Many supporting factors for survival, one of which is energy. Energy is at the core of every activity we do. Without energy, there are no moving humans, running machines, growing plants and so on.


We must develop energy sustainability so that it has a long-term impact. We must use energy and use it sparingly because if it is used excessively it will have an effect on global warming.

University measures towards affordable and clean energy


1. Energy Efficiency with Solar Panels


The Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, conducts community service activities in Leles Village. This service activity aims to provide insight and practical knowledge regarding using new, renewable energy from solar power. This lamp is integrated using a light sensor and an ultrasonic sensor. The light sensor means the lights can turn on and off automatically. Meanwhile, the ultrasonic sensor means the lights can be operated easily using the remote and can adjust the intensity automatically.

(Energy Efficiency with Solar Panels)


2. Energy Conservation Development


That is to ensure the sustainability of and to utilize

natural resources efficiently, it is deemed necessary to use energy sources wisely, efficiently, and effectively to balance development, equity, and preservation of the environment. That energy sources have a critical role in realizing sustainable national development;

(Energy Conservation Development)


3. Policy Concerning Green Buildings


That the commitment to reducing carbon emissions is a manifestation of a safe, comfortable, and orderly campus environment, carrying out work security and safety, and conserving water and energy; that to support the dynamics of the development of campus life in a conducive academic climate to form new patterns of behaviour for dynamic, global, and sustainable campus


(Policy Concerning Green Buildings)


Elements of Green Building Implementation as Reflected in All Construction and Renovation Policies


1. Smart Watering in Hydroponic Areas


Developing an environmentally friendly hydroponic system through smart watering innovation. For information, smart watering is a smart hydroponic device that uses the principle of a self-watering system without electrical energy. It is known that the use of smart watering can increase efficiency in the use of water and nutrients while reducing high electricity use.

(Smart Watering in Hydroponic Areas)


2. Energy Saving Buildings


Padjadjaran University cares about energy and climate change. Therefore, efforts are made to save energy, such as Natural Ventilation Systems, natural lighting, shifting to use LED lamps and others.

(Energy Saving Buildings)


3. Solar Panels for Lighting


Efforts made to save energy are to create electricity sources from sunlight, such as using solar panels. Padjadjaran University uses solar panels as a source of lighting.

(Solar Panels for Lighting)


1. Free Bus Transportation on Campus to Reduce Carbon


As an effort to reduce carbon dioxide, Unpad limits motorized vehicles and supports mass transportation on campus by providing campus buses

(Free Bus Transportation on Campus to Reduce Carbon)


2. Energy Independence Efforts


The Padjadjaran University Biomass and Biorefinery Research Collaboration Center (PKR) held a collaboration seminar with the theme “Rise stronger by collaborating to realize food and energy independence”. This event was held on Wednesday 14 September 2022, which coincided with the 17th Anniversary of the Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology and Lustrum XIII Unpad. According to the Dean of FTIP Unpad, Dr. Sarifah Nurjanah, M.Sc. App, in the energy sector we are challenged to choose the right raw materials, especially biomass which is considered very appropriate because it is in contact with food raw materials and other challenges.

(Energy Independence Efforts)


3. Efforts to Follow Up on Biomass and Biorefineries


The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in a focus group discussion (FGD) encouraged PKR Biomass and Biorefinery at Padjadjaran University to continue to develop and embrace more domestic and foreign researchers and partners. PKR Biomass and Biorefinery are platforms developed by Unpad regarding the mastery of key biomass processing technologies with the biorefinery concept to make it more useful, both in the fields of food, health, energy and biomaterials.

(Efforts to Follow Up on Biomass and Biorefineries)


Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program


1. Solar Energy Supports the Era of Electric Vehicles


Solar energy can be an alternative solution to support the era of electric vehicles in Indonesia. This energy can be used to provide electricity at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU). Solar energy is a renewable energy alternative to support the provision of electric vehicle battery charging locations. Solar energy is converted into electrical energy directly through solar panels so that it can provide more environmentally friendly electricity.

(Unpad Expert: Solar Energy Supports the Era of Electric Vehicles)


2. Smart Building System Plan & Implementation


For the smart building system Universitas Padjadjaran has implemented an Internet of Things (IoT) system. In general, the Internet of Things is a concept in which certain objects have the ability to transfer data over a network without human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT itself includes energy monitoring, A/C monitoring, and Environmental monitoring. IoT implementation will be pursued in stages in all campus buildings.

(Smart Building System Plan & Implementation)


3. Innovative Programs in Energy and Climate Change


Padjadjaran University innovates programs that support energy savings and climate change

(Innovative Programs in Energy and Climate Change)


1. Electricity Usage per Year (in Kilowatt hour)


Padjadjaran University identified how much electrical energy will be used during 2022. Based on the identification results, it is known that the total electricity usage of UNPAD until August is 2,699,152 kWh.

(Electricity Usage per Year (in Kilowatt hour))


2. Provide The Total Carbon Footprint


Padjadjaran University provides the Total Carbon Footprint (CO2 emissions in the last 12 months, in metric tons) to find out how much energy wastage has been produced.

(Provide The Total Carbon Footprint)


1. Security and Safety Facilities


Security and safety facilities at Padjadjaran University include CCTV, a Portal, and a Security room. We have 488 pieces of indoor and outdoor CCTV. For firefighters, we have fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, and sprinklers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we set up an ambulance and replaced the elevator button with sensors. To overcome the problem of optimizing electricity use at the University Padjadjaran, we developed IoT (Internet of Things) systems, from measuring AC devices to electrical substations. We have also planned an environment monitoring to monitor the environment using sensors that help monitor water indicators and determine the maintenance process of septic tanks in an area.

(Security and Safety Facilities)


2. Investment Divestment Action in Coal


Indonesian coal still has the potential to be relied upon as an economic driver. However, coal processing requires innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions following the Paris Agreement regulations. The government has encouraged downstream coal through gasification, coke making, underground coal gasification (UGC), liquefaction, quality improvement, briquette making, and even coal slurry/coal water mixture. It is necessary to think about other downstream development possibilities. One thing that could be considered is using coal as an anode material for Lithium (LiB) or Natrium (NiB) batteries for domestic battery production. Lithium batteries are currently popularly used as a power source for mobile devices, such as cell phones, laptops and other devices. This battery has excellent energy storage stability contains energy.

(Downstream Coal Can Become Anode Material for Lithium Batteries)


3. Rector Regulation Concerning Green Buildings


Green Buildings are buildings that meet building requirements and have significantly measurable performance in saving energy, water, and other resources by applying green building principles following functions and classifications in each stage of its implementation.

(Rector Regulation Concerning Green Buildings)

Energy usage per sqm

Total energy used
University floor space

Total energy used in Gigajoule (GJ)

Floor space of the university buildings in square metre (m2)

Total energy used
University floor space

Energy and the community


1. Education and Installation of Solar Panels


The Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, provided training on new and renewable energy in Leles Village, Leles District, Garut Regency on May 12 2022. Apart from that, there was an activity to install Main Street Lighting (PJU) lights.

(Education and Installation of Solar Panels)


2. Campaign by the Student Energy Community


Student Energy Unpad held a mini energy bootcamp with three meetings, namely on 11, 18 and 25 September 2022. This activity was conducted online with resource persons who provided material and mentoring for the participants.

(Campaign by the Student Energy Community)


3. Student Festival about Energy


Unpad Student Energy actively carries out sustainable energy campaigns. One of them is at the student festival event on August 23 2022

(Student Festival about Energy)


1. Environmentally Friendly Technology


“Rancabawang Hamlet Innovation House Based on Environmentally Friendly Technology as a Place for Research and Development of Science and Technology as well as Efforts to Anticipate Increased Global Warming.” It is hoped that it can become a space for community discussion and be able to produce innovations that are directed, conceptualized and able to be realized.

(Environmentally Friendly Technology)


2. Implementing “Smart and Green Dentistry”


The smart dentistry concept is implemented through the use of various cutting-edge materials and technologies in the field of dentistry. Some of the applications are: accurate virtual replication technology of oral cavity tissue using three-dimensional scanning (digital impression), digital technology in prosthodontics, mandibular reconstruction using computer surgery, reconstruction of facial defects using CAD, and the use of environmentally friendly active materials. The green dentistry concept uses a high-tech approach to reduce the environmental impact of dental activities, such as dental clinic waste management; technology that offers early diagnosis, preventive therapy, and education to serve healthy lifestyle needs; use of recyclable materials; to exploring medicinal plants for dental health.

(Implementing “Smart and Green Dentistry”)


3. Energy Sources in Campus


Padjadjaran University provides energy sources that come from campus. Some facilities use 100% renewable equipment such as solar panels, electric bicycles provided by the campus, and others.

(Energy Sources in Campus)


1. Cooperation in Battery Industry Development


The National Battery Research Institute (NBRI) signed a memorandum of understanding with Padjadjaran University regarding education, research and community service. This activity was held on January 25 2022 in the Executive Lounge of the Unpad Rectorate Building. The battery industry involves many scientific disciplines such as mining, metallurgy, physics and mechanical engineering. However, in business development, management and marketing, Unpad can be involved so that it can find out the value of its investment.

(Cooperation in Battery Industry Development)


2. Realizing Zero Emissions

PT Bukit Asam, Tbk is collaborating with Padjadjaran University in relation to social development and the development of derivative products from coal to realize Indonesia Zero Emission by 2060. In the field of derivative product development, Bukit Asam is targeting the development of quantum dots, or semiconductor particles developed from coal material. This research was carried out together with the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Institutions (PUI PT) Unpad Functional Nanopowder.

(Realizing Zero Emissions)


3. Developing Decarbonization Technology


PT. Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) is exploring collaboration with Padjadjaran University (Unpad) and the Bandung Institute of Technology. One of the innovations being pushed by PTBA to support reducing global emissions is the development of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). Together with Unpad, PTBA is specifically developing research for the utilization of coal into quantum dots. This is useful for today’s industry which relies heavily on semiconductor materials along with advances in technology

(Developing Decarbonization Technology)


1. New and Renewable Energy Law Review


The Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University held a Seminar “Study of the draft law on new energy and renewable energy”. which will be held on Monday 20 June 2022 by presenting a keynote speech, namely Dr. IR Setiawan Wangsaatmadja. Resource persons Imam Mulyana S.H, M.H., Ph.D and Dr. Widodo S.H., M.H.

(New and Renewable Energy Law Review)


2. Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station Study


Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ayi Bahtiar, M.Si provided an explanation of the study of solar energy which could be an alternative solution to support the era of electric vehicles in Indonesia. This energy can be used to provide electricity at public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU).

(Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station Study)


3. Rector Regulation about Eco Friendly


Support government regulations regarding Revocation of
Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Minerals
Resources Regarding Activities in the New, Renewable
Energy, and Energy Conservation Sector.

(Rector Regulation about Eco Friendly


1. Support for Unpad Startup Innovation in The Energy Sector


Pertamuda is a business competition for young Indonesian entrepreneurs in the field of energy and sustainable economics. Through Oorange Unpad, a TEAM from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry with the Global Indoplant Digital (GID) proposal succeeded in entering the top 10 of Pertamuda Seed and Scale 2022

(Unpad Support for Unpad Startup Innovation in The Energy Sector)


2. Innovation in the Renewable Energy Sector


Padjadjaran University alumni were supported by Unpad in an innovation exhibition, namely a solar stove called Mag Fire. Mag Fire’s innovative work in the field of renewable energy has successfully entered the Bootcamp 3 round at the Shell Live Wire 2022 competition.

(UNPAD Alumni’s Innovation in the Renewable Energy Sector Wins the 2022 Shell Live Wire Social Media Competition)


3. Blue Tech Accelerator Program


Unpad startup, namely Jack Don’t Swim, is one of the participants in the 2022 blue tech accelerator program which will be held virtually on April 23-May 21.

(Blue Tech Accelerator Program)


Number of Innovative Program(s) in Energy and Climate Change

Universitas Padjadjaran Board of Trustees