

(Social Action for Implementing Healthy Living in Society)

Padjadjaran University supports this by making a policy that access to positive activities on campus can be accessed by everyone regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, status or gender.



1. Policies that Care for Disabilities


To realize equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities to live a prosperous, independent and non-discriminatory life in the education and learning process at Padjadjaran University, a Chancellor’s Regulation is needed that can guarantee its implementation.

(Policies that Care for Disabilities)


2. General Access Mobile-Based Laboratory Services Portal


Padjadjaran University developed a mobile application that makes it easier for academics and researchers to access laboratory services at the Central Laboratory. The application entitled “Polar” (Mobile Based Laboratory Services Portal) can be downloaded for free on the Google Play application. So far, the existence of the Central Lab on the Padjadjaran University campus has been a representative reference for conducting research and testing, especially in the field of herbal science. Various services can be utilized by academics and researchers from outside Unpad. The Polar application was developed to present information about the Unpad Central Lab. In this application, both of them give various information, starting from laboratory facilities, equipment, as well as chemicals or biological materials in the Central Lab.

(General Access Mobile Based Laboratory Services Portal)


3. Open Access to Data at the Central Statistics Agency at Statistics Corner


The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) plans to establish a Statistics Corner on the Padjadjaran University campus. The corner, intended to be found in the Central Library building on the Jatinangor campus, will become a data presentation space for the Unpad academic community. Through this corner, students and lecturers can access various data held by BPS, which is directly integrated with the BPS statistical service system. There are differences with data access from the BPS page.

(Open Access to Data at the Central Statistics Agency at Statistics Corner)


Hybrid Learning

Access to Learning for Persons with Disabilities

Proportion of first-generation students

Number of students starting degree
Number of 1st generation students starting degree

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students starting a degree at the university.

This is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) number of students starting a degree at the university who are first generation students. A first-generation student is one who reports they are the first person in their immediate family to attend university at any level (note - the individual may have studied at another university previously)

Number of students starting a degree
Number of first-generation students starting a degree